local core = require('openmw.core') local util = require('openmw.util') local M = {} local currentLocalTest = nil local currentLocalTestError = nil function M.testRunner(tests) local fn = function() for i, test in ipairs(tests) do local name, fn = unpack(test) print('TEST_START', i, name) local status, err = pcall(fn) if status then print('TEST_OK', i, name) else print('TEST_FAILED', i, name, err) end end core.quit() end local co = coroutine.create(fn) return function() if coroutine.status(co) ~= 'dead' then coroutine.resume(co) end end end function M.runLocalTest(obj, name) currentLocalTest = name currentLocalTestError = nil obj:sendEvent('runLocalTest', name) while currentLocalTest do coroutine.yield() end if currentLocalTestError then error(currentLocalTestError, 2) end end function M.expect(cond, delta, msg) if not cond then error(msg or '"true" expected', 2) end end function M.expectEqualWithDelta(v1, v2, delta, msg) if math.abs(v1 - v2) > delta then error(string.format('%s: %f ~= %f', msg or '', v1, v2), 2) end end function M.expectAlmostEqual(v1, v2, msg) if math.abs(v1 - v2) / (math.abs(v1) + math.abs(v2)) > 0.05 then error(string.format('%s: %f ~= %f', msg or '', v1, v2), 2) end end function M.expectGreaterOrEqual(v1, v2, msg) if not (v1 >= v2) then error(string.format('%s: %f >= %f', msg or '', v1, v2), 2) end end function M.expectGreaterThan(v1, v2, msg) if not (v1 > v2) then error(string.format('%s: %s > %s', msg or '', v1, v2), 2) end end function M.expectLessOrEqual(v1, v2, msg) if not (v1 <= v2) then error(string.format('%s: %s <= %s', msg or '', v1, v2), 2) end end function M.expectEqual(v1, v2, msg) if not (v1 == v2) then error(string.format('%s: %s ~= %s', msg or '', v1, v2), 2) end end function M.closeToVector(expected, maxDistance) return function(actual) local distance = (expected - actual):length() if distance <= maxDistance then return '' end return string.format('%s is too far from expected %s: %s > %s', actual, expected, distance, maxDistance) end end --- -- Matcher verifying that given value is an array each element of which matches elements of expected. -- @function elementsAreArray -- @param expected#array of values or matcher functions. -- @usage -- local t = {42, 13} -- local matcher = function(actual) -- if actual ~= 42 then -- return string.format('%s is not 42', actual) -- end -- return '' -- end -- expectThat({42, 13}, elementsAreArray({matcher, 13})) function M.elementsAreArray(expected) local expected_matchers = {} for i, v in ipairs(expected) do if type(v) == 'function' then expected_matchers[i] = v else expected_matchers[i] = function (other) if expected[i].__eq(expected[i], other) then return '' end return string.format('%s element %s does no match expected: %s', i, other, expected[i]) end end end return function(actual) if #actual < #expected_matchers then return string.format('number of elements is less than expected: %s < %s', #actual, #expected_matchers) end local message = '' for i, v in ipairs(actual) do if i > #expected_matchers then message = string.format('%s\n%s element is out of expected range: %s', message, i, #expected_matchers) break end local match_message = expected_matchers[i](v) if match_message ~= '' then message = string.format('%s\n%s', message, match_message) end end return message end end --- -- Matcher verifying that given number is not a nan. -- @function isNotNan -- @usage -- expectThat(value, isNotNan()) function M.isNotNan(expected) return function(actual) if actual ~= actual then return 'actual value is nan, expected to be not nan' end return '' end end --- -- Verifies that given value matches provided matcher. -- @function expectThat -- @param value#any any value to match. -- @param matcher#function a function returing empty string in the case of success or a message explaining the mismatch. -- @param msg#string a message to prefix failure reason. -- @usage -- local matcher = function(actual) -- if actual == 42 then -- return '' -- end -- return string.format('%s is not 42', actual) -- end -- expectThat(42, matcher) function M.expectThat(value, matcher, msg) local message = matcher(value) if message ~= '' then error(string.format('%s: actual does not match expected: %s', msg or 'Failure', message), 2) end end function M.formatActualExpected(actual, expected) return string.format('actual: %s, expected: %s', actual, expected) end local localTests = {} local localTestRunner = nil function M.registerLocalTest(name, fn) localTests[name] = fn end function M.updateLocal() if localTestRunner and coroutine.status(localTestRunner) ~= 'dead' then if not core.isWorldPaused() then coroutine.resume(localTestRunner) end else localTestRunner = nil end end M.eventHandlers = { runLocalTest = function(name) -- used only in local scripts fn = localTests[name] if not fn then core.sendGlobalEvent('localTestFinished', {name=name, errMsg='Test not found'}) return end localTestRunner = coroutine.create(function() local status, err = pcall(fn) if status then err = nil end core.sendGlobalEvent('localTestFinished', {name=name, errMsg=err}) end) end, localTestFinished = function(data) -- used only in global scripts if data.name ~= currentLocalTest then error(string.format('localTestFinished with incorrect name %s, expected %s', data.name, currentLocalTest)) end currentLocalTest = nil currentLocalTestError = data.errMsg end, } return M