#include "infotableproxymodel.hpp"

#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>

#include <apps/opencs/model/world/idtableproxymodel.hpp>
#include <apps/opencs/model/world/universalid.hpp>

#include <components/misc/strings/lower.hpp>

#include <string>

#include "columns.hpp"
#include "idtablebase.hpp"

    QString toLower(const QString& str)
        return QString::fromUtf8(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(str.toUtf8().constData()).c_str());

CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::InfoTableProxyModel(CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type, QObject* parent)
    : IdTableProxyModel(parent)
    , mType(type)
    , mInfoColumnId(type == UniversalId::Type_TopicInfos ? Columns::ColumnId_Topic : Columns::ColumnId_Journal)
    , mInfoColumnIndex(-1)
    , mLastAddedSourceRow(-1)
    Q_ASSERT(type == UniversalId::Type_TopicInfos || type == UniversalId::Type_JournalInfos);

void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel* sourceModel)

    if (mSourceModel != nullptr)
        mInfoColumnIndex = mSourceModel->findColumnIndex(mInfoColumnId);

bool CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex& left, const QModelIndex& right) const
    Q_ASSERT(mSourceModel != nullptr);

    QModelIndex first = mSourceModel->index(getFirstInfoRow(left.row()), left.column());
    QModelIndex second = mSourceModel->index(getFirstInfoRow(right.row()), right.column());

    // If both indexes are belonged to the same Topic/Journal, compare their original rows only
    if (first.row() == second.row())
        return sortOrder() == Qt::AscendingOrder ? left.row() < right.row() : right.row() < left.row();
    return IdTableProxyModel::lessThan(first, second);

int CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::getFirstInfoRow(int currentRow) const
    Q_ASSERT(mSourceModel != nullptr);

    int row = currentRow;
    int column = mInfoColumnIndex;
    QString info = toLower(mSourceModel->data(mSourceModel->index(row, column)).toString());

    if (mFirstRowCache.contains(info))
        return mFirstRowCache[info];

    while (--row >= 0 && toLower(mSourceModel->data(mSourceModel->index(row, column)).toString()) == info)

    mFirstRowCache[info] = row;
    return row;

void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::sourceRowsRemoved(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/, int /*start*/, int /*end*/)

void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::sourceRowsInserted(const QModelIndex& parent, int /*start*/, int end)

    if (!parent.isValid())
        // We can't re-sort the model here, because the topic of the added row isn't set yet.
        // Store the row index for using in the first dataChanged() after this row insertion.
        mLastAddedSourceRow = end;

void CSMWorld::InfoTableProxyModel::sourceDataChanged(const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight)

    if (mLastAddedSourceRow != -1 && topLeft.row() <= mLastAddedSourceRow && bottomRight.row() >= mLastAddedSourceRow)
        // Now the topic of the last added row is set,
        // so we can re-sort the model to ensure the corrent position of this row
        int column = sortColumn();
        Qt::SortOrder order = sortOrder();
        sort(mInfoColumnIndex); // Restore the correct position of an added row
        sort(column, order); // Restore the original sort order
        emit rowAdded(getRecordId(mLastAddedSourceRow).toUtf8().constData());

        // Make sure that we perform a re-sorting only in the first dataChanged() after a row insertion
        mLastAddedSourceRow = -1;