Static Model via COLLADA

This tutorial shows how to get a static model from Blender to OpenMW 
using the COLLADA format. It does not cover using Blender itself, as there are 
many better resources for that. The focus is solely on the pipeline and its 
specific requirements. Static models are those that don’t have any animations 
included in the exported file.


To use the Blender to OpenMW pipeline via COLLADA, you will need the following.

* `OpenMW 0.47 <https://openmw.org/downloads/>`_ or later
* `Blender 2.83 <https://www.blender.org/download/>`_ or later. Latest confirmed, working version is Blender 3.0
* `OpenMW COLLADA Exporter <https://github.com/openmw/collada-exporter>`_
* A model you would like to export. In our case, it's a barrel.

The Barrel

The barrel shown in this tutorial, and its revelant files, are available from 
the `Example Suite repository <https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/example-suite/-/tree/master/example_static_props>`_.
This should be useful for further study of how to set up a static prop in case
the tutorial is not clear on any particular thing.

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw-docs/-/raw/master/docs/source/reference/modding/custom-models/_static/barrel-prop-in-blender.webp
    :align: center

* ``data/meshes/the_barrel.dae`` – exported model
* ``data/textures/the_barrel.dds`` – diffuse texture
* ``data/textures/the_barrel_n.dds`` – normal map
* ``data/textures/the_barrel_spec.dds`` – specular map
* ``source_assets/the_barrel.blend`` – source file configured as this tutorial specifies

Location, Rotation, Scale

First, let's take a look at how the fundamental properties of a scene 
in Blender translate to a COLLADA model suitable for use in OpenMW. These apply 
the same to static and animated models.


Objects keep their visual location and origin they had in the original scene.


* Blender’s +Z axis is up axis in OpenMW
* Blender’s +Y axis is front axis in OpenMW
* Blender’s X axis is left-right axis in OpenMW


Scale ratio between Blender and OpenMW is 70 to 1. This means 70 units in 
Blender translate to 1 m in OpenMW.

However, a scale factor like this is impractical to work with. A better 
approach is to work with a scale of 1 Blender unit = 1 m and apply the 70 scale 
factor at export. The exporter will automatically scale all object, mesh, 
armature and animation data.


OpenMW uses the classic, specular material setup and currently doesn't support
the more mainstream `PBR <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physically_based_rendering>`_ way.
The COLLADA exporter takes values from ``Specular BSDF`` node of the material 
assigned to the mesh. In case no node or material is assigned, a default white 
material is exported. The following list presents material values in the 
exported COLLADA file and what value in Blender affect them.


Diffuse value is taken from ``Base Color`` of the Specular BSDF node. To get 
visually matching results between Blender and OpenMW, set Blender's Color 
Management ``Display Device`` to ``None``.

Specular value is taken from ``Specular`` of the Specular BSDF node.


Ambient value is taken from the ``World Background Color`` of Blender's 
currently active world. The value is found in the ``World Properties`` tab, 
``Surface panel``, when the world is not using nodes. 


Emission value is taken from ``Emissive Color`` of the Specular BSDF node.


This is controlled by the ``Backface Culling`` toggle found under material 
options. When Backface culling is enabled, the material will be exported as 


Shininess value is taken from ``Roughness`` of the Specular BSDF node. Shininess 
and Roughness refer to the same material property but use an opposite scale. The 
higher the roughness, the lower the shininess.
Transparency (alpha blend)

Blend transparency is used when ``Blend Mode`` of the material in Blender is set 
to ``Alpha Blend``. The setting is found under material options. Amount of 
transparency is then controlled by ``Transparency`` of the Specular BSDF node.

Transparency (alpha clip)

Alpha clip transparency is used when ``Blend Mode`` of the material in Blender 
is set to ``Alpha Clip``. In OpenMW, transparency values are taken from the 
alpha channel of the diffuse texture. When previewing diffuse texture's alpha 
channel, be mindful that Blender uses an inverted scale for transparency 
compared to OpenMW.


For textures, a diffuse texture needs to be connected to the ``Base Color`` 
socket of the Specular BSDF node. This is enough for the material to be included 
in the exported COLLADA file.

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw-docs/-/raw/master/docs/source/reference/modding/custom-models/_static/barrel-prop-in-blender-material.webp
    :align: center

Additional texture types, such as specular or normal maps, are used 
when enabled in the OpenMW Launcher with the ``Auto use object normal maps`` 
and ``Auto use object specular maps`` options. The textures need to follow the 
name of the diffuse texture with an additional suffix, and be in the same 
folder. OpenMW will then automatically recognize and use these textures. In the 
case of the barrel, the textures are named:

* ``the_barrel.dds`` - diffuse texture
* ``the_barrel_n.dds`` - normal map
* ``the_barrel_spec.dds`` - specular map

Texture Paths

Textures will show properly in OpenMW when the path in the exported COLLADA file 
is as follows ``textures/the_barrel.dds``. The exporter detects the 
``data/textures`` part of the texture's path in Blender and truncates the rest. 
The texture path can also be set manually in the exported COLALDA file.

Collision Shapes

In Blender, a custom collision shape is set up with an empty named 
``Collision`` or ``collision``. Any mesh that is a child of this empty will be 
used for physics collision and will not be visible in-game. There can be 
multiple child meshes under ``collision`` and they will all contribute to the 
collision shapes. The meshes themselves can have an arbitrary name, it's only 
the name of the empty that is important. The ``tcb`` command in OpenMW's in-game 
console will make the collision shapes visible and you will be able to inspect 

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw-docs/-/raw/master/docs/source/reference/modding/custom-models/_static/barrel-prop-in-blender-collision.webp
    :align: center

If no custom collision shape is present, OpenMW will use the regular 
mesh itself, which is not optimal and should be avoided.

Exporter Settings

For static models, use the following exporter settings. Before export, select 
all objects you wish to include in the exported file and have the "Selected 
Objects" option enabled. Without this, the exporter could fail.

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw-docs/-/raw/master/docs/source/reference/modding/custom-models/_static/dae-exporter-static.webp
    :align: center

Getting the Model in-game

Once the model is exported, it needs to be placed in the correct folder where 
OpenMW will read it. In OpenMW-CS it can then be assigned to an object and added 
to a world cell.

.. image:: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw-docs/-/raw/master/docs/source/reference/modding/custom-models/_static/barrel-prop-in-openmwcs.webp
    :align: center