  OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
  Copyright (C) 2008-2010  Nicolay Korslund
  Email: < korslund@gmail.com >
  WWW: https://openmw.org/

  This file (property.h) is part of the OpenMW package.

  OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  version 3 along with this program. If not, see
  https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .



#include "base.hpp"

namespace Nif

struct Property : public Named { };

struct NiTexturingProperty : public Property
    unsigned short flags{0u};

    // A sub-texture
    struct Texture
        /* Clamp mode
        0 - clampS clampT
        1 - clampS wrapT
        2 - wrapS clampT
        3 - wrapS wrapT

        bool inUse;
        NiSourceTexturePtr texture;

        unsigned int clamp, uvSet;

        void read(NIFStream *nif);
        void post(NIFFile *nif);

        bool wrapT() const { return clamp & 1; }
        bool wrapS() const { return (clamp >> 1) & 1; }

    /* Apply mode:
        0 - replace
        1 - decal
        2 - modulate
        3 - hilight  // These two are for PS2 only?
        4 - hilight2
    unsigned int apply{0};

     * The textures in this list are as follows:
     * 0 - Base texture
     * 1 - Dark texture
     * 2 - Detail texture
     * 3 - Gloss texture
     * 4 - Glow texture
     * 5 - Bump map texture
     * 6 - Decal texture
    enum TextureType
        BaseTexture = 0,
        DarkTexture = 1,
        DetailTexture = 2,
        GlossTexture = 3,
        GlowTexture = 4,
        BumpTexture = 5,
        DecalTexture = 6,

    std::vector<Texture> textures;
    std::vector<Texture> shaderTextures;

    osg::Vec2f envMapLumaBias;
    osg::Vec4f bumpMapMatrix;

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;
    void post(NIFFile *nif) override;

struct NiFogProperty : public Property
    unsigned short mFlags;
    float mFogDepth;
    osg::Vec3f mColour;

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;

// These contain no other data than the 'flags' field
struct NiShadeProperty : public Property
    unsigned short flags{0u};
    void read(NIFStream *nif) override
        if (nif->getBethVersion() <= NIFFile::BethVersion::BETHVER_FO3)
            flags = nif->getUShort();

enum class BSShaderType : unsigned int
    ShaderType_TallGrass = 0,
    ShaderType_Default = 1,
    ShaderType_Sky = 10,
    ShaderType_Skin = 14,
    ShaderType_Water = 17,
    ShaderType_Lighting30 = 29,
    ShaderType_Tile = 32,
    ShaderType_NoLighting = 33

struct BSShaderProperty : public NiShadeProperty
    unsigned int type{0u}, flags1{0u}, flags2{0u};
    float envMapIntensity{0.f};
    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;

struct BSShaderLightingProperty : public BSShaderProperty
    unsigned int clamp{0u};
    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;

    bool wrapT() const { return clamp & 1; }
    bool wrapS() const { return (clamp >> 1) & 1; }

struct BSShaderPPLightingProperty : public BSShaderLightingProperty
    BSShaderTextureSetPtr textureSet;
    struct RefractionSettings
        float strength{0.f};
        int period{0};
    struct ParallaxSettings
        float passes{0.f};
        float scale{0.f};
    RefractionSettings refraction;
    ParallaxSettings parallax;

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;
    void post(NIFFile *nif) override;

struct BSShaderNoLightingProperty : public BSShaderLightingProperty
    std::string filename;
    osg::Vec4f falloffParams;

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;

enum class BSLightingShaderType : unsigned int
    ShaderType_Default = 0,
    ShaderType_EnvMap = 1,
    ShaderType_Glow = 2,
    ShaderType_Parallax = 3,
    ShaderType_FaceTint = 4,
    ShaderType_SkinTint = 5,
    ShaderType_HairTint = 6,
    ShaderType_ParallaxOcc = 7,
    ShaderType_MultitexLand = 8,
    ShaderType_LODLand = 9,
    ShaderType_Snow = 10,
    ShaderType_MultiLayerParallax = 11,
    ShaderType_TreeAnim = 12,
    ShaderType_LODObjects = 13,
    ShaderType_SparkleSnow = 14,
    ShaderType_LODObjectsHD = 15,
    ShaderType_EyeEnvmap = 16,
    ShaderType_Cloud = 17,
    ShaderType_LODNoise = 18,
    ShaderType_MultitexLandLODBlend = 19,
    ShaderType_Dismemberment = 20

struct BSLightingShaderProperty : public BSShaderProperty
    BSShaderTextureSetPtr mTextureSet;
    unsigned int mClamp{0u};
    float mAlpha;
    float mGlossiness;
    osg::Vec3f mEmissive, mSpecular;
    float mEmissiveMult, mSpecStrength;

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override;
    void post(NIFFile *nif) override;

struct NiDitherProperty : public Property
    unsigned short flags;
    void read(NIFStream* nif) override
        flags = nif->getUShort();

struct NiZBufferProperty : public Property
    unsigned short flags;
    unsigned int testFunction;
    void read(NIFStream *nif) override
        flags = nif->getUShort();
        testFunction = (flags >> 2) & 0x7;
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(4,1,0,12) && nif->getVersion() <= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_OB)
            testFunction = nif->getUInt();

    bool depthTest() const { return flags & 1; }

    bool depthWrite() const { return (flags >> 1) & 1; }

struct NiSpecularProperty : public Property
    unsigned short flags;
    void read(NIFStream* nif) override
        flags = nif->getUShort();

    bool isEnabled() const { return flags & 1; }

struct NiWireframeProperty : public Property
    unsigned short flags;
    void read(NIFStream* nif) override
        flags = nif->getUShort();

    bool isEnabled() const { return flags & 1; }

// The rest are all struct-based
template <typename T>
struct StructPropT : Property
    T data;
    unsigned short flags;

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override
        flags = nif->getUShort();

struct S_MaterialProperty
    // The vector components are R,G,B
    osg::Vec3f ambient{1.f,1.f,1.f}, diffuse{1.f,1.f,1.f};
    osg::Vec3f specular, emissive;
    float glossiness{0.f}, alpha{0.f}, emissiveMult{1.f};

    void read(NIFStream *nif);

struct S_VertexColorProperty
    /* Vertex mode:
        0 - source ignore
        1 - source emmisive
        2 - source amb diff

        Lighting mode
        0 - lighting emmisive
        1 - lighting emmisive ambient/diffuse
    int vertmode, lightmode;

    void read(NIFStream *nif);

struct S_AlphaProperty
        NiAlphaProperty blend modes (glBlendFunc):
        0000 GL_ONE
        0001 GL_ZERO
        0010 GL_SRC_COLOR
        0100 GL_DST_COLOR
        0110 GL_SRC_ALPHA
        1000 GL_DST_ALPHA

        test modes (glAlphaFunc):
        000 GL_ALWAYS
        001 GL_LESS
        010 GL_EQUAL
        011 GL_LEQUAL
        100 GL_GREATER
        101 GL_NOTEQUAL
        110 GL_GEQUAL
        111 GL_NEVER

        Taken from:

    // Tested against when certain flags are set (see above.)
    unsigned char threshold;

    void read(NIFStream *nif);

    Docs taken from:
struct S_StencilProperty
    // Is stencil test enabled?
    unsigned char enabled;

        0   TEST_NEVER
        1   TEST_LESS
        2   TEST_EQUAL
        3   TEST_LESS_EQUAL
        4   TEST_GREATER
        5   TEST_NOT_EQUAL
        7   TEST_NEVER (though nifskope comment says TEST_ALWAYS, but ingame it is TEST_NEVER)
    int compareFunc;
    unsigned stencilRef;
    unsigned stencilMask;
        Stencil test fail action, depth test fail action and depth test pass action:
        0   ACTION_KEEP
        1   ACTION_ZERO
        2   ACTION_REPLACE
        5   ACTION_INVERT
    int failAction;
    int zFailAction;
    int zPassAction;
        Face draw mode:
        0   DRAW_CCW_OR_BOTH
        1   DRAW_CCW        [default]
        2   DRAW_CW
        3   DRAW_BOTH
    int drawMode;

    void read(NIFStream *nif);

struct NiAlphaProperty : public StructPropT<S_AlphaProperty>
    bool useAlphaBlending() const { return flags & 1; }
    int sourceBlendMode() const { return (flags >> 1) & 0xF; }
    int destinationBlendMode() const { return (flags >> 5) & 0xF; }
    bool noSorter() const { return (flags >> 13) & 1; }

    bool useAlphaTesting() const { return (flags >> 9) & 1; }
    int alphaTestMode() const { return (flags >> 10) & 0x7; }

struct NiVertexColorProperty : public StructPropT<S_VertexColorProperty> { };
struct NiStencilProperty : public Property
    S_StencilProperty data;
    unsigned short flags{0u};

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override
        if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_OB_OLD)
            flags = nif->getUShort();

struct NiMaterialProperty : public Property
    S_MaterialProperty data;
    unsigned short flags{0u};

    void read(NIFStream *nif) override
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(3,0,0,0)
         && nif->getVersion() <= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_OB_OLD)
            flags = nif->getUShort();

} // Namespace