#include "shadow.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace SceneUtil { using namespace osgShadow; std::string debugVertexShaderSource = "void main(void){gl_Position = gl_Vertex; gl_TexCoord[0]=gl_MultiTexCoord0;}"; std::string debugFragmentShaderSource = "uniform sampler2D texture; \n" " \n" "void main(void) \n" "{ \n" #if 1 " float f = texture2D( texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy ).r; \n" " \n" " f = 256.0 * f; \n" " float fC = floor( f ) / 256.0; \n" " \n" " f = 256.0 * fract( f ); \n" " float fS = floor( f ) / 256.0; \n" " \n" " f = 256.0 * fract( f ); \n" " float fH = floor( f ) / 256.0; \n" " \n" " fS *= 0.5; \n" " fH = ( fH * 0.34 + 0.66 ) * ( 1.0 - fS ); \n" " \n" " vec3 rgb = vec3( ( fC > 0.5 ? ( 1.0 - fC ) : fC ), \n" " abs( fC - 0.333333 ), \n" " abs( fC - 0.666667 ) ); \n" " \n" " rgb = min( vec3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), 3.0 * rgb ); \n" " \n" " float fMax = max( max( rgb.r, rgb.g ), rgb.b ); \n" " fMax = 1.0 / fMax; \n" " \n" " vec3 color = fMax * rgb; \n" " \n" " gl_FragColor = vec4( fS + fH * color, 1 ); \n" #else " gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy); \n" " //gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); \n" #endif "} \n"; MWShadow::MWShadow() : debugProgram(new osg::Program), debugTextureUnit(0) { osg::ref_ptr vertexShader = new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::VERTEX, debugVertexShaderSource); debugProgram->addShader(vertexShader); osg::ref_ptr fragmentShader = new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, debugFragmentShaderSource); debugProgram->addShader(fragmentShader); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShadowMapsPerLight; ++i) { std::cout << i << std::endl; debugCameras.push_back(new osg::Camera); debugCameras[i]->setViewport(200 * i, 0, 200, 200); debugCameras[i]->setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::POST_RENDER); debugCameras[i]->setClearColor(osg::Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)); debugGeometry.push_back(osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry(osg::Vec3(-1, -1, 0), osg::Vec3(2, 0, 0), osg::Vec3(0, 2, 0))); debugGeometry[i]->setCullingActive(false); debugCameras[i]->addChild(debugGeometry[i]); osg::ref_ptr stateSet = debugGeometry[i]->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setAttributeAndModes(debugProgram, osg::StateAttribute::ON); osg::ref_ptr textureUniform = new osg::Uniform("texture", debugTextureUnit); //textureUniform->setType(osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D); stateSet->addUniform(textureUniform.get()); } } class VDSMCameraCullCallback : public osg::NodeCallback { public: VDSMCameraCullCallback(ViewDependentShadowMap* vdsm, osg::Polytope& polytope); virtual void operator()(osg::Node*, osg::NodeVisitor* nv); osg::RefMatrix* getProjectionMatrix() { return _projectionMatrix.get(); } osgUtil::RenderStage* getRenderStage() { return _renderStage.get(); } protected: ViewDependentShadowMap* _vdsm; osg::ref_ptr _projectionMatrix; osg::ref_ptr _renderStage; osg::Polytope _polytope; }; VDSMCameraCullCallback::VDSMCameraCullCallback(ViewDependentShadowMap* vdsm, osg::Polytope& polytope) : _vdsm(vdsm), _polytope(polytope) { } void VDSMCameraCullCallback::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = dynamic_cast(nv); osg::Camera* camera = dynamic_cast(node); OSG_INFO << "VDSMCameraCullCallback::operator()(osg::Node* " << camera << ", osg::NodeVisitor* " << cv << ")" << std::endl; #if 1 if (!_polytope.empty()) { OSG_INFO << "Pushing custom Polytope" << std::endl; osg::CullingSet& cs = cv->getProjectionCullingStack().back(); cs.setFrustum(_polytope); cv->pushCullingSet(); } #endif if (_vdsm->getShadowedScene()) { _vdsm->getShadowedScene()->osg::Group::traverse(*nv); } #if 1 if (!_polytope.empty()) { OSG_INFO << "Popping custom Polytope" << std::endl; cv->popCullingSet(); } #endif _renderStage = cv->getCurrentRenderBin()->getStage(); OSG_INFO << "VDSM second : _renderStage = " << _renderStage << std::endl; if (cv->getComputeNearFarMode() != osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR) { // make sure that the near plane is computed correctly. cv->computeNearPlane(); osg::Matrixd projection = *(cv->getProjectionMatrix()); OSG_INFO << "RTT Projection matrix " << projection << std::endl; osg::Matrix::value_type left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar; osg::Matrix::value_type epsilon = 1e-6; if (fabs(projection(0, 3))setProjectionMatrix(projection); _projectionMatrix = cv->getProjectionMatrix(); } } class ComputeLightSpaceBounds : public osg::NodeVisitor, public osg::CullStack { public: ComputeLightSpaceBounds(osg::Viewport* viewport, const osg::Matrixd& projectionMatrix, osg::Matrixd& viewMatrix) : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN) { setCullingMode(osg::CullSettings::VIEW_FRUSTUM_CULLING); pushViewport(viewport); pushProjectionMatrix(new osg::RefMatrix(projectionMatrix)); pushModelViewMatrix(new osg::RefMatrix(viewMatrix), osg::Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF); } void apply(osg::Node& node) { if (isCulled(node)) return; // push the culling mode. pushCurrentMask(); traverse(node); // pop the culling mode. popCurrentMask(); } void apply(osg::Geode& node) { if (isCulled(node)) return; // push the culling mode. pushCurrentMask(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetBoundingBox()); } } // pop the culling mode. popCurrentMask(); } void apply(osg::Drawable& drawable) { if (isCulled(drawable)) return; // push the culling mode. pushCurrentMask(); updateBound(drawable.getBoundingBox()); // pop the culling mode. popCurrentMask(); } void apply(osg::Billboard&) { OSG_INFO << "Warning Billboards not yet supported" << std::endl; return; } void apply(osg::Projection&) { // projection nodes won't affect a shadow map so their subgraphs should be ignored return; } void apply(osg::Transform& transform) { if (isCulled(transform)) return; // push the culling mode. pushCurrentMask(); // absolute transforms won't affect a shadow map so their subgraphs should be ignored. if (transform.getReferenceFrame() == osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF) { osg::ref_ptr matrix = new osg::RefMatrix(*getModelViewMatrix()); transform.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(*matrix, this); pushModelViewMatrix(matrix.get(), transform.getReferenceFrame()); traverse(transform); popModelViewMatrix(); } // pop the culling mode. popCurrentMask(); } void apply(osg::Camera&) { // camera nodes won't affect a shadow map so their subgraphs should be ignored return; } void updateBound(const osg::BoundingBox& bb) { if (!bb.valid()) return; const osg::Matrix& matrix = *getModelViewMatrix() * *getProjectionMatrix(); update(bb.corner(0) * matrix); update(bb.corner(1) * matrix); update(bb.corner(2) * matrix); update(bb.corner(3) * matrix); update(bb.corner(4) * matrix); update(bb.corner(5) * matrix); update(bb.corner(6) * matrix); update(bb.corner(7) * matrix); } void update(const osg::Vec3& v) { if (v.z()<-1.0f) { //OSG_NOTICE<<"discarding("<1.0f) x = 1.0f; float y = v.y(); if (y<-1.0f) y = -1.0f; if (y>1.0f) y = 1.0f; _bb.expandBy(osg::Vec3(x, y, v.z())); } osg::BoundingBox _bb; }; void MWShadow::cull(osgUtil::CullVisitor& cv) { if (!enableShadows) { _shadowedScene->osg::Group::traverse(cv); return; } OSG_INFO << std::endl << std::endl << "ViewDependentShadowMap::cull(osg::CullVisitor&" << &cv << ")" << std::endl; if (!_shadowCastingStateSet) { OSG_INFO << "Warning, init() has not yet been called so ShadowCastingStateSet has not been setup yet, unable to create shadows." << std::endl; _shadowedScene->osg::Group::traverse(cv); return; } ViewDependentData* vdd = getViewDependentData(&cv); if (!vdd) { OSG_INFO << "Warning, now ViewDependentData created, unable to create shadows." << std::endl; _shadowedScene->osg::Group::traverse(cv); return; } ShadowSettings* settings = getShadowedScene()->getShadowSettings(); OSG_INFO << "cv->getProjectionMatrix()=" << *cv.getProjectionMatrix() << std::endl; osg::CullSettings::ComputeNearFarMode cachedNearFarMode = cv.getComputeNearFarMode(); osg::RefMatrix& viewProjectionMatrix = *cv.getProjectionMatrix(); // check whether this main views projection is perspective or orthographic bool orthographicViewFrustum = viewProjectionMatrix(0, 3) == 0.0 && viewProjectionMatrix(1, 3) == 0.0 && viewProjectionMatrix(2, 3) == 0.0; double minZNear = 0.0; double maxZFar = DBL_MAX; if (cachedNearFarMode == osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR) { double left, right, top, bottom; if (orthographicViewFrustum) { viewProjectionMatrix.getOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, minZNear, maxZFar); } else { viewProjectionMatrix.getFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, minZNear, maxZFar); } OSG_INFO << "minZNear=" << minZNear << ", maxZFar=" << maxZFar << std::endl; } // set the compute near/far mode to the highest quality setting to ensure we push the near plan out as far as possible if (settings->getComputeNearFarModeOverride() != osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR) { cv.setComputeNearFarMode(settings->getComputeNearFarModeOverride()); } // 1. Traverse main scene graph cv.pushStateSet(_shadowRecievingPlaceholderStateSet.get()); osg::ref_ptr decoratorStateGraph = cv.getCurrentStateGraph(); cullShadowReceivingScene(&cv); cv.popStateSet(); if (cv.getComputeNearFarMode() != osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR) { OSG_INFO << "Just done main subgraph traversak" << std::endl; // make sure that the near plane is computed correctly so that any projection matrix computations // are all done correctly. cv.computeNearPlane(); } // clamp the minZNear and maxZFar to those provided by ShadowSettings maxZFar = osg::minimum(settings->getMaximumShadowMapDistance(), maxZFar); if (minZNear>maxZFar) minZNear = maxZFar*settings->getMinimumShadowMapNearFarRatio(); //OSG_NOTICE<<"maxZFar "<getLightDataList(); for (LightDataList::iterator itr = pll.begin(); itr != pll.end(); ++itr) { // 3. create per light/per shadow map division of lightspace/frustum // create a list of light/shadow map data structures LightData& pl = **itr; // 3.1 compute light space polytope // osg::Polytope polytope = computeLightViewFrustumPolytope(frustum, pl); // if polytope is empty then no rendering. if (polytope.empty()) { OSG_NOTICE << "Polytope empty no shadow to render" << std::endl; continue; } // 3.2 compute RTT camera view+projection matrix settings // osg::Matrixd projectionMatrix; osg::Matrixd viewMatrix; if (!computeShadowCameraSettings(frustum, pl, projectionMatrix, viewMatrix)) { OSG_NOTICE << "No valid Camera settings, no shadow to render" << std::endl; continue; } // if we are using multiple shadow maps and CastShadowTraversalMask is being used // traverse the scene to compute the extents of the objects if (/*numShadowMapsPerLight>1 &&*/ _shadowedScene->getCastsShadowTraversalMask() != 0xffffffff) { // osg::ElapsedTime timer; osg::ref_ptr viewport = new osg::Viewport(0, 0, 2048, 2048); ComputeLightSpaceBounds clsb(viewport.get(), projectionMatrix, viewMatrix); clsb.setTraversalMask(_shadowedScene->getCastsShadowTraversalMask()); osg::Matrixd invertModelView; invertModelView.invert(viewMatrix); osg::Polytope local_polytope(polytope); local_polytope.transformProvidingInverse(invertModelView); osg::CullingSet& cs = clsb.getProjectionCullingStack().back(); cs.setFrustum(local_polytope); clsb.pushCullingSet(); _shadowedScene->accept(clsb); // OSG_NOTICE<<"Extents of LightSpace "< texture = sd->_texture; osg::ref_ptr stateSet = debugGeometry[sm_i]->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(debugTextureUnit, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON); unsigned int traversalMask = cv.getTraversalMask(); cv.setTraversalMask(debugGeometry[sm_i]->getNodeMask()); cv.pushStateSet(stateSet); debugCameras[sm_i]->accept(cv); cv.popStateSet(); cv.setTraversalMask(traversalMask); cv.getState()->setCheckForGLErrors(osg::State::ONCE_PER_ATTRIBUTE); } osg::ref_ptr camera = sd->_camera; camera->setProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix); camera->setViewMatrix(viewMatrix); if (settings->getDebugDraw()) { camera->getViewport()->x() = pos_x; pos_x += static_cast(camera->getViewport()->width()) + 40; } // transform polytope in model coords into light spaces eye coords. osg::Matrixd invertModelView; invertModelView.invert(camera->getViewMatrix()); osg::Polytope local_polytope(polytope); local_polytope.transformProvidingInverse(invertModelView); if (numShadowMapsPerLight>1) { // compute the start and end range in non-dimensional coords #if 0 double r_start = (sm_i == 0) ? -1.0 : (double(sm_i) / double(numShadowMapsPerLight)*2.0 - 1.0); double r_end = (sm_i + 1 == numShadowMapsPerLight) ? 1.0 : (double(sm_i + 1) / double(numShadowMapsPerLight)*2.0 - 1.0); #elif 0 // hardwired for 2 splits double r_start = (sm_i == 0) ? -1.0 : splitPoint; double r_end = (sm_i + 1 == numShadowMapsPerLight) ? 1.0 : splitPoint; #elif 0 double r_start, r_end; // Split such that each shadow map covers a quarter of the area of the one after it if (sm_i == 0) r_start = -1.0; else { r_start = (1 - pow(4.0, sm_i)) / (1 - pow(4.0, numShadowMapsPerLight)); r_start *= 2.0; //r_start += double(sm_i) / double(numShadowMapsPerLight); r_start -= 1.0; } if (sm_i + 1 == numShadowMapsPerLight) r_end = 1.0; else { r_end = (1 - pow(4.0, sm_i + 1)) / (1 - pow(4.0, numShadowMapsPerLight)); r_end *= 2.0; //r_end += double(sm_i + 1) / double(numShadowMapsPerLight); r_end -= 1.0; } #else double r_start, r_end; // split system based on the original Parallel Split Shadow Maps paper. double n = (frustum.eye - frustum.centerNearPlane).length(); double f = (frustum.eye - frustum.centerFarPlane).length(); double i = double(sm_i); double m = double(numShadowMapsPerLight); double deltaBias = 0; if (sm_i == 0) r_start = -1.0; else { // compute the split point in main camera view double ciLog = n * pow(f / n, i / m); double ciUniform = n + (f - n) * i / m; double ci = (ciLog + ciUniform) / 2 + deltaBias; // work out where this is in light space osg::Vec3d worldSpacePos = frustum.eye + frustum.frustumCenterLine * ci; osg::Vec3d lightSpacePos = worldSpacePos * viewMatrix * projectionMatrix; r_start = lightSpacePos.y(); } if (sm_i + 1 == numShadowMapsPerLight) r_end = 1.0; else { // compute the split point in main camera view double ciLog = n * pow(f / n, (i + 1) / m); double ciUniform = n + (f - n) * (i + 1) / m; double ci = (ciLog + ciUniform) / 2 + deltaBias; // work out where this is in light space osg::Vec3d worldSpacePos = frustum.eye + frustum.frustumCenterLine * ci; osg::Vec3d lightSpacePos = worldSpacePos * viewMatrix * projectionMatrix; r_end = lightSpacePos.y(); } #endif // for all by the last shadowmap shift the r_end so that it overlaps slightly with the next shadowmap // to prevent a seam showing through between the shadowmaps if (sm_i + 10) { // not the first shadowmap so insert a polytope to clip the scene from before r_start // plane in clip space coords osg::Plane plane(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -r_start); // transform into eye coords plane.transformProvidingInverse(projectionMatrix); local_polytope.getPlaneList().push_back(plane); //OSG_NOTICE<<"Adding r_start plane "<0) { decoratorStateGraph->setStateSet(selectStateSetForRenderingShadow(*vdd)); } // OSG_NOTICE<<"End of shadow setup Projection matrix "<<*cv.getProjectionMatrix()<