local testing = require('testing_util') local util = require('openmw.util') local world = require('openmw.world') local core = require('openmw.core') if not core.contentFiles.has('Morrowind.esm') then error('This test requires Morrowind.esm') end local tests = { {'Player should be able to walk up stairs in Ebonheart docks (#4247)', function() world.players[1]:teleport('', util.vector3(19867, -102180, -79), util.transform.rotateZ(math.rad(91))) coroutine.yield() testing.runLocalTest(world.players[1], 'Player should be able to walk up stairs in Ebonheart docks (#4247)') end}, {'Guard in Imperial Prison Ship should find path (#7241)', function() world.players[1]:teleport('Imperial Prison Ship', util.vector3(61, -135, -105), util.transform.rotateZ(math.rad(-20))) coroutine.yield() testing.runLocalTest(world.players[1], 'Guard in Imperial Prison Ship should find path (#7241)') end}, } return { engineHandlers = { onUpdate = testing.testRunner(tests), }, eventHandlers = testing.eventHandlers, }