#include "particle.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class FindFirstGeometry : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: FindFirstGeometry() : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) , mGeometry(nullptr) { } void apply(osg::Node& node) override { if (mGeometry) return; traverse(node); } void apply(osg::Drawable& drawable) override { if (auto morph = dynamic_cast(&drawable)) { mGeometry = morph->getSourceGeometry(); return; } else if (auto rig = dynamic_cast(&drawable)) { mGeometry = rig->getSourceGeometry(); return; } traverse(drawable); } void apply(osg::Geometry& geometry) override { mGeometry = &geometry; } osg::Geometry* mGeometry; }; class LocalToWorldAccumulator : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: LocalToWorldAccumulator(osg::Matrix& matrix) : osg::NodeVisitor() , mMatrix(matrix) { } virtual void apply(osg::Transform& transform) { if (&transform != mLastAppliedTransform) { mLastAppliedTransform = &transform; mLastMatrix = mMatrix; } transform.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(mMatrix, this); } void accumulate(const osg::NodePath& path) { if (path.empty()) return; size_t i = path.size(); for (auto rit = path.rbegin(); rit != path.rend(); rit++, --i) { const osg::Camera* camera = (*rit)->asCamera(); if (camera && (camera->getReferenceFrame() != osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF || camera->getParents().empty())) break; } for (; i < path.size(); ++i) path[i]->accept(*this); } osg::Matrix& mMatrix; std::optional mLastMatrix; osg::Transform* mLastAppliedTransform = nullptr; }; } namespace NifOsg { ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem() : osgParticle::ParticleSystem() , mQuota(std::numeric_limits::max()) { mNormalArray = new osg::Vec3Array(1); mNormalArray->setBinding(osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL); (*mNormalArray.get())[0] = osg::Vec3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); } ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem(const ParticleSystem& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::ParticleSystem(copy, copyop) , mQuota(copy.mQuota) { mNormalArray = new osg::Vec3Array(1); mNormalArray->setBinding(osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL); (*mNormalArray.get())[0] = osg::Vec3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); // For some reason the osgParticle constructor doesn't copy the particles for (int i = 0; i < copy.numParticles() - copy.numDeadParticles(); ++i) ParticleSystem::createParticle(copy.getParticle(i)); } void ParticleSystem::setQuota(int quota) { mQuota = quota; } osgParticle::Particle* ParticleSystem::createParticle(const osgParticle::Particle* ptemplate) { if (numParticles() - numDeadParticles() < mQuota) return osgParticle::ParticleSystem::createParticle(ptemplate); return nullptr; } void ParticleSystem::drawImplementation(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo) const { osg::State& state = *renderInfo.getState(); if (state.useVertexArrayObject(getUseVertexArrayObject())) { state.getCurrentVertexArrayState()->assignNormalArrayDispatcher(); state.getCurrentVertexArrayState()->setNormalArray(state, mNormalArray); } else { state.getAttributeDispatchers().activateNormalArray(mNormalArray); } osgParticle::ParticleSystem::drawImplementation(renderInfo); } void InverseWorldMatrix::operator()(osg::MatrixTransform* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { osg::NodePath path = nv->getNodePath(); path.pop_back(); osg::Matrix mat = osg::computeLocalToWorld(path); mat.orthoNormalize(mat); // don't undo the scale mat.invert(mat); node->setMatrix(mat); traverse(node, nv); } ParticleShooter::ParticleShooter(float minSpeed, float maxSpeed, float horizontalDir, float horizontalAngle, float verticalDir, float verticalAngle, float lifetime, float lifetimeRandom) : mMinSpeed(minSpeed) , mMaxSpeed(maxSpeed) , mHorizontalDir(horizontalDir) , mHorizontalAngle(horizontalAngle) , mVerticalDir(verticalDir) , mVerticalAngle(verticalAngle) , mLifetime(lifetime) , mLifetimeRandom(lifetimeRandom) { } ParticleShooter::ParticleShooter() : mMinSpeed(0.f) , mMaxSpeed(0.f) , mHorizontalDir(0.f) , mHorizontalAngle(0.f) , mVerticalDir(0.f) , mVerticalAngle(0.f) , mLifetime(0.f) , mLifetimeRandom(0.f) { } ParticleShooter::ParticleShooter(const ParticleShooter& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Shooter(copy, copyop) { mMinSpeed = copy.mMinSpeed; mMaxSpeed = copy.mMaxSpeed; mHorizontalDir = copy.mHorizontalDir; mHorizontalAngle = copy.mHorizontalAngle; mVerticalDir = copy.mVerticalDir; mVerticalAngle = copy.mVerticalAngle; mLifetime = copy.mLifetime; mLifetimeRandom = copy.mLifetimeRandom; } void ParticleShooter::shoot(osgParticle::Particle* particle) const { float hdir = mHorizontalDir + mHorizontalAngle * (2.f * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() - 1.f); float vdir = mVerticalDir + mVerticalAngle * (2.f * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() - 1.f); osg::Vec3f dir = (osg::Quat(vdir, osg::Vec3f(0, 1, 0)) * osg::Quat(hdir, osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 1))) * osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 1); float vel = mMinSpeed + (mMaxSpeed - mMinSpeed) * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability(); particle->setVelocity(dir * vel); // Not supposed to set this here, but there doesn't seem to be a better way of doing it particle->setLifeTime(std::max( std::numeric_limits::epsilon(), mLifetime + mLifetimeRandom * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability())); } GrowFadeAffector::GrowFadeAffector(float growTime, float fadeTime) : mGrowTime(growTime) , mFadeTime(fadeTime) , mCachedDefaultSize(0.f) { } GrowFadeAffector::GrowFadeAffector() : mGrowTime(0.f) , mFadeTime(0.f) , mCachedDefaultSize(0.f) { } GrowFadeAffector::GrowFadeAffector(const GrowFadeAffector& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Operator(copy, copyop) { mGrowTime = copy.mGrowTime; mFadeTime = copy.mFadeTime; mCachedDefaultSize = copy.mCachedDefaultSize; } void GrowFadeAffector::beginOperate(osgParticle::Program* program) { mCachedDefaultSize = program->getParticleSystem()->getDefaultParticleTemplate().getSizeRange().minimum; } void GrowFadeAffector::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double /* dt */) { float size = mCachedDefaultSize; if (particle->getAge() < mGrowTime && mGrowTime != 0.f) size *= particle->getAge() / mGrowTime; if (particle->getLifeTime() - particle->getAge() < mFadeTime && mFadeTime != 0.f) size *= (particle->getLifeTime() - particle->getAge()) / mFadeTime; particle->setSizeRange(osgParticle::rangef(size, size)); } ParticleColorAffector::ParticleColorAffector(const Nif::NiColorData* clrdata) : mData(clrdata->mKeyMap, osg::Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1)) { } ParticleColorAffector::ParticleColorAffector() {} ParticleColorAffector::ParticleColorAffector(const ParticleColorAffector& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Operator(copy, copyop) { mData = copy.mData; } void ParticleColorAffector::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double /* dt */) { assert(particle->getLifeTime() > 0); float time = static_cast(particle->getAge() / particle->getLifeTime()); osg::Vec4f color = mData.interpKey(time); float alpha = color.a(); color.a() = 1.0f; particle->setColorRange(osgParticle::rangev4(color, color)); particle->setAlphaRange(osgParticle::rangef(alpha, alpha)); } GravityAffector::GravityAffector(const Nif::NiGravity* gravity) : mForce(gravity->mForce) , mType(static_cast(gravity->mType)) , mPosition(gravity->mPosition) , mDirection(gravity->mDirection) , mDecay(gravity->mDecay) { } GravityAffector::GravityAffector() : mForce(0) , mType(Type_Wind) , mDecay(0.f) { } GravityAffector::GravityAffector(const GravityAffector& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Operator(copy, copyop) { mForce = copy.mForce; mType = copy.mType; mPosition = copy.mPosition; mDirection = copy.mDirection; mDecay = copy.mDecay; mCachedWorldPosition = copy.mCachedWorldPosition; mCachedWorldDirection = copy.mCachedWorldDirection; } void GravityAffector::beginOperate(osgParticle::Program* program) { bool absolute = (program->getReferenceFrame() == osgParticle::ParticleProcessor::ABSOLUTE_RF); if (mType == Type_Point || mDecay != 0.f) // we don't need the position for Wind gravity, except if decay is being applied mCachedWorldPosition = absolute ? program->transformLocalToWorld(mPosition) : mPosition; mCachedWorldDirection = absolute ? program->rotateLocalToWorld(mDirection) : mDirection; mCachedWorldDirection.normalize(); } void GravityAffector::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double dt) { const float magic = 1.6f; switch (mType) { case Type_Wind: { float decayFactor = 1.f; if (mDecay != 0.f) { osg::Plane gravityPlane(mCachedWorldDirection, mCachedWorldPosition); float distance = std::abs(gravityPlane.distance(particle->getPosition())); decayFactor = std::exp(-1.f * mDecay * distance); } particle->addVelocity(mCachedWorldDirection * mForce * dt * decayFactor * magic); break; } case Type_Point: { osg::Vec3f diff = mCachedWorldPosition - particle->getPosition(); float decayFactor = 1.f; if (mDecay != 0.f) decayFactor = std::exp(-1.f * mDecay * diff.length()); diff.normalize(); particle->addVelocity(diff * mForce * dt * decayFactor * magic); break; } } } Emitter::Emitter() : osgParticle::Emitter() , mFlags(0) , mGeometryEmitterTarget(std::nullopt) { } Emitter::Emitter(const Emitter& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Emitter(copy, copyop) , mTargets(copy.mTargets) , mPlacer(copy.mPlacer) , mShooter(copy.mShooter) // need a deep copy because the remainder is stored in the object , mCounter(static_cast(copy.mCounter->clone(osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL))) , mFlags(copy.mFlags) , mGeometryEmitterTarget(copy.mGeometryEmitterTarget) , mCachedGeometryEmitter(copy.mCachedGeometryEmitter) { } Emitter::Emitter(const std::vector& targets) : mTargets(targets) , mFlags(0) , mGeometryEmitterTarget(std::nullopt) { } void Emitter::emitParticles(double dt) { int n = mCounter->numParticlesToCreate(dt); if (n == 0) return; osg::Matrix worldToPs; // maybe this could be optimized by halting at the lowest common ancestor of the particle and emitter nodes osg::NodePathList partsysNodePaths = getParticleSystem()->getParentalNodePaths(); if (!partsysNodePaths.empty()) { osg::Matrix psToWorld = osg::computeLocalToWorld(partsysNodePaths[0]); worldToPs = osg::Matrix::inverse(psToWorld); } const osg::Matrix& ltw = getLocalToWorldMatrix(); osg::Matrix emitterToPs = ltw * worldToPs; osg::ref_ptr geometryVertices = nullptr; const bool useGeometryEmitter = mFlags & Nif::NiParticleSystemController::BSPArrayController_AtVertex; if (useGeometryEmitter || !mTargets.empty()) { int recIndex; if (useGeometryEmitter) { if (!mGeometryEmitterTarget.has_value()) return; recIndex = mGeometryEmitterTarget.value(); } else { int randomIndex = Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() * (mTargets.size() - 1); recIndex = mTargets[randomIndex]; } // we could use a map here for faster lookup FindGroupByRecIndex visitor(recIndex); getParent(0)->accept(visitor); if (!visitor.mFound) { Log(Debug::Info) << "Can't find emitter node" << recIndex; return; } if (useGeometryEmitter) { if (!mCachedGeometryEmitter.lock(geometryVertices)) { FindFirstGeometry geometryVisitor; visitor.mFound->accept(geometryVisitor); if (geometryVisitor.mGeometry) { if (auto* vertices = dynamic_cast(geometryVisitor.mGeometry->getVertexArray())) { mCachedGeometryEmitter = osg::observer_ptr(vertices); geometryVertices = vertices; } } } } osg::NodePath path = visitor.mFoundPath; path.erase(path.begin()); if (!useGeometryEmitter && (mFlags & Nif::NiParticleSystemController::BSPArrayController_AtNode) && path.size()) { osg::Matrix current; LocalToWorldAccumulator accum(current); accum.accumulate(path); osg::Matrix parent = accum.mLastMatrix.value_or(current); auto p1 = parent.getTrans(); auto p2 = current.getTrans(); current.setTrans((p2 - p1) * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() + p1); emitterToPs = current * emitterToPs; } else { emitterToPs = osg::computeLocalToWorld(path) * emitterToPs; } } emitterToPs.orthoNormalize(emitterToPs); if (useGeometryEmitter && (!geometryVertices.valid() || geometryVertices->empty())) return; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { osgParticle::Particle* P = getParticleSystem()->createParticle(nullptr); if (P) { if (useGeometryEmitter) P->setPosition((*geometryVertices)[Misc::Rng::rollDice(geometryVertices->getNumElements())]); else if (mPlacer) mPlacer->place(P); mShooter->shoot(P); P->transformPositionVelocity(emitterToPs); } } } FindGroupByRecIndex::FindGroupByRecIndex(unsigned int recIndex) : osg::NodeVisitor(TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) , mFound(nullptr) , mRecIndex(recIndex) { } void FindGroupByRecIndex::apply(osg::Node& node) { applyNode(node); } void FindGroupByRecIndex::apply(osg::MatrixTransform& node) { applyNode(node); } void FindGroupByRecIndex::apply(osg::Geometry& node) { applyNode(node); } void FindGroupByRecIndex::applyNode(osg::Node& searchNode) { unsigned int recIndex; if (searchNode.getUserValue("recIndex", recIndex) && mRecIndex == recIndex) { osg::Group* group = searchNode.asGroup(); if (!group) group = searchNode.getParent(0); mFound = group; mFoundPath = getNodePath(); return; } traverse(searchNode); } PlanarCollider::PlanarCollider(const Nif::NiPlanarCollider* collider) : mBounceFactor(collider->mBounceFactor) , mExtents(collider->mExtents) , mPosition(collider->mPosition) , mXVector(collider->mXVector) , mYVector(collider->mYVector) , mPlane(-collider->mPlaneNormal, collider->mPlaneDistance) { } PlanarCollider::PlanarCollider(const PlanarCollider& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Operator(copy, copyop) , mBounceFactor(copy.mBounceFactor) , mExtents(copy.mExtents) , mPosition(copy.mPosition) , mPositionInParticleSpace(copy.mPositionInParticleSpace) , mXVector(copy.mXVector) , mXVectorInParticleSpace(copy.mXVectorInParticleSpace) , mYVector(copy.mYVector) , mYVectorInParticleSpace(copy.mYVectorInParticleSpace) , mPlane(copy.mPlane) , mPlaneInParticleSpace(copy.mPlaneInParticleSpace) { } void PlanarCollider::beginOperate(osgParticle::Program* program) { mPositionInParticleSpace = mPosition; mPlaneInParticleSpace = mPlane; mXVectorInParticleSpace = mXVector; mYVectorInParticleSpace = mYVector; if (program->getReferenceFrame() == osgParticle::ParticleProcessor::ABSOLUTE_RF) { mPositionInParticleSpace = program->transformLocalToWorld(mPosition); mPlaneInParticleSpace.transform(program->getLocalToWorldMatrix()); mXVectorInParticleSpace = program->rotateLocalToWorld(mXVector); mYVectorInParticleSpace = program->rotateLocalToWorld(mYVector); } } void PlanarCollider::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double dt) { // Does the particle in question move towards the collider? float velDotProduct = particle->getVelocity() * mPlaneInParticleSpace.getNormal(); if (velDotProduct <= 0) return; // Does it intersect the collider's plane? osg::BoundingSphere bs(particle->getPosition(), 0.f); if (mPlaneInParticleSpace.intersect(bs) != 1) return; // Is it inside the collider's bounds? osg::Vec3f relativePos = particle->getPosition() - mPositionInParticleSpace; float xDotProduct = relativePos * mXVectorInParticleSpace; float yDotProduct = relativePos * mYVectorInParticleSpace; if (-mExtents.x() * 0.5f > xDotProduct || mExtents.x() * 0.5f < xDotProduct) return; if (-mExtents.y() * 0.5f > yDotProduct || mExtents.y() * 0.5f < yDotProduct) return; // Deflect the particle osg::Vec3 reflectedVelocity = particle->getVelocity() - mPlaneInParticleSpace.getNormal() * (2 * velDotProduct); reflectedVelocity *= mBounceFactor; particle->setVelocity(reflectedVelocity); } SphericalCollider::SphericalCollider(const Nif::NiSphericalCollider* collider) : mBounceFactor(collider->mBounceFactor) , mSphere(collider->mCenter, collider->mRadius) { } SphericalCollider::SphericalCollider() : mBounceFactor(1.0f) { } SphericalCollider::SphericalCollider(const SphericalCollider& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osgParticle::Operator(copy, copyop) , mBounceFactor(copy.mBounceFactor) , mSphere(copy.mSphere) , mSphereInParticleSpace(copy.mSphereInParticleSpace) { } void SphericalCollider::beginOperate(osgParticle::Program* program) { mSphereInParticleSpace = mSphere; if (program->getReferenceFrame() == osgParticle::ParticleProcessor::ABSOLUTE_RF) mSphereInParticleSpace.center() = program->transformLocalToWorld(mSphereInParticleSpace.center()); } void SphericalCollider::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double dt) { osg::Vec3f cent = (particle->getPosition() - mSphereInParticleSpace.center()); // vector from sphere center to particle bool insideSphere = cent.length2() <= mSphereInParticleSpace.radius2(); if (insideSphere || (cent * particle->getVelocity() < 0.0f)) // if outside, make sure the particle is flying towards the sphere { // Collision test (finding point of contact) is performed by solving a quadratic equation: // ||vec(cent) + vec(vel)*k|| = R /^2 // k^2 + 2*k*(vec(cent)*vec(vel))/||vec(vel)||^2 + (||vec(cent)||^2 - R^2)/||vec(vel)||^2 = 0 float b = -(cent * particle->getVelocity()) / particle->getVelocity().length2(); osg::Vec3f u = cent + particle->getVelocity() * b; if (insideSphere || (u.length2() < mSphereInParticleSpace.radius2())) { float d = (mSphereInParticleSpace.radius2() - u.length2()) / particle->getVelocity().length2(); float k = insideSphere ? (std::sqrt(d) + b) : (b - std::sqrt(d)); if (k < dt) { // collision detected; reflect off the tangent plane osg::Vec3f contact = particle->getPosition() + particle->getVelocity() * k; osg::Vec3 normal = (contact - mSphereInParticleSpace.center()); normal.normalize(); float dotproduct = particle->getVelocity() * normal; osg::Vec3 reflectedVelocity = particle->getVelocity() - normal * (2 * dotproduct); reflectedVelocity *= mBounceFactor; particle->setVelocity(reflectedVelocity); } } } } }