MainWindow 0 0 750 635 750 635 OpenMW Launcher :/images/openmw.png:/images/openmw.png Qt::Horizontal OpenMW version Qt::Horizontal 40 20 QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Help|QDialogButtonBox::Ok toolBar Qt::LeftToRight QToolBar { border: 0px; } QToolButton { min-width: 70px; } false 48 48 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon false TopToolBarArea false true :/images/openmw-plugin.png:/images/openmw-plugin.png Data Files Allows to setup data files and directories true :/images/preferences-video.png:/images/preferences-video.png Display Allows to change display settings true :/images/preferences.png:/images/preferences.png Settings Allows to tweak engine settings true :/images/preferences-advanced.png:/images/preferences-advanced.png Import Allows to import data from original engine