#ifndef OPENMW_ESM_ACTIVESPELLS_H #define OPENMW_ESM_ACTIVESPELLS_H #include "cellref.hpp" #include "components/esm/defs.hpp" #include "components/esm/refid.hpp" #include "timestamp.hpp" #include <string> #include <variant> #include <vector> namespace ESM { class ESMReader; class ESMWriter; // Parameters of an effect concerning lasting effects. // Note we are not using ENAMstruct since the magnitude may be modified by magic resistance, etc. struct ActiveEffect { enum Flags { Flag_None = 0, Flag_Applied = 1 << 0, Flag_Remove = 1 << 1, Flag_Ignore_Resistances = 1 << 2, Flag_Ignore_Reflect = 1 << 3, Flag_Ignore_SpellAbsorption = 1 << 4 }; int32_t mEffectId; float mMagnitude; float mMinMagnitude; float mMaxMagnitude; std::variant<RefId, int> mArg; // skill, attribute, or summon float mDuration; float mTimeLeft; int32_t mEffectIndex; int32_t mFlags; RefId getSkillOrAttribute() const; int getActorId() const; }; // format 0, saved games only struct ActiveSpells { enum Flags : uint32_t { Flag_Temporary = 1 << 0, //!< Effect will end automatically once its duration ends. Flag_Equipment = 1 << 1, //!< Effect will end automatically if item is unequipped. Flag_SpellStore = 1 << 2, //!< Effect will end automatically if removed from the actor's spell store. Flag_AffectsBaseValues = 1 << 3, //!< Effects will affect base values instead of current values. Flag_Stackable = 1 << 4, //!< Effect can stack. If this flag is not set, spells from the same caster and item cannot stack. Flag_Lua = 1 << 5, //!< Effect was added via Lua. Should not do any vfx/sound as this is handled by Lua scripts. }; struct ActiveSpellParams { RefId mActiveSpellId; RefId mSourceSpellId; std::vector<ActiveEffect> mEffects; std::string mDisplayName; int32_t mCasterActorId; RefNum mItem; Flags mFlags; int32_t mWorsenings; TimeStamp mNextWorsening; }; std::vector<ActiveSpellParams> mSpells; std::vector<ActiveSpellParams> mQueue; void load(ESMReader& esm); void save(ESMWriter& esm) const; }; namespace Compatibility { namespace ActiveSpells { enum EffectType { Type_Temporary, Type_Ability, Type_Enchantment, Type_Permanent, Type_Consumable, }; using Flags = ESM::ActiveSpells::Flags; constexpr Flags Type_Temporary_Flags = Flags::Flag_Temporary; constexpr Flags Type_Consumable_Flags = static_cast<Flags>(Flags::Flag_Temporary | Flags::Flag_Stackable); constexpr Flags Type_Permanent_Flags = Flags::Flag_SpellStore; constexpr Flags Type_Ability_Flags = static_cast<Flags>(Flags::Flag_SpellStore | Flags::Flag_AffectsBaseValues); constexpr Flags Type_Enchantment_Flags = Flags::Flag_Equipment; } } } #endif