#include "pushbutton.hpp"

class QMenu;

namespace CSVWidget
    class SceneToolbar;

    /// \brief Specialist PushButton of Type_Mode for use in SceneToolMode
    class ModeButton : public PushButton

        ModeButton(const QIcon& icon, const QString& tooltip = "", QWidget* parent = nullptr);

        /// Default-Implementation: do nothing
        virtual void activate(SceneToolbar* toolbar);

        /// Default-Implementation: do nothing
        virtual void deactivate(SceneToolbar* toolbar);

        /// Add context menu items to \a menu. Default-implementation: return false
        /// \attention menu can be a 0-pointer
        /// \return Have there been any menu items to be added (if menu is 0 and there
        /// items to be added, the function must return true anyway.
        virtual bool createContextMenu(QMenu* menu);
