#include "esmreader.hpp" #include "readerscache.hpp" #include "savedgame.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ESM { ESM_Context ESMReader::getContext() { // Update the file position before returning mCtx.filePos = mEsm->tellg(); return mCtx; } ESMReader::ESMReader() : mRecordFlags(0) , mBuffer(50 * 1024) , mEncoder(nullptr) , mFileSize(0) { clearCtx(); mCtx.index = 0; } void ESMReader::restoreContext(const ESM_Context& rc) { // Reopen the file if necessary if (mCtx.filename != rc.filename) openRaw(rc.filename); // Copy the data mCtx = rc; // Make sure we seek to the right place mEsm->seekg(mCtx.filePos); } void ESMReader::close() { mEsm.reset(); clearCtx(); mHeader.blank(); } void ESMReader::clearCtx() { mCtx.filename.clear(); mCtx.leftFile = 0; mCtx.leftRec = 0; mCtx.leftSub = 0; mCtx.subCached = false; mCtx.recName.clear(); mCtx.subName.clear(); } void ESMReader::resolveParentFileIndices(ReadersCache& readers) { mCtx.parentFileIndices.clear(); for (const Header::MasterData& mast : getGameFiles()) { const std::string& fname = mast.name; int index = getIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < getIndex(); i++) { const ESM::ReadersCache::BusyItem reader = readers.get(static_cast(i)); if (reader->getFileSize() == 0) continue; // Content file in non-ESM format const auto fnamecandidate = Files::pathToUnicodeString(reader->getName().filename()); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(fname, fnamecandidate)) { index = i; break; } } mCtx.parentFileIndices.push_back(index); } } ESM::RefId ESMReader::getCellId() { if (mHeader.mFormatVersion <= ESM::MaxUseEsmCellIdFormatVersion) { ESM::CellId cellId; cellId.load(*this); if (cellId.mPaged) { return ESM::RefId::esm3ExteriorCell(cellId.mIndex.mX, cellId.mIndex.mY); } else { return ESM::RefId::stringRefId(cellId.mWorldspace); } } return getHNRefId("NAME"); } void ESMReader::openRaw(std::unique_ptr&& stream, const std::filesystem::path& name) { close(); mEsm = std::move(stream); mCtx.filename = name; mEsm->seekg(0, mEsm->end); mCtx.leftFile = mFileSize = mEsm->tellg(); mEsm->seekg(0, mEsm->beg); } void ESMReader::openRaw(const std::filesystem::path& filename) { openRaw(Files::openBinaryInputFileStream(filename), filename); } void ESMReader::open(std::unique_ptr&& stream, const std::filesystem::path& name) { openRaw(std::move(stream), name); if (getRecName() != "TES3") fail("Not a valid Morrowind file"); getRecHeader(); mHeader.load(*this); } void ESMReader::open(const std::filesystem::path& file) { open(Files::openBinaryInputFileStream(file), file); } std::string ESMReader::getHNOString(NAME name) { if (isNextSub(name)) return getHString(); return ""; } ESM::RefId ESMReader::getHNORefId(NAME name) { if (isNextSub(name)) return getRefId(); return ESM::RefId::sEmpty; } void ESMReader::skipHNORefId(NAME name) { if (isNextSub(name)) skipHRefId(); } std::string ESMReader::getHNString(NAME name) { getSubNameIs(name); return getHString(); } RefId ESMReader::getHNRefId(NAME name) { getSubNameIs(name); return getRefId(); } std::string ESMReader::getHString() { return std::string(getHStringView()); } std::string_view ESMReader::getHStringView() { getSubHeader(); if (mHeader.mFormatVersion > MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion) return getStringView(mCtx.leftSub); // Hack to make MultiMark.esp load. Zero-length strings do not // occur in any of the official mods, but MultiMark makes use of // them. For some reason, they break the rules, and contain a byte // (value 0) even if the header says there is no data. If // Morrowind accepts it, so should we. if (mCtx.leftSub == 0 && hasMoreSubs() && !mEsm->peek()) { // Skip the following zero byte mCtx.leftRec--; char c; getT(c); return std::string_view(); } return getStringView(mCtx.leftSub); } RefId ESMReader::getRefId() { if (mHeader.mFormatVersion <= MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion) return ESM::RefId::stringRefId(getHStringView()); getSubHeader(); return getRefIdImpl(mCtx.leftSub); } void ESMReader::skipHString() { getSubHeader(); // Hack to make MultiMark.esp load. Zero-length strings do not // occur in any of the official mods, but MultiMark makes use of // them. For some reason, they break the rules, and contain a byte // (value 0) even if the header says there is no data. If // Morrowind accepts it, so should we. if (mHeader.mFormatVersion <= MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion && mCtx.leftSub == 0 && hasMoreSubs() && !mEsm->peek()) { // Skip the following zero byte mCtx.leftRec--; skipT(); return; } skip(mCtx.leftSub); } void ESMReader::skipHRefId() { skipHString(); } void ESMReader::getHExact(void* p, int size) { getSubHeader(); if (size != static_cast(mCtx.leftSub)) reportSubSizeMismatch(size, mCtx.leftSub); getExact(p, size); } // Read the given number of bytes from a named subrecord void ESMReader::getHNExact(void* p, int size, NAME name) { getSubNameIs(name); getHExact(p, size); } FormId ESMReader::getFormId(bool wide, NAME tag) { FormId res; if (wide) getHNTSized<8>(res, tag); else getHNT(res.mIndex, tag); return res; } // Get the next subrecord name and check if it matches the parameter void ESMReader::getSubNameIs(NAME name) { getSubName(); if (mCtx.subName != name) fail("Expected subrecord " + name.toString() + " but got " + mCtx.subName.toString()); } bool ESMReader::isNextSub(NAME name) { if (!hasMoreSubs()) return false; getSubName(); // If the name didn't match, then mark the it as 'cached' so it's // available for the next call to getSubName. mCtx.subCached = (mCtx.subName != name); // If subCached is false, then subName == name. return !mCtx.subCached; } bool ESMReader::peekNextSub(NAME name) { if (!hasMoreSubs()) return false; getSubName(); mCtx.subCached = true; return mCtx.subName == name; } // Read subrecord name. This gets called a LOT, so I've optimized it // slightly. void ESMReader::getSubName() { // If the name has already been read, do nothing if (mCtx.subCached) { mCtx.subCached = false; return; } // reading the subrecord data anyway. const std::size_t subNameSize = decltype(mCtx.subName)::sCapacity; getExact(mCtx.subName.mData, static_cast(subNameSize)); mCtx.leftRec -= static_cast(subNameSize); } void ESMReader::skipHSub() { getSubHeader(); skip(mCtx.leftSub); } void ESMReader::skipHSubSize(int size) { skipHSub(); if (static_cast(mCtx.leftSub) != size) reportSubSizeMismatch(mCtx.leftSub, size); } void ESMReader::skipHSubUntil(NAME name) { while (hasMoreSubs() && !isNextSub(name)) { mCtx.subCached = false; skipHSub(); } if (hasMoreSubs()) mCtx.subCached = true; } void ESMReader::getSubHeader() { if (mCtx.leftRec < static_cast(sizeof(mCtx.leftSub))) fail("End of record while reading sub-record header: " + std::to_string(mCtx.leftRec) + " < " + std::to_string(sizeof(mCtx.leftSub))); // Get subrecord size getUint(mCtx.leftSub); mCtx.leftRec -= sizeof(mCtx.leftSub); // Adjust number of record bytes left if (mCtx.leftRec < mCtx.leftSub) fail("Record size is larger than rest of file: " + std::to_string(mCtx.leftRec) + " < " + std::to_string(mCtx.leftSub)); mCtx.leftRec -= mCtx.leftSub; } NAME ESMReader::getRecName() { if (!hasMoreRecs()) fail("No more records, getRecName() failed"); getName(mCtx.recName); mCtx.leftFile -= decltype(mCtx.recName)::sCapacity; // Make sure we don't carry over any old cached subrecord // names. This can happen in some cases when we skip parts of a // record. mCtx.subCached = false; return mCtx.recName; } void ESMReader::skipRecord() { skip(mCtx.leftRec); mCtx.leftRec = 0; mCtx.subCached = false; } void ESMReader::getRecHeader(uint32_t& flags) { // General error checking if (mCtx.leftFile < static_cast(3 * sizeof(uint32_t))) fail("End of file while reading record header"); if (mCtx.leftRec) fail("Previous record contains unread bytes"); std::uint32_t leftRec = 0; getUint(leftRec); mCtx.leftRec = static_cast(leftRec); getUint(flags); // This header entry is always zero getUint(flags); mCtx.leftFile -= 3 * sizeof(uint32_t); // Check that sizes add up if (mCtx.leftFile < mCtx.leftRec) reportSubSizeMismatch(mCtx.leftFile, mCtx.leftRec); // Adjust number of bytes mCtx.left in file mCtx.leftFile -= mCtx.leftRec; } /************************************************************************* * * Lowest level data reading and misc methods * *************************************************************************/ std::string ESMReader::getMaybeFixedStringSize(std::size_t size) { if (mHeader.mFormatVersion > MaxLimitedSizeStringsFormatVersion) { StringSizeType storedSize = 0; getT(storedSize); if (storedSize > mCtx.leftSub) fail("String does not fit subrecord (" + std::to_string(storedSize) + " > " + std::to_string(mCtx.leftSub) + ")"); size = static_cast(storedSize); } return std::string(getStringView(size)); } RefId ESMReader::getMaybeFixedRefIdSize(std::size_t size) { if (mHeader.mFormatVersion <= MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion) return RefId::stringRefId(getMaybeFixedStringSize(size)); return getRefIdImpl(mCtx.leftSub); } std::string_view ESMReader::getStringView(std::size_t size) { if (mBuffer.size() <= size) // Add some extra padding to reduce the chance of having to resize // again later. mBuffer.resize(3 * size); // And make sure the string is zero terminated mBuffer[size] = 0; // read ESM data char* ptr = mBuffer.data(); getExact(ptr, size); size = strnlen(ptr, size); // Convert to UTF8 and return if (mEncoder != nullptr) return mEncoder->getUtf8(std::string_view(ptr, size)); return std::string_view(ptr, size); } RefId ESMReader::getRefId(std::size_t size) { if (mHeader.mFormatVersion <= MaxStringRefIdFormatVersion) return ESM::RefId::stringRefId(getStringView(size)); return getRefIdImpl(size); } RefId ESMReader::getRefIdImpl(std::size_t size) { RefIdType refIdType = RefIdType::Empty; getT(refIdType); switch (refIdType) { case RefIdType::Empty: return RefId(); case RefIdType::SizedString: { const std::size_t minSize = sizeof(refIdType) + sizeof(StringSizeType); if (size < minSize) fail("Requested RefId record size is too small (" + std::to_string(size) + " < " + std::to_string(minSize) + ")"); StringSizeType storedSize = 0; getT(storedSize); const std::size_t maxSize = size - minSize; if (storedSize > maxSize) fail("RefId string does not fit subrecord size (" + std::to_string(storedSize) + " > " + std::to_string(maxSize) + ")"); return RefId::stringRefId(getStringView(storedSize)); } case RefIdType::UnsizedString: if (size < sizeof(refIdType)) fail("Requested RefId record size is too small (" + std::to_string(size) + " < " + std::to_string(sizeof(refIdType)) + ")"); return RefId::stringRefId(getStringView(size - sizeof(refIdType))); case RefIdType::FormId: { FormId formId{}; getT(formId); return RefId::formIdRefId(formId); } case RefIdType::Generated: { std::uint64_t generated{}; getExact(&generated, sizeof(std::uint64_t)); return RefId::generated(generated); } case RefIdType::Index: { RecNameInts recordType{}; getExact(&recordType, sizeof(std::uint32_t)); std::uint32_t index{}; getExact(&index, sizeof(std::uint32_t)); return RefId::index(recordType, index); } case RefIdType::ESM3ExteriorCell: { int32_t x, y; getExact(&x, sizeof(std::int32_t)); getExact(&y, sizeof(std::int32_t)); return RefId::esm3ExteriorCell(x, y); } } fail("Unsupported RefIdType: " + std::to_string(static_cast(refIdType))); } [[noreturn]] void ESMReader::fail(const std::string& msg) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ESM Error: " << msg; ss << "\n File: " << Files::pathToUnicodeString(mCtx.filename); ss << "\n Record: " << mCtx.recName.toStringView(); ss << "\n Subrecord: " << mCtx.subName.toStringView(); if (mEsm.get()) ss << "\n Offset: 0x" << std::hex << mEsm->tellg(); throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } }