#include #include #include #include "../testing_util.hpp" namespace { using namespace testing; using namespace Shader; struct ShaderManagerTest : Test { ShaderManager mManager; ShaderManager::DefineMap mDefines; ShaderManagerTest() { mManager.setShaderPath("."); } template void withShaderFile(const std::string& content, F&& f) { withShaderFile("", content, std::forward(f)); } template void withShaderFile(const std::string& suffix, const std::string& content, F&& f) { auto path = TestingOpenMW::outputFilePath( std::string(UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name()) + suffix + ".glsl"); { std::ofstream stream(path); stream << content; stream.close(); } f(path); } }; TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_with_empty_content_should_succeed) { const std::string content; withShaderFile(content, [this] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { EXPECT_TRUE(mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), {}, osg::Shader::VERTEX)); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_not_change_source_without_template_parameters) { const std::string content = "#version 120\n" "void main() {}\n"; withShaderFile(content, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { const auto shader = mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths ASSERT_TRUE(shader); EXPECT_EQ(shader->getShaderSource(), content); }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_replace_includes_with_content) { const std::string content0 = "void foo() {}\n"; withShaderFile("_0", content0, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName0) { const std::string content1 = "#include \"" + templateName0.string() + "\"\n" //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths "void bar() { foo() }\n"; withShaderFile("_1", content1, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName1) { const std::string content2 = "#version 120\n" "#include \"" + templateName1.string() + "\"\n" //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths "void main() { bar() }\n"; withShaderFile(content2, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName2) { const auto shader = mManager.getShader(templateName2.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths ASSERT_TRUE(shader); const std::string expected = "#version 120\n" "#line 0 1\n" "#line 0 2\n" "void foo() {}\n" "\n" "#line 0 0\n" "\n" "void bar() { foo() }\n" "\n" "#line 1 0\n" "\n" "void main() { bar() }\n"; EXPECT_EQ(shader->getShaderSource(), expected); }); }); }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_replace_defines) { const std::string content = "#version 120\n" "#define FLAG @flag\n" "void main() {}\n" ; withShaderFile(content, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { mDefines["flag"] = "1"; const auto shader = mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths ASSERT_TRUE(shader); const std::string expected = "#version 120\n" "#define FLAG 1\n" "void main() {}\n"; EXPECT_EQ(shader->getShaderSource(), expected); }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_expand_loop) { const std::string content = "#version 120\n" "@foreach index @list\n" " varying vec4 foo@index;\n" "@endforeach\n" "void main() {}\n" ; withShaderFile(content, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { mDefines["list"] = "1,2,3"; const auto shader = mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths ASSERT_TRUE(shader); const std::string expected = "#version 120\n" " varying vec4 foo1;\n" " varying vec4 foo2;\n" " varying vec4 foo3;\n" "\n" "#line 5\n" "void main() {}\n"; EXPECT_EQ(shader->getShaderSource(), expected); }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_replace_loops_with_conditions) { const std::string content = "#version 120\n" "@foreach index @list\n" " varying vec4 foo@index;\n" "@endforeach\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" "#ifdef BAR\n" "@foreach index @list\n" " foo@index = vec4(1.0);\n" "@endforeach\n" "#elif BAZ\n" "@foreach index @list\n" " foo@index = vec4(2.0);\n" "@endforeach\n" "#else\n" "@foreach index @list\n" " foo@index = vec4(3.0);\n" "@endforeach\n" "#endif\n" "}\n" ; withShaderFile(content, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { mDefines["list"] = "1,2,3"; const auto shader = mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths ASSERT_TRUE(shader); const std::string expected = "#version 120\n" " varying vec4 foo1;\n" " varying vec4 foo2;\n" " varying vec4 foo3;\n" "\n" "#line 5\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" "#ifdef BAR\n" " foo1 = vec4(1.0);\n" " foo2 = vec4(1.0);\n" " foo3 = vec4(1.0);\n" "\n" "#line 11\n" "#elif BAZ\n" "#line 12\n" " foo1 = vec4(2.0);\n" " foo2 = vec4(2.0);\n" " foo3 = vec4(2.0);\n" "\n" "#line 15\n" "#else\n" "#line 16\n" " foo1 = vec4(3.0);\n" " foo2 = vec4(3.0);\n" " foo3 = vec4(3.0);\n" "\n" "#line 19\n" "#endif\n" "#line 20\n" "}\n"; EXPECT_EQ(shader->getShaderSource(), expected); }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_fail_on_absent_template_parameters_in_single_line_comments) { const std::string content = "#version 120\n" "// #define FLAG @flag\n" "void main() {}\n" ; withShaderFile(content, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { EXPECT_FALSE(mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX)); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths }); } TEST_F(ShaderManagerTest, get_shader_should_fail_on_absent_template_parameter_in_multi_line_comments) { const std::string content = "#version 120\n" "/* #define FLAG @flag */\n" "void main() {}\n" ; withShaderFile(content, [&] (const std::filesystem::path& templateName) { EXPECT_FALSE(mManager.getShader(templateName.string(), mDefines, osg::Shader::VERTEX)); //TODO(Project579): This will probably break in windows with unicode paths }); } }