#ifndef CSM_DOC_DOCUMENTMGR_H #define CSM_DOC_DOCUMENTMGR_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "loader.hpp" namespace Files { struct ConfigurationManager; } namespace CSMDoc { class Document; class DocumentManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT std::vector mDocuments; const Files::ConfigurationManager& mConfiguration; QThread mLoaderThread; Loader mLoader; ToUTF8::FromType mEncoding; std::filesystem::path mResDir; Files::PathContainer mDataPaths; std::vector mArchives; DocumentManager(const DocumentManager&); DocumentManager& operator=(const DocumentManager&); public: DocumentManager(const Files::ConfigurationManager& configuration); ~DocumentManager(); void addDocument( const std::vector& files, const std::filesystem::path& savePath, bool new_); ///< \param new_ Do not load the last content file in \a files and instead create in an /// appropriate way. /// Create a new document. The ownership of the created document is transferred to /// the calling function. The DocumentManager does not manage it. Loading has not /// taken place at the point when the document is returned. /// /// \param new_ Do not load the last content file in \a files and instead create in an /// appropriate way. Document* makeDocument( const std::vector& files, const std::filesystem::path& savePath, bool new_); void setResourceDir(const std::filesystem::path& parResDir); void setEncoding(ToUTF8::FromType encoding); /// Sets the file data that gets passed to newly created documents. void setFileData(const Files::PathContainer& dataPaths, const std::vector& archives); bool isEmpty(); private slots: void documentLoaded(Document* document); ///< The ownership of \a document is not transferred. void documentNotLoaded(Document* document, const std::string& error); ///< Document load has been interrupted either because of a call to abortLoading /// or a problem during loading). In the former case error will be an empty string. public slots: void removeDocument(CSMDoc::Document* document); ///< Emits the lastDocumentDeleted signal, if applicable. /// Hand over document to *this. The ownership is transferred. The DocumentManager /// will initiate the load procedure, if necessary void insertDocument(CSMDoc::Document* document); signals: void documentAdded(CSMDoc::Document* document); void documentAboutToBeRemoved(CSMDoc::Document* document); void loadRequest(CSMDoc::Document* document); void lastDocumentDeleted(); void loadingStopped(CSMDoc::Document* document, bool completed, const std::string& error); void nextStage(CSMDoc::Document* document, const std::string& name, int totalRecords); void nextRecord(CSMDoc::Document* document, int records); void cancelLoading(CSMDoc::Document* document); void loadMessage(CSMDoc::Document* document, const std::string& message); }; } #endif