#include "morphgeometry.hpp" #include #include #include namespace SceneUtil { MorphGeometry::MorphGeometry() : mLastFrameNumber(0) , mDirty(true) , mMorphedBoundingBox(false) { } MorphGeometry::MorphGeometry(const MorphGeometry ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op) : osg::Drawable(copy, copyop) , mMorphTargets(copy.mMorphTargets) , mLastFrameNumber(0) , mDirty(true) , mMorphedBoundingBox(false) { setSourceGeometry(copy.getSourceGeometry()); } void MorphGeometry::setSourceGeometry(osg::ref_ptr sourceGeom) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; ++i) mGeometry[i] = nullptr; mSourceGeometry = sourceGeom; for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; ++i) { // DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THIS CODE. Cloning osg::Geometry without also cloning its contained Arrays is generally unsafe. // In this specific case the operation is safe under the following two assumptions: // - When Arrays are removed or replaced in the cloned geometry, the original Arrays in their place must outlive the cloned geometry regardless. (ensured by TemplateRef) // - Arrays that we add or replace in the cloned geometry must be explicitely forbidden from reusing BufferObjects of the original geometry. (ensured by vbo below) mGeometry[i] = new osg::Geometry(*mSourceGeometry, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); mGeometry[i]->getOrCreateUserDataContainer()->addUserObject(new Resource::TemplateRef(mSourceGeometry)); const osg::Geometry& from = *mSourceGeometry; osg::Geometry& to = *mGeometry[i]; to.setSupportsDisplayList(false); to.setUseVertexBufferObjects(true); to.setCullingActive(false); // make sure to disable culling since that's handled by this class // vertices are modified every frame, so we need to deep copy them. // assign a dedicated VBO to make sure that modifications don't interfere with source geometry's VBO. osg::ref_ptr vbo (new osg::VertexBufferObject); vbo->setUsage(GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB); osg::ref_ptr vertexArray = static_cast(from.getVertexArray()->clone(osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL)); if (vertexArray) { vertexArray->setVertexBufferObject(vbo); to.setVertexArray(vertexArray); } } } void MorphGeometry::addMorphTarget(osg::Vec3Array *offsets, float weight) { mMorphTargets.push_back(MorphTarget(offsets, weight)); mMorphedBoundingBox = false; dirty(); } void MorphGeometry::dirty() { mDirty = true; if (!mMorphedBoundingBox) dirtyBound(); } osg::ref_ptr MorphGeometry::getSourceGeometry() const { return mSourceGeometry; } void MorphGeometry::accept(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) { if (!nv.validNodeMask(*this)) return; nv.pushOntoNodePath(this); if (nv.getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::CULL_VISITOR) { // The cull visitor won't be applied to the node itself, // but we want to use its state to render the child geometry. osg::StateSet* stateset = getStateSet(); osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = static_cast(&nv); if (stateset) cv->pushStateSet(stateset); cull(&nv); if (stateset) cv->popStateSet(); } else nv.apply(*this); nv.popFromNodePath(); } void MorphGeometry::accept(osg::PrimitiveFunctor& func) const { getGeometry(mLastFrameNumber)->accept(func); } osg::BoundingBox MorphGeometry::computeBoundingBox() const { bool anyMorphTarget = false; for (unsigned int i=1; igetBoundingBox(); } // once it animates, use a bounding box that encompasses all possible animations so as to avoid recalculating else { mMorphedBoundingBox = true; const osg::Vec3Array* sourceVerts = static_cast(mSourceGeometry->getVertexArray()); if (mMorphTargets.size() != 0) sourceVerts = mMorphTargets[0].getOffsets(); std::vector vertBounds(sourceVerts->size()); // Since we don't know what combinations of morphs are being applied we need to keep track of a bounding box for each vertex. // The minimum/maximum of the box is the minimum/maximum offset the vertex can have from its starting position. // Start with zero offsets which will happen when no morphs are applied. for (unsigned int i=0; igetTraversalNumber() || !mDirty || mMorphTargets.size() == 0) { osg::Geometry& geom = *getGeometry(mLastFrameNumber); nv->pushOntoNodePath(&geom); nv->apply(geom); nv->popFromNodePath(); return; } mDirty = false; mLastFrameNumber = nv->getTraversalNumber(); osg::Geometry& geom = *getGeometry(mLastFrameNumber); const osg::Vec3Array* positionSrc = mMorphTargets[0].getOffsets(); osg::Vec3Array* positionDst = static_cast(geom.getVertexArray()); assert(positionSrc->size() == positionDst->size()); for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertexsize(); ++vertex) (*positionDst)[vertex] = (*positionSrc)[vertex]; for (unsigned int i=1; isize(); ++vertex) (*positionDst)[vertex] += (*offsets)[vertex] * weight; } positionDst->dirty(); geom.osg::Drawable::dirtyGLObjects(); nv->pushOntoNodePath(&geom); nv->apply(geom); nv->popFromNodePath(); } osg::Geometry* MorphGeometry::getGeometry(unsigned int frame) const { return mGeometry[frame%2]; } }