#include "navmeshdbutils.hpp"
#include "navmeshdb.hpp"
#include "recastmesh.hpp"

#include "components/debug/debuglog.hpp"
#include "components/misc/strings/conversion.hpp"

#include <cassert>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>

namespace DetourNavigator
        std::optional<ShapeId> findShapeId(
            NavMeshDb& db, std::string_view name, ShapeType type, const std::string& hash)
            const Sqlite3::ConstBlob hashData{ hash.data(), static_cast<int>(hash.size()) };
            return db.findShapeId(name, type, hashData);

        ShapeId getShapeId(
            NavMeshDb& db, std::string_view name, ShapeType type, const std::string& hash, ShapeId& nextShapeId)
            const Sqlite3::ConstBlob hashData{ hash.data(), static_cast<int>(hash.size()) };
            if (const auto existingShapeId = db.findShapeId(name, type, hashData))
                return *existingShapeId;
            const ShapeId newShapeId = nextShapeId;
            db.insertShape(newShapeId, name, type, hashData);
            Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Added " << name << " " << Misc::StringUtils::toHex(hash) << " " << type
                                << " shape to navmeshdb with id " << newShapeId;
            return newShapeId;

    ShapeId resolveMeshSource(NavMeshDb& db, const MeshSource& source, ShapeId& nextShapeId)
        switch (source.mAreaType)
            case AreaType_null:
                return getShapeId(
                    db, source.mShape->mFileName, ShapeType::Avoid, source.mShape->mFileHash, nextShapeId);
            case AreaType_ground:
                return getShapeId(
                    db, source.mShape->mFileName, ShapeType::Collision, source.mShape->mFileHash, nextShapeId);
                Log(Debug::Warning) << "Trying to resolve recast mesh source with unsupported area type: "
                                    << source.mAreaType;
                return ShapeId(0);

    std::optional<ShapeId> resolveMeshSource(NavMeshDb& db, const MeshSource& source)
        switch (source.mAreaType)
            case AreaType_null:
                return findShapeId(db, source.mShape->mFileName, ShapeType::Avoid, source.mShape->mFileHash);
            case AreaType_ground:
                return findShapeId(db, source.mShape->mFileName, ShapeType::Collision, source.mShape->mFileHash);
                Log(Debug::Warning) << "Trying to resolve recast mesh source with unsupported area type: "
                                    << source.mAreaType;
                return std::nullopt;