#include "element.hpp" #include #include "content.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "widget.hpp" namespace LuaUi { namespace { namespace LayoutKeys { constexpr std::string_view type = "type"; constexpr std::string_view name = "name"; constexpr std::string_view layer = "layer"; constexpr std::string_view templateLayout = "template"; constexpr std::string_view props = "props"; constexpr std::string_view events = "events"; constexpr std::string_view content = "content"; constexpr std::string_view external = "external"; } const std::string defaultWidgetType = "LuaWidget"; constexpr uint64_t maxDepth = 250; std::string widgetType(const sol::table& layout) { sol::object typeField = LuaUtil::getFieldOrNil(layout, LayoutKeys::type); std::string type = LuaUtil::getValueOrDefault(typeField, defaultWidgetType); sol::object templateTypeField = LuaUtil::getFieldOrNil(layout, LayoutKeys::templateLayout, LayoutKeys::type); if (templateTypeField != sol::nil) { std::string templateType = LuaUtil::getValueOrDefault(templateTypeField, defaultWidgetType); if (typeField != sol::nil && templateType != type) throw std::logic_error(std::string("Template layout type ") + type + std::string(" doesn't match template type ") + templateType); type = templateType; } return type; } void destroyWidget(LuaUi::WidgetExtension* ext) { ext->deinitialize(); MyGUI::Gui::getInstancePtr()->destroyWidget(ext->widget()); } WidgetExtension* createWidget(const sol::table& layout, uint64_t depth); void updateWidget(WidgetExtension* ext, const sol::table& layout, uint64_t depth); std::vector updateContent( const std::vector& children, const sol::object& contentObj, uint64_t depth) { ++depth; std::vector result; if (contentObj == sol::nil) { for (WidgetExtension* w : children) destroyWidget(w); return result; } ContentView content(LuaUtil::cast(contentObj)); result.resize(content.size()); size_t minSize = std::min(children.size(), content.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < minSize; i++) { WidgetExtension* ext = children[i]; sol::table newLayout = content.at(i); if (ext->widget()->getTypeName() == widgetType(newLayout)) { updateWidget(ext, newLayout, depth); } else { destroyWidget(ext); ext = createWidget(newLayout, depth); } result[i] = ext; } for (size_t i = minSize; i < children.size(); i++) destroyWidget(children[i]); for (size_t i = minSize; i < content.size(); i++) result[i] = createWidget(content.at(i), depth); return result; } void setTemplate(WidgetExtension* ext, const sol::object& templateLayout, uint64_t depth) { ++depth; sol::object props = LuaUtil::getFieldOrNil(templateLayout, LayoutKeys::props); ext->setTemplateProperties(props); sol::object content = LuaUtil::getFieldOrNil(templateLayout, LayoutKeys::content); ext->setTemplateChildren(updateContent(ext->templateChildren(), content, depth)); } void setEventCallbacks(LuaUi::WidgetExtension* ext, const sol::object& eventsObj) { ext->clearCallbacks(); if (eventsObj == sol::nil) return; if (!eventsObj.is()) throw std::logic_error("The \"events\" layout field must be a table of callbacks"); auto events = eventsObj.as(); events.for_each([ext](const sol::object& name, const sol::object& callback) { if (name.is() && LuaUtil::Callback::isLuaCallback(callback)) ext->setCallback(name.as(), LuaUtil::Callback::fromLua(callback)); else if (!name.is()) Log(Debug::Warning) << "UI event key must be a string"; else Log(Debug::Warning) << "UI event handler for key \"" << name.as() << "\" must be an openmw.async.callback"; }); } WidgetExtension* createWidget(const sol::table& layout, uint64_t depth) { static auto widgetTypeMap = widgetTypeToName(); std::string type = widgetType(layout); if (widgetTypeMap.find(type) == widgetTypeMap.end()) throw std::logic_error(std::string("Invalid widget type ") += type); std::string name = layout.get_or(LayoutKeys::name, std::string()); MyGUI::Widget* widget = MyGUI::Gui::getInstancePtr()->createWidgetT( type, "", MyGUI::IntCoord(), MyGUI::Align::Default, std::string(), name); WidgetExtension* ext = dynamic_cast(widget); if (!ext) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid widget!"); ext->initialize(layout.lua_state(), widget); updateWidget(ext, layout, depth); return ext; } void updateWidget(WidgetExtension* ext, const sol::table& layout, uint64_t depth) { if (depth >= maxDepth) throw std::runtime_error("Maximum layout depth exceeded, probably caused by a circular reference"); ext->reset(); ext->setLayout(layout); ext->setExternal(layout.get(LayoutKeys::external)); setTemplate(ext, layout.get(LayoutKeys::templateLayout), depth); ext->setProperties(layout.get(LayoutKeys::props)); setEventCallbacks(ext, layout.get(LayoutKeys::events)); ext->setChildren(updateContent(ext->children(), layout.get(LayoutKeys::content), depth)); ext->updateCoord(); } std::string setLayer(WidgetExtension* ext, const sol::table& layout) { MyGUI::ILayer* layerNode = ext->widget()->getLayer(); std::string currentLayer = layerNode ? layerNode->getName() : std::string(); std::string newLayer = layout.get_or(LayoutKeys::layer, std::string()); if (!newLayer.empty() && !MyGUI::LayerManager::getInstance().isExist(newLayer)) throw std::logic_error(std::string("Layer ") + newLayer + " doesn't exist"); else if (newLayer != currentLayer) { MyGUI::LayerManager::getInstance().attachToLayerNode(newLayer, ext->widget()); } return newLayer; } } std::map> Element::sAllElements; Element::Element(sol::table layout) : mRoot(nullptr) , mAttachedTo(nullptr) , mLayout(std::move(layout)) , mLayer() , mUpdate(false) , mDestroy(false) {} std::shared_ptr Element::make(sol::table layout) { std::shared_ptr ptr(new Element(std::move(layout))); sAllElements[ptr.get()] = ptr; return ptr; } void Element::create() { assert(!mRoot); if (!mRoot) { mRoot = createWidget(layout(), 0); mLayer = setLayer(mRoot, layout()); updateAttachment(); } } void Element::update() { if (mRoot && mUpdate) { if (mRoot->widget()->getTypeName() != widgetType(layout())) { destroyWidget(mRoot); mRoot = createWidget(layout(), 0); } else { updateWidget(mRoot, layout(), 0); } mLayer = setLayer(mRoot, layout()); updateAttachment(); } mUpdate = false; } void Element::destroy() { sAllElements.erase(this); if (!mRoot) return; destroyWidget(mRoot); mRoot = nullptr; mLayout = sol::make_object(mLayout.lua_state(), sol::nil); } void Element::attachToWidget(WidgetExtension* w) { if (mAttachedTo) throw std::logic_error("A UI element can't be attached to two widgets at once"); mAttachedTo = w; updateAttachment(); } void Element::detachFromWidget() { if (mRoot) mRoot->widget()->detachFromWidget(); if (mAttachedTo) mAttachedTo->setChildren({}); mAttachedTo = nullptr; } void Element::updateAttachment() { if (!mRoot) return; if (mAttachedTo) { if (!mLayer.empty()) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Ignoring element's layer " << mLayer << " because it's attached to a widget"; mAttachedTo->setChildren({ mRoot }); mAttachedTo->updateCoord(); } } }