local core = require('openmw.core') local ui = require('openmw.ui') local async = require('openmw.async') local util = require('openmw.util') local I = require('openmw.interfaces') local function applyDefaults(argument, defaults) if not argument then return defaults end if pairs(defaults) and pairs(argument) then local result = {} for k, v in pairs(defaults) do result[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(argument) do result[k] = v end return result end return argument end local function paddedBox(layout) return { template = I.MWUI.templates.box, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.padding, content = ui.content { layout }, }, } } end local function disable(disabled, layout) if disabled then return { template = I.MWUI.templates.disabled, content = ui.content { layout, }, } else return layout end end return function(registerRenderer) do local defaultArgument = { disabled = false, } registerRenderer('textLine', function(value, set, argument) argument = applyDefaults(argument, defaultArgument) return disable(argument.disabled, paddedBox { template = I.MWUI.templates.textEditLine, props = { text = tostring(value), }, events = { textChanged = async:callback(function(s) set(s) end), }, }) end) end do local defaultArgument = { disabled = false, l10n = 'Interface', trueLabel = 'Yes', falseLabel = 'No', } registerRenderer('checkbox', function(value, set, argument) argument = applyDefaults(argument, defaultArgument) local l10n = core.l10n(argument.l10n) return disable(argument.disabled, paddedBox { template = I.MWUI.templates.padding, content = ui.content { { template = I.MWUI.templates.textNormal, props = { text = l10n(value and argument.trueLabel or argument.falseLabel) }, events = { mouseClick = async:callback(function() set(not value) end), }, }, } }) end) end do local function validateNumber(text, argument) local number = tonumber(text) if not number then return end if argument.min and number < argument.min then return end if argument.max and number > argument.max then return end if argument.integer and math.floor(number) ~= number then return end return number end local defaultArgument = { disabled = false, integer = false, min = nil, max = nil, } registerRenderer('number', function(value, set, argument) argument = applyDefaults(argument, defaultArgument) local lastInput = nil return disable(argument.disabled, paddedBox { template = I.MWUI.templates.textEditLine, props = { text = tostring(value), }, events = { textChanged = async:callback(function(text) lastInput = text end), focusLoss = async:callback(function() if not lastInput then return end local number = validateNumber(lastInput, argument) if not number then set(value) end if number and number ~= value then set(number) end end), }, }) end) end do local defaultArgument = { disabled = false, l10n = nil, items = {}, } local leftArrow = ui.texture { path = 'textures/omw_menu_scroll_left.dds', } local rightArrow = ui.texture { path = 'textures/omw_menu_scroll_right.dds', } registerRenderer('select', function(value, set, argument) argument = applyDefaults(argument, defaultArgument) if not argument.l10n then error('"select" renderer requires a "l10n" argument') end local l10n = core.l10n(argument.l10n) local index = nil local itemCount = 0 for i, item in ipairs(argument.items) do itemCount = itemCount + 1 if item == value then index = i end end if not index then return {} end local label = l10n(value) local body = { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, props = { horizontal = true, arrange = ui.ALIGNMENT.Center, }, content = ui.content { { type = ui.TYPE.Image, props = { resource = leftArrow, size = util.vector2(1, 1) * 12, }, events = { mouseClick = async:callback(function() index = (index - 2) % itemCount + 1 set(argument.items[index]) end), }, }, { template = I.MWUI.templates.interval }, { template = I.MWUI.templates.textNormal, props = { text = label, }, external = { grow = 1, }, }, { template = I.MWUI.templates.interval }, { type = ui.TYPE.Image, props = { resource = rightArrow, size = util.vector2(1, 1) * 12, }, events = { mouseClick = async:callback(function() index = (index) % itemCount + 1 set(argument.items[index]) end), }, }, }, } return disable(argument.disabled, paddedBox(body)) end) end do local whiteTexture = ui.texture { path = 'white' } local defaultArgument = { disabled = false, } registerRenderer('color', function(value, set, argument) argument = applyDefaults(argument, defaultArgument) local colorDisplay = { template = I.MWUI.templates.box, content = ui.content { { type = ui.TYPE.Image, props = { resource = whiteTexture, color = value, -- TODO: remove hardcoded size when possible size = util.vector2(1, 1) * 20, }, } }, } local lastInput = nil local hexInput = paddedBox { template = I.MWUI.templates.textEditLine, props = { text = value:asHex(), }, events = { textChanged = async:callback(function(text) lastInput = text end), focusLoss = async:callback(function() if not lastInput then return end if not pcall(function() set(util.color.hex(lastInput)) end) then set(value) end end), }, } return disable(argument.disabled, { type = ui.TYPE.Flex, props = { horizontal = true, arrange = ui.ALIGNMENT.Center, }, content = ui.content { colorDisplay, { template = I.MWUI.templates.interval }, hexInput, } }) end) end end