local storage = require('openmw.storage') local contextSection = storage.playerSection or storage.globalSection local groupSectionKey = 'OmwSettingGroups' local groupSection = contextSection(groupSectionKey) groupSection:removeOnExit() local function validateSettingOptions(options) if type(options.key) ~= 'string' then error('Setting must have a key') end if type(options.saveOnly) ~= 'boolean' then error('Setting must be save only or not') end if type(options.renderer) ~= 'string' then error('Setting must have a renderer') end if type(options.name) ~= 'string' then error('Setting must have a name localization key') end if type(options.description) ~= 'string' then error('Setting must have a descripiton localization key') end end local function validateGroupOptions(options) if type(options.key) ~= 'string' then error('Group must have a key') end local conventionPrefix = "Settings" if options.key:sub(1, conventionPrefix:len()) ~= conventionPrefix then print(("Group key %s doesn't start with %s"):format(options.key, conventionPrefix)) end if type(options.page) ~= 'string' then error('Group must belong to a page') end if type(options.l10n) ~= 'string' then error('Group must have a localization context') end if type(options.name) ~= 'string' then error('Group must have a name localization key') end if type(options.description) ~= 'string' then error('Group must have a description localization key') end if type(options.settings) ~= 'table' then error('Group must have a table of settings') end for _, opt in ipairs(options.settings) do validateSettingOptions(opt) end end local function registerSetting(options) return { key = options.key, saveOnly = options.saveOnly, default = options.default, renderer = options.renderer, argument = options.argument, name = options.name, description = options.description, } end local function registerGroup(options) validateGroupOptions(options) if groupSection:get(options.key) then error(('Group with key %s was already registered'):format(options.key)) end local group = { key = options.key, page = options.page, l10n = options.l10n, name = options.name, description = options.description, settings = {}, } local valueSection = contextSection(options.key) for _, opt in ipairs(options.settings) do local setting = registerSetting(opt) if group.settings[setting.key] then error(('Duplicate setting key %s'):format(options.key)) end group.settings[setting.key] = setting if not valueSection:get(setting.key) then valueSection:set(setting.key, setting.default) end end groupSection:set(group.key, group) end return { getSection = function(global, key) return (global and storage.globalSection or storage.playerSection)(key) end, setGlobalEvent = 'OMWSettingsGlobalSet', groupSectionKey = groupSectionKey, onLoad = function(saved) if not saved then return end for groupKey, settings in pairs(saved) do local section = contextSection(groupKey) for key, value in pairs(settings) do section:set(key, value) end end end, onSave = function() local saved = {} for groupKey, group in pairs(groupSection:asTable()) do local section = contextSection(groupKey) saved[groupKey] = {} for key, value in pairs(section:asTable()) do if group.settings[key].saveOnly then saved[groupKey][key] = value end end end groupSection:reset() return saved end, registerGroup = registerGroup, validateGroupOptions = validateGroupOptions, }