#include "data.hpp"
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "nifkey.hpp"
#include "node.hpp"

#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>

namespace Nif
    void NiSkinInstance::read(NIFStream* nif)
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 101))
        readRecordList(nif, bones);

    void NiSkinInstance::post(Reader& nif)
        postRecordList(nif, bones);

        if (data.empty() || root.empty())
            throw Nif::Exception("NiSkinInstance missing root or data", nif.getFilename());

        if (bones.size() != data->bones.size())
            throw Nif::Exception("Mismatch in NiSkinData bone count", nif.getFilename());

        for (auto& bone : bones)
            if (bone.empty())
                throw Nif::Exception("Oops: Missing bone! Don't know how to handle this.", nif.getFilename());

    void BSDismemberSkinInstance::read(NIFStream* nif)
        unsigned int numPartitions = nif->getUInt();
        nif->skip(4 * numPartitions); // Body part information

    void NiGeometryData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 114))
            nif->getInt(); // Group ID. (Almost?) always 0.

        int verts = nif->getUShort();

        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
            nif->skip(2); // Keep flags and compress flags

        if (nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getVector3s(vertices, verts);

        unsigned int dataFlags = 0;
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 0))
            dataFlags = nif->getUShort();

        if (nif->getVersion() == NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_BGS
            && nif->getBethVersion() > NIFFile::BethVersion::BETHVER_FO3)
            nif->getUInt(); // Material CRC

        if (nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getVector3s(normals, verts);
            if (dataFlags & 0x1000)
                nif->getVector3s(tangents, verts);
                nif->getVector3s(bitangents, verts);

        center = nif->getVector3();
        radius = nif->getFloat();

        if (nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getVector4s(colors, verts);

        unsigned int numUVs = dataFlags;
        if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(4, 2, 2, 0))
            numUVs = nif->getUShort();

        // In Morrowind this field only corresponds to the number of UV sets.
        // In later games only the first 6 bits are used as a count and the rest are flags.
        if (nif->getVersion() > NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_MW)
            numUVs &= 0x3f;
            if (nif->getVersion() == NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_BGS && nif->getBethVersion() > 0)
                numUVs &= 0x1;

        bool hasUVs = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_MW)
            hasUVs = nif->getBoolean();
        if (hasUVs)
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numUVs; i++)
                nif->getVector2s(uvlist[i], verts);
                // flip the texture coordinates to convert them to the OpenGL convention of bottom-left image origin
                for (unsigned int uv = 0; uv < uvlist[i].size(); ++uv)
                    uvlist[i][uv] = osg::Vec2f(uvlist[i][uv].x(), 1.f - uvlist[i][uv].y());

        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 0))
            nif->getUShort(); // Consistency flags

        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(20, 0, 0, 4))
            nif->skip(4); // Additional data

    void NiTriBasedGeomData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mNumTriangles = nif->getUShort();

    void NiTriShapeData::read(NIFStream* nif)

        // We have three times as many vertices as triangles, so this
        // is always equal to mNumTriangles * 3.
        int cnt = nif->getInt();
        bool hasTriangles = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() > NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_OB_OLD)
            hasTriangles = nif->getBoolean();
        if (hasTriangles)
            nif->getUShorts(triangles, cnt);

        // Read the match list, which lists the vertices that are equal to
        // vertices. We don't actually need need this for anything, so
        // just skip it.
        unsigned short verts = nif->getUShort();
        for (unsigned short i = 0; i < verts; i++)
            // Number of vertices matching vertex 'i'
            int num = nif->getUShort();
            nif->skip(num * sizeof(short));

    void NiTriStripsData::read(NIFStream* nif)

        // Number of triangle strips
        int numStrips = nif->getUShort();

        std::vector<unsigned short> lengths;
        nif->getUShorts(lengths, numStrips);

        // "Has Strips" flag. Exceptionally useful.
        bool hasStrips = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() > NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_OB_OLD)
            hasStrips = nif->getBoolean();
        if (!hasStrips || !numStrips)

        for (int i = 0; i < numStrips; i++)
            nif->getUShorts(strips[i], lengths[i]);

    void NiLinesData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        size_t num = vertices.size();
        std::vector<char> flags;
        nif->getChars(flags, num);
        // Can't construct a line from a single vertex.
        if (num < 2)
        // Convert connectivity flags into usable geometry. The last element needs special handling.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num - 1; ++i)
            if (flags[i] & 1)
                lines.emplace_back(i + 1);
        // If there are just two vertices, they can be connected twice. Probably isn't critical.
        if (flags[num - 1] & 1)
            lines.emplace_back(num - 1);

    void NiParticlesData::read(NIFStream* nif)

        // Should always match the number of vertices
        if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_MW)
            numParticles = nif->getUShort();

        if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 0))
            std::fill(particleRadii.begin(), particleRadii.end(), nif->getFloat());
        else if (nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getFloats(particleRadii, vertices.size());
        activeCount = nif->getUShort();

        // Particle sizes
        if (nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getFloats(sizes, vertices.size());

        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 0, 1, 0) && nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getQuaternions(rotations, vertices.size());
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(20, 0, 0, 4))
            if (nif->getBoolean())
                nif->getFloats(rotationAngles, vertices.size());
            if (nif->getBoolean())
                nif->getVector3s(rotationAxes, vertices.size());

    void NiRotatingParticlesData::read(NIFStream* nif)

        if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(4, 2, 2, 0) && nif->getBoolean())
            nif->getQuaternions(rotations, vertices.size());

    void NiPosData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mKeyList = std::make_shared<Vector3KeyMap>();

    void NiUVData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            mKeyList[i] = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();

    void NiFloatData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mKeyList = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();

    void NiPixelData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        fmt = (Format)nif->getUInt();

        if (nif->getVersion() < NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 4, 0, 2))
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                colorMask[i] = nif->getUInt();
            bpp = nif->getUInt();
            nif->skip(8); // "Old Fast Compare". Whatever that means.
            if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
                pixelTiling = nif->getUInt();
        else // TODO: see if anything from here needs to be implemented
            bpp = nif->getChar();
            nif->skip(4); // Renderer hint
            nif->skip(4); // Extra data
            nif->skip(4); // Flags
            pixelTiling = nif->getUInt();
            if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(20, 3, 0, 4))
                sRGB = nif->getBoolean();
            nif->skip(4 * 10); // Channel data


        numberOfMipmaps = nif->getUInt();

        // Bytes per pixel, should be bpp / 8
        /* int bytes = */ nif->getUInt();

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfMipmaps; i++)
            // Image size and offset in the following data field
            Mipmap m;
            m.width = nif->getUInt();
            m.height = nif->getUInt();
            m.dataOffset = nif->getUInt();

        // Read the data
        unsigned int numPixels = nif->getUInt();
        bool hasFaces = nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 4, 0, 2);
        unsigned int numFaces = hasFaces ? nif->getUInt() : 1;
        if (numPixels && numFaces)
            nif->getUChars(data, numPixels * numFaces);

    void NiPixelData::post(Reader& nif)

    void NiColorData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mKeyMap = std::make_shared<Vector4KeyMap>();

    void NiVisData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        int count = nif->getInt();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mVis.size(); i++)
            mVis[i].time = nif->getFloat();
            mVis[i].isSet = (nif->getChar() != 0);

    void NiSkinData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        trafo.rotation = nif->getMatrix3();
        trafo.pos = nif->getVector3();
        trafo.scale = nif->getFloat();

        int boneNum = nif->getInt();
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_MW
            && nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))

        bool hasVertexWeights = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() > NIFStream::generateVersion(4, 2, 1, 0))
            hasVertexWeights = nif->getBoolean();

        for (BoneInfo& bi : bones)
            bi.trafo.rotation = nif->getMatrix3();
            bi.trafo.pos = nif->getVector3();
            bi.trafo.scale = nif->getFloat();
            bi.boundSphereCenter = nif->getVector3();
            bi.boundSphereRadius = nif->getFloat();

            size_t numVertices = nif->getUShort();

            if (!hasVertexWeights)

            for (size_t j = 0; j < bi.weights.size(); j++)
                bi.weights[j].vertex = nif->getUShort();
                bi.weights[j].weight = nif->getFloat();

    void NiSkinData::post(Reader& nif)

    void NiSkinPartition::read(NIFStream* nif)
        unsigned int num = nif->getUInt();
        for (auto& partition : data)

    void NiSkinPartition::Partition::read(NIFStream* nif)
        size_t numVertices = nif->getUShort();
        size_t numTriangles = nif->getUShort();
        size_t numBones = nif->getUShort();
        size_t numStrips = nif->getUShort();
        size_t bonesPerVertex = nif->getUShort();
        if (numBones)
            nif->getUShorts(bones, numBones);

        bool hasVertexMap = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
            hasVertexMap = nif->getBoolean();
        if (hasVertexMap && numVertices)
            nif->getUShorts(vertexMap, numVertices);

        bool hasVertexWeights = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
            hasVertexWeights = nif->getBoolean();
        if (hasVertexWeights && numVertices && bonesPerVertex)
            nif->getFloats(weights, numVertices * bonesPerVertex);

        std::vector<unsigned short> stripLengths;
        if (numStrips)
            nif->getUShorts(stripLengths, numStrips);

        bool hasFaces = true;
        if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
            hasFaces = nif->getBoolean();
        if (hasFaces)
            if (numStrips)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < numStrips; i++)
                    nif->getUShorts(strips[i], stripLengths[i]);
            else if (numTriangles)
                nif->getUShorts(triangles, numTriangles * 3);
        bool hasBoneIndices = nif->getChar() != 0;
        if (hasBoneIndices && numVertices && bonesPerVertex)
            nif->getChars(boneIndices, numVertices * bonesPerVertex);
        if (nif->getBethVersion() > NIFFile::BethVersion::BETHVER_FO3)
            nif->getChar(); // LOD level
            nif->getBoolean(); // Global VB

    void NiMorphData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        int morphCount = nif->getInt();
        int vertCount = nif->getInt();
        nif->getChar(); // Relative targets, always 1

        for (int i = 0; i < morphCount; i++)
            mMorphs[i].mKeyFrames = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();
            mMorphs[i].mKeyFrames->read(nif, /*morph*/ true);
            nif->getVector3s(mMorphs[i].mVertices, vertCount);

    void NiKeyframeData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mRotations = std::make_shared<QuaternionKeyMap>();
        if (mRotations->mInterpolationType == InterpolationType_XYZ)
            if (nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(10, 1, 0, 0))
                mAxisOrder = static_cast<AxisOrder>(nif->getInt());
            mXRotations = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();
            mYRotations = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();
            mZRotations = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();
        mTranslations = std::make_shared<Vector3KeyMap>();
        mScales = std::make_shared<FloatKeyMap>();

    void NiPalette::read(NIFStream* nif)
        unsigned int alphaMask = !nif->getChar() ? 0xFF000000 : 0;
        // Fill the entire palette with black even if there isn't enough entries.
        unsigned int numEntries = nif->getUInt();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
            colors[i] = nif->getUInt() | alphaMask;

    void NiStringPalette::read(NIFStream* nif)
        palette = nif->getStringPalette();
        if (nif->getUInt() != palette.size())
            Log(Debug::Warning) << "NIFFile Warning: Failed size check in NiStringPalette. File: "
                                << nif->getFile().getFilename();

    void NiBoolData::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mKeyList = std::make_shared<ByteKeyMap>();

    void BSMultiBound::read(NIFStream* nif)

    void BSMultiBound::post(Reader& nif)

    void BSMultiBoundOBB::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mCenter = nif->getVector3();
        mSize = nif->getVector3();
        mRotation = nif->getMatrix3();

    void BSMultiBoundSphere::read(NIFStream* nif)
        mCenter = nif->getVector3();
        mRadius = nif->getFloat();

} // Namespace