#ifndef COMPONENTS_ESM_TERRAIN_STORAGE_H #define COMPONENTS_ESM_TERRAIN_STORAGE_H #include <cassert> #include <mutex> #include <components/terrain/storage.hpp> #include <components/esm3/loadland.hpp> #include <components/esm3/loadltex.hpp> namespace VFS { class Manager; } namespace ESMTerrain { class LandCache; /// @brief Wrapper around Land Data with reference counting. The wrapper needs to be held as long as the data is still in use class LandObject : public osg::Object { public: LandObject(); LandObject(const ESM::Land* land, int loadFlags); LandObject(const LandObject& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop); virtual ~LandObject(); META_Object(ESMTerrain, LandObject) inline const ESM::Land::LandData* getData(int flags) const { if ((mData.mDataLoaded & flags) != flags) return nullptr; return &mData; } inline int getPlugin() const { return mLand->getPlugin(); } private: const ESM::Land* mLand; int mLoadFlags; ESM::Land::LandData mData; }; /// @brief Feeds data from ESM terrain records (ESM::Land, ESM::LandTexture) /// into the terrain component, converting it on the fly as needed. class Storage : public Terrain::Storage { public: Storage(const VFS::Manager* vfs, const std::string& normalMapPattern = "", const std::string& normalHeightMapPattern = "", bool autoUseNormalMaps = false, const std::string& specularMapPattern = "", bool autoUseSpecularMaps = false); // Not implemented in this class, because we need different Store implementations for game and editor virtual osg::ref_ptr<const LandObject> getLand (int cellX, int cellY)= 0; virtual const ESM::LandTexture* getLandTexture(int index, short plugin) = 0; /// Get bounds of the whole terrain in cell units void getBounds(float& minX, float& maxX, float& minY, float& maxY) override = 0; /// Get the minimum and maximum heights of a terrain region. /// @note Will only be called for chunks with size = minBatchSize, i.e. leafs of the quad tree. /// Larger chunks can simply merge AABB of children. /// @param size size of the chunk in cell units /// @param center center of the chunk in cell units /// @param min min height will be stored here /// @param max max height will be stored here /// @return true if there was data available for this terrain chunk bool getMinMaxHeights (float size, const osg::Vec2f& center, float& min, float& max) override; /// Fill vertex buffers for a terrain chunk. /// @note May be called from background threads. Make sure to only call thread-safe functions from here! /// @note Vertices should be written in row-major order (a row is defined as parallel to the x-axis). /// The specified positions should be in local space, i.e. relative to the center of the terrain chunk. /// @param lodLevel LOD level, 0 = most detailed /// @param size size of the terrain chunk in cell units /// @param center center of the chunk in cell units /// @param positions buffer to write vertices /// @param normals buffer to write vertex normals /// @param colours buffer to write vertex colours void fillVertexBuffers (int lodLevel, float size, const osg::Vec2f& center, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> positions, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> normals, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4ubArray> colours) override; /// Create textures holding layer blend values for a terrain chunk. /// @note The terrain chunk shouldn't be larger than one cell since otherwise we might /// have to do a ridiculous amount of different layers. For larger chunks, composite maps should be used. /// @note May be called from background threads. /// @param chunkSize size of the terrain chunk in cell units /// @param chunkCenter center of the chunk in cell units /// @param blendmaps created blendmaps will be written here /// @param layerList names of the layer textures used will be written here void getBlendmaps (float chunkSize, const osg::Vec2f& chunkCenter, ImageVector& blendmaps, std::vector<Terrain::LayerInfo>& layerList) override; float getHeightAt (const osg::Vec3f& worldPos) override; /// Get the transformation factor for mapping cell units to world units. float getCellWorldSize() override; /// Get the number of vertices on one side for each cell. Should be (power of two)+1 int getCellVertices() override; int getBlendmapScale(float chunkSize) override; float getVertexHeight (const ESM::Land::LandData* data, int x, int y) { assert(x < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE); assert(y < ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE); return data->mHeights[y * ESM::Land::LAND_SIZE + x]; } private: const VFS::Manager* mVFS; inline void fixNormal (osg::Vec3f& normal, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row, LandCache& cache); inline void fixColour (osg::Vec4ub& colour, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row, LandCache& cache); inline void averageNormal (osg::Vec3f& normal, int cellX, int cellY, int col, int row, LandCache& cache); inline const LandObject* getLand(int cellX, int cellY, LandCache& cache); virtual bool useAlteration() const { return false; } virtual void adjustColor(int col, int row, const ESM::Land::LandData *heightData, osg::Vec4ub& color) const; virtual float getAlteredHeight(int col, int row) const; // Since plugins can define new texture palettes, we need to know the plugin index too // in order to retrieve the correct texture name. // pair <texture id, plugin id> typedef std::pair<short, short> UniqueTextureId; inline UniqueTextureId getVtexIndexAt(int cellX, int cellY, int x, int y, LandCache&); std::string getTextureName (UniqueTextureId id); std::map<std::string, Terrain::LayerInfo> mLayerInfoMap; std::mutex mLayerInfoMutex; std::string mNormalMapPattern; std::string mNormalHeightMapPattern; bool mAutoUseNormalMaps; std::string mSpecularMapPattern; bool mAutoUseSpecularMaps; Terrain::LayerInfo getLayerInfo(const std::string& texture); }; } #endif