local ambient = require('openmw.ambient') local core = require('openmw.core') local Skill = core.stats.Skill local I = require('openmw.interfaces') local nearby = require('openmw.nearby') local self = require('openmw.self') local types = require('openmw.types') local NPC = types.NPC local Actor = types.Actor local ui = require('openmw.ui') local cell = nil local autodoors = {} local function onCellChange() autodoors = {} for _, door in ipairs(nearby.doors) do if door.type == types.ESM4Door and types.ESM4Door.record(door).isAutomatic then autodoors[#autodoors + 1] = door end end end local autodoorActivationDist = 300 local lastAutoActivation = 0 local function processAutomaticDoors() if core.getRealTime() - lastAutoActivation < 2 then return end for _, door in ipairs(autodoors) do if door.enabled and (door.position - self.position):length() < autodoorActivationDist then print('Automatic activation of', door) door:activateBy(self) lastAutoActivation = core.getRealTime() end end end local function skillLevelUpHandler(skillid, source, params) local skillStat = NPC.stats.skills[skillid](self) if skillStat.base >= 100 then return false end if params.skillIncreaseValue then skillStat.base = skillStat.base + params.skillIncreaseValue end local levelStat = Actor.stats.level(self) if params.levelUpProgress then levelStat.progress = levelStat.progress + params.levelUpProgress end if params.levelUpAttribute and params.levelUpAttributeIncreaseValue then levelStat.skillIncreasesForAttribute[params.levelUpAttribute] = levelStat.skillIncreasesForAttribute[params.levelUpAttribute] + params.levelUpAttributeIncreaseValue end if params.levelUpSpecialization and params.levelUpSpecializationIncreaseValue then levelStat.skillIncreasesForSpecialization[params.levelUpSpecialization] = levelStat.skillIncreasesForSpecialization[params.levelUpSpecialization] + params.levelUpSpecializationIncreaseValue; end local skillRecord = Skill.record(skillid) local npcRecord = NPC.record(self) local class = NPC.classes.record(npcRecord.class) ambient.playSound("skillraise") local message = core.getGMST('sNotifyMessage39') message = message:gsub("%%s", skillRecord.name) message = message:gsub("%%d", tostring(skillStat.base)) if source == I.SkillProgression.SKILL_INCREASE_SOURCES.Book then message = '#{sBookSkillMessage}\n'..message end ui.showMessage(message) if levelStat.progress >= core.getGMST('iLevelUpTotal') then ui.showMessage('#{sLevelUpMsg}') end if not source or source == I.SkillProgression.SKILL_INCREASE_SOURCES.Usage then skillStat.progress = 0 end end local function skillUsedHandler(skillid, useType, params) if NPC.isWerewolf(self) then return false end if params.skillGain then local skillStat = NPC.stats.skills[skillid](self) skillStat.progress = skillStat.progress + params.skillGain if skillStat.progress >= 1 then I.SkillProgression.skillLevelUp(skillid, I.SkillProgression.SKILL_INCREASE_SOURCES.Usage) end end end local function onUpdate() if self.cell ~= cell then cell = self.cell onCellChange() end processAutomaticDoors() end local function onActive() I.SkillProgression.addSkillUsedHandler(skillUsedHandler) I.SkillProgression.addSkillLevelUpHandler(skillLevelUpHandler) end return { engineHandlers = { onUpdate = onUpdate, onActive = onActive, }, }