  Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2018-2020 cc9cii

  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
  arising from the use of this software.

  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
  freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
     appreciated but is not required.
  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     misrepresented as being the original software.
  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

  cc9cii cc9c@iinet.net.au

  Much of the information on the data structures are based on the information
  from Tes4Mod:Mod_File_Format and Tes5Mod:File_Formats but also refined by
  trial & error.  See http://en.uesp.net/wiki for details.

#ifndef ESM4_WRLD_H
#define ESM4_WRLD_H

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "common.hpp"

namespace ESM4
    class Reader;
    class Writer;

    struct World
        enum WorldFlags                 // TES4                 TES5
        {                               // -------------------- -----------------
            WLD_Small          = 0x01,  // Small World          Small World
            WLD_NoFastTravel   = 0x02,  // Can't Fast Travel    Can't Fast Travel
            WLD_Oblivion       = 0x04,  // Oblivion worldspace
            WLD_NoLODWater     = 0x08,  //                      No LOD Water
            WLD_NoLandscpe     = 0x10,  // No LOD Water         No Landscape
            WLD_NoSky          = 0x20,  //                      No Sky
            wLD_FixedDimension = 0x40,  //                      Fixed Dimensions
            WLD_NoGrass        = 0x80   //                      No Grass

        struct REFRcoord
            FormId       formId;
            std::int16_t unknown1;
            std::int16_t unknown2;

        struct RNAMstruct
            std::int16_t unknown1;
            std::int16_t unknown2;
            std::vector<REFRcoord> refrs;

        //Map size	struct	16 or 28 byte structure
        struct Map
            std::uint32_t width;  // usable width of the map
            std::uint32_t height; // usable height of the map
            std::int16_t  NWcellX;
            std::int16_t  NWcellY;
            std::int16_t  SEcellX;
            std::int16_t  SEcellY;
            float minHeight; // Camera Data (default 50000), new as of Skyrim 1.8, purpose is not yet known.
            float maxHeight; // Camera Data (default 80000)
            float initialPitch;

        FormId mFormId;       // from the header
        std::uint32_t mFlags; // from the header, see enum type RecordFlag for details

        std::string  mEditorId;
        std::string  mFullName;
        FormId       mParent;       // parent worldspace formid
        std::uint8_t mWorldFlags;
        FormId       mClimate;
        FormId       mWater;
        float        mLandLevel;
        float        mWaterLevel;

        Map mMap;

        std::int32_t mMinX;
        std::int32_t mMinY;
        std::int32_t mMaxX;
        std::int32_t mMaxY;

        // ------ TES4 only -----

        std::int32_t mSound;   // 0 = no record, 1 = Public, 2 = Dungeon
        std::string mMapFile;

        // ------ TES5 only -----

        Grid mCenterCell;
        RNAMstruct mData;

        // ----------------------
        FormId mMusic;

        // 0x01 use Land data
        // 0x02 use LOD data
        // 0x04 use Map data
        // 0x08 use Water data
        // 0x10 use Climate data
        // 0x20 use Image Space data (Climate for TES5)
        // 0x40 use SkyCell (TES5)
        // 0x80 needs water adjustment (this isn't for parent I think? FONV only set for wastelandnv)
        std::uint16_t mParentUseFlags; // FO3/FONV

        // cache formId's of children (e.g. CELL, ROAD)
        std::vector<FormId> mCells;
        std::vector<FormId> mRoads;

        void load(ESM4::Reader& reader);
        //void save(ESM4::Writer& writer) const;

#endif // ESM4_WRLD_H