#ifndef OPENMW_RTT_H
#define OPENMW_RTT_H

#include <osg/Node>

#include <map>
#include <memory>

namespace osg
    class Texture2D;
    class Texture2DArray;

namespace osgUtil
    class CullVisitor;

namespace SceneUtil
    /// @brief Implements per-view RTT operations.
    /// @par With a naive RTT implementation, subsequent views of multiple views will overwrite the results of the
    /// previous views, leading to
    ///     the results of the last view being broadcast to all views. An error in all cases where the RTT result
    ///     depends on the view.
    /// @par If using an RTTNode this is solved by mapping RTT operations to CullVisitors, which will be unique per
    /// view. This requires
    ///     instancing one camera per view, and traversing only the camera mapped to that CV during cull traversals.
    /// @par Camera settings should be effectuated by overriding the setDefaults() and apply() methods, following a
    /// pattern similar to SceneUtil::StateSetUpdater
    /// @par When using the RTT texture in your statesets, it is recommended to use SceneUtil::StateSetUpdater as a cull
    /// callback to handle this as the appropriate
    ///     textures can be retrieved during SceneUtil::StateSetUpdater::Apply()
    /// @par For any of COLOR_BUFFER or PACKED_DEPTH_STENCIL_BUFFER not added during setDefaults(), RTTNode will attach
    /// a default buffer. The default color buffer has an internal format of GL_RGB.
    ///     The default depth buffer has internal format GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, source format GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, and
    ///     source type GL_UNSIGNED_INT. Default wrap is CLAMP_TO_EDGE and filter LINEAR.
    class RTTNode : public osg::Node
        enum class StereoAwareness
            Unaware, //! RTT does not vary by view. A single RTT context is created
            Aware, //! RTT varies by view. One RTT context per view is created. Textures are automatically created as
                   //! arrays if multiview is enabled.
            Unaware_MultiViewShaders, //! RTT does not vary by view, but renders with multiview shaders and needs to
                                      //! create texture arrays if multiview is enabled.

        RTTNode(uint32_t textureWidth, uint32_t textureHeight, uint32_t samples, bool generateMipmaps,
            int renderOrderNum, StereoAwareness stereoAwareness);

        osg::Texture* getColorTexture(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv);

        osg::Texture* getDepthTexture(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv);

        osg::Camera* getCamera(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv);

        /// Set default settings - optionally override in derived classes
        virtual void setDefaults(osg::Camera* camera) {}

        /// Apply state - to override in derived classes
        /// @note Due to the view mapping approach you *have* to apply all camera settings, even if they have not
        /// changed since the last frame.
        virtual void apply(osg::Camera* camera) {}

        /// Apply any state specific to the Left view. Default implementation does nothing. Called after apply()
        virtual void applyLeft(osg::Camera* camera) {}
        /// Apply any state specific to the Right view. Default implementation does nothing. Called after apply()
        virtual void applyRight(osg::Camera* camera) {}

        void cull(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv);

        uint32_t width() const { return mTextureWidth; }
        uint32_t height() const { return mTextureHeight; }
        uint32_t samples() const { return mSamples; }
        bool generatesMipmaps() const { return mGenerateMipmaps; }

        void setColorBufferInternalFormat(GLint internalFormat);
        void setDepthBufferInternalFormat(GLint internalFormat);

        bool shouldDoPerViewMapping();
        bool shouldDoTextureArray();
        bool shouldDoTextureView();
        osg::Texture2DArray* createTextureArray(GLint internalFormat);
        osg::Texture2D* createTexture(GLint internalFormat);

        friend class CreateTextureViewsCallback;
        struct ViewDependentData
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> mCamera;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> mColorTexture;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> mDepthTexture;
            unsigned int mFrameNumber = 0;

        ViewDependentData* getViewDependentData(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv);

        typedef std::map<osgUtil::CullVisitor*, std::shared_ptr<ViewDependentData>> ViewDependentDataMap;
        ViewDependentDataMap mViewDependentDataMap;
        uint32_t mTextureWidth;
        uint32_t mTextureHeight;
        uint32_t mSamples;
        bool mGenerateMipmaps;
        GLint mColorBufferInternalFormat;
        GLint mDepthBufferInternalFormat;
        int mRenderOrderNum;
        StereoAwareness mStereoAwareness;