#include "importinventory.hpp" #include <stdexcept> #include <components/esm3/esmreader.hpp> namespace ESSImport { void Inventory::load(ESM::ESMReader &esm) { while (esm.isNextSub("NPCO")) { ContItem contItem; esm.getHT(contItem); InventoryItem item; item.mId = contItem.mItem.toString(); item.mCount = contItem.mCount; item.mRelativeEquipmentSlot = -1; item.mLockLevel = 0; item.mRefNum.unset(); unsigned int itemCount = std::abs(item.mCount); bool separateStacks = false; for (unsigned int i=0;i<itemCount;++i) { bool newStack = esm.isNextSub("XIDX"); if (newStack) { unsigned int idx; esm.getHT(idx); separateStacks = true; item.mCount = 1; } item.mSCRI.load(esm); // for XSOL and XCHG seen so far, but probably others too bool isDeleted = false; item.ESM::CellRef::loadData(esm, isDeleted); int charge=-1; esm.getHNOT(charge, "XHLT"); item.mChargeInt = charge; if (newStack) mItems.push_back(item); } if (!separateStacks) mItems.push_back(item); } // equipped items while (esm.isNextSub("WIDX")) { // note: same item can be equipped 2 items (e.g. 2 rings) // and will be *stacked* in the NPCO list, unlike openmw! // this is currently not handled properly. esm.getSubHeader(); int itemIndex; // index of the item in the NPCO list esm.getT(itemIndex); if (itemIndex < 0 || itemIndex >= int(mItems.size())) esm.fail("equipment item index out of range"); // appears to be a relative index for only the *possible* slots this item can be equipped in, // i.e. 0 most of the time int slotIndex; esm.getT(slotIndex); mItems[itemIndex].mRelativeEquipmentSlot = slotIndex; } } }