#include "cameracontroller.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../model/prefs/shortcut.hpp" #include "../../model/prefs/shortcuteventhandler.hpp" #include "scenewidget.hpp" namespace CSVRender { /* Camera Controller */ const osg::Vec3d CameraController::WorldUp = osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 1); const osg::Vec3d CameraController::LocalUp = osg::Vec3d(0, 1, 0); const osg::Vec3d CameraController::LocalLeft = osg::Vec3d(1, 0, 0); const osg::Vec3d CameraController::LocalForward = osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 1); CameraController::CameraController(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) , mActive(false) , mInverted(false) , mCameraSensitivity(1/650.f) , mSecondaryMoveMult(50) , mWheelMoveMult(8) , mCamera(NULL) { } CameraController::~CameraController() { } bool CameraController::isActive() const { return mActive; } osg::Camera* CameraController::getCamera() const { return mCamera; } double CameraController::getCameraSensitivity() const { return mCameraSensitivity; } bool CameraController::getInverted() const { return mInverted; } double CameraController::getSecondaryMovementMultiplier() const { return mSecondaryMoveMult; } double CameraController::getWheelMovementMultiplier() const { return mWheelMoveMult; } void CameraController::setCamera(osg::Camera* camera) { mCamera = camera; mActive = (mCamera != NULL); if (mActive) { onActivate(); QList shortcuts = findChildren(); for (QList::iterator it = shortcuts.begin(); it != shortcuts.end(); ++it) { (*it)->enable(true); } } else { QList shortcuts = findChildren(); for (QList::iterator it = shortcuts.begin(); it != shortcuts.end(); ++it) { (*it)->enable(false); } } } void CameraController::setCameraSensitivity(double value) { mCameraSensitivity = value; } void CameraController::setInverted(bool value) { mInverted = value; } void CameraController::setSecondaryMovementMultiplier(double value) { mSecondaryMoveMult = value; } void CameraController::setWheelMovementMultiplier(double value) { mWheelMoveMult = value; } void CameraController::setup(osg::Group* root, unsigned int mask, const osg::Vec3d& up) { // Find World bounds osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor boundsVisitor; osg::BoundingBox& boundingBox = boundsVisitor.getBoundingBox(); boundsVisitor.setTraversalMask(mask); root->accept(boundsVisitor); if (!boundingBox.valid()) { // Try again without any mask boundsVisitor.reset(); boundsVisitor.setTraversalMask(~0); root->accept(boundsVisitor); // Last resort, set a default if (!boundingBox.valid()) { boundingBox.set(-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1); } } // Calculate a good starting position osg::Vec3d minBounds = boundingBox.corner(0) - boundingBox.center(); osg::Vec3d maxBounds = boundingBox.corner(7) - boundingBox.center(); osg::Vec3d camOffset = up * maxBounds > 0 ? maxBounds : minBounds; camOffset *= 2; osg::Vec3d eye = camOffset + boundingBox.center(); osg::Vec3d center = boundingBox.center(); getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); } /* Free Camera Controller */ FreeCameraController::FreeCameraController(CSMPrefs::ShortcutEventHandler* handler, QObject* parent) : CameraController(parent) , mLockUpright(false) , mModified(false) , mFast(false) , mLeft(false) , mRight(false) , mForward(false) , mBackward(false) , mRollLeft(false) , mRollRight(false) , mUp(LocalUp) , mLinSpeed(1000) , mRotSpeed(osg::PI / 2) , mSpeedMult(8) { CSMPrefs::Shortcut* naviPrimaryShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("scene-navi-primary", this); naviPrimaryShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(naviPrimaryShortcut); connect(naviPrimaryShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(naviPrimary(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* naviSecondaryShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("scene-navi-secondary", this); naviSecondaryShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(naviSecondaryShortcut); connect(naviSecondaryShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(naviSecondary(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* forwardShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-forward", this); forwardShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(forwardShortcut); connect(forwardShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(forward(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* leftShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-left", this); leftShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(leftShortcut); connect(leftShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(left(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* backShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-backward", this); backShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(backShortcut); connect(backShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(backward(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* rightShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-right", this); rightShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(rightShortcut); connect(rightShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(right(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* rollLeftShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-roll-left", this); rollLeftShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(rollLeftShortcut); connect(rollLeftShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(rollLeft(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* rollRightShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-roll-right", this); rollRightShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(rollRightShortcut); connect(rollRightShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(rollRight(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* speedModeShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("free-speed-mode", this); speedModeShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(speedModeShortcut); connect(speedModeShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(swapSpeedMode())); } double FreeCameraController::getLinearSpeed() const { return mLinSpeed; } double FreeCameraController::getRotationalSpeed() const { return mRotSpeed; } double FreeCameraController::getSpeedMultiplier() const { return mSpeedMult; } void FreeCameraController::setLinearSpeed(double value) { mLinSpeed = value; } void FreeCameraController::setRotationalSpeed(double value) { mRotSpeed = value; } void FreeCameraController::setSpeedMultiplier(double value) { mSpeedMult = value; } void FreeCameraController::fixUpAxis(const osg::Vec3d& up) { mLockUpright = true; mUp = up; mModified = true; } void FreeCameraController::unfixUpAxis() { mLockUpright = false; } bool FreeCameraController::handleMouseMoveEvent(std::string mode, int x, int y) { if (!isActive()) return false; if (mNaviPrimary) { double scalar = getCameraSensitivity() * (getInverted() ? -1.0 : 1.0); yaw(x * scalar); pitch(y * scalar); } else if (mNaviSecondary) { osg::Vec3d movement; movement += LocalLeft * -x * getSecondaryMovementMultiplier(); movement += LocalUp * y * getSecondaryMovementMultiplier(); translate(movement); } else if (mode == "t-navi") { translate(LocalForward * x * (mFast ? getWheelMovementMultiplier() : 1)); } else { return false; } return true; } void FreeCameraController::update(double dt) { if (!isActive()) return; double linDist = mLinSpeed * dt; double rotDist = mRotSpeed * dt; if (mFast) linDist *= mSpeedMult; if (mLeft) translate(LocalLeft * linDist); if (mRight) translate(LocalLeft * -linDist); if (mForward) translate(LocalForward * linDist); if (mBackward) translate(LocalForward * -linDist); if (!mLockUpright) { if (mRollLeft) roll(-rotDist); if (mRollRight) roll(rotDist); } else if(mModified) { stabilize(); mModified = false; } // Normalize the matrix to counter drift getCamera()->getViewMatrix().orthoNormal(getCamera()->getViewMatrix()); } void FreeCameraController::resetInput() { mFast = false; mLeft = false; mRight = false; mForward = false; mBackward = false; mRollLeft = false; mRollRight = false; } void FreeCameraController::yaw(double value) { getCamera()->getViewMatrix() *= osg::Matrixd::rotate(value, LocalUp); mModified = true; } void FreeCameraController::pitch(double value) { const double Constraint = osg::PI / 2 - 0.1; if (mLockUpright) { osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); osg::Vec3d forward = center - eye; osg::Vec3d left = up ^ forward; double pitchAngle = std::acos(up * mUp); if ((mUp ^ up) * left < 0) pitchAngle *= -1; if (std::abs(pitchAngle + value) > Constraint) value = (pitchAngle > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Constraint - pitchAngle; } getCamera()->getViewMatrix() *= osg::Matrixd::rotate(value, LocalLeft); mModified = true; } void FreeCameraController::roll(double value) { getCamera()->getViewMatrix() *= osg::Matrixd::rotate(value, LocalForward); mModified = true; } void FreeCameraController::translate(const osg::Vec3d& offset) { getCamera()->getViewMatrix() *= osg::Matrixd::translate(offset); mModified = true; } void FreeCameraController::stabilize() { osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, mUp); } void FreeCameraController::naviPrimary(bool active) { mNaviPrimary = active; } void FreeCameraController::naviSecondary(bool active) { mNaviSecondary = active; } void FreeCameraController::forward(bool active) { mForward = active; } void FreeCameraController::left(bool active) { mLeft = active; } void FreeCameraController::backward(bool active) { mBackward = active; } void FreeCameraController::right(bool active) { mRight = active; } void FreeCameraController::rollLeft(bool active) { mRollLeft = active; } void FreeCameraController::rollRight(bool active) { mRollRight = active; } void FreeCameraController::swapSpeedMode() { mFast = !mFast; } /* Orbit Camera Controller */ OrbitCameraController::OrbitCameraController(CSMPrefs::ShortcutEventHandler* handler, QObject* parent) : CameraController(parent) , mInitialized(false) , mFast(false) , mLeft(false) , mRight(false) , mUp(false) , mDown(false) , mRollLeft(false) , mRollRight(false) , mPickingMask(~0) , mCenter(0,0,0) , mDistance(0) , mOrbitSpeed(osg::PI / 4) , mOrbitSpeedMult(4) { CSMPrefs::Shortcut* naviPrimaryShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("scene-navi-primary", this); naviPrimaryShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(naviPrimaryShortcut); connect(naviPrimaryShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(naviPrimary(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* naviSecondaryShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("scene-navi-secondary", this); naviSecondaryShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(naviSecondaryShortcut); connect(naviSecondaryShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(naviSecondary(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* upShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-up", this); upShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(upShortcut); connect(upShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(up(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* leftShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-left", this); leftShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(leftShortcut); connect(leftShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(left(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* downShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-down", this); downShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(downShortcut); connect(downShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(down(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* rightShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-right", this); rightShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(rightShortcut); connect(rightShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(right(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* rollLeftShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-roll-left", this); rollLeftShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(rollLeftShortcut); connect(rollLeftShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(rollLeft(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* rollRightShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-roll-right", this); rollRightShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(rollRightShortcut); connect(rollRightShortcut, SIGNAL(activated(bool)), this, SLOT(rollRight(bool))); CSMPrefs::Shortcut* speedModeShortcut = new CSMPrefs::Shortcut("orbit-speed-mode", this); speedModeShortcut->enable(false); handler->addShortcut(speedModeShortcut); connect(speedModeShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(swapSpeedMode())); } osg::Vec3d OrbitCameraController::getCenter() const { return mCenter; } double OrbitCameraController::getOrbitSpeed() const { return mOrbitSpeed; } double OrbitCameraController::getOrbitSpeedMultiplier() const { return mOrbitSpeedMult; } unsigned int OrbitCameraController::getPickingMask() const { return mPickingMask; } void OrbitCameraController::setCenter(const osg::Vec3d& value) { osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); mCenter = value; mDistance = (eye - mCenter).length(); getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, mCenter, up); mInitialized = true; } void OrbitCameraController::setOrbitSpeed(double value) { mOrbitSpeed = value; } void OrbitCameraController::setOrbitSpeedMultiplier(double value) { mOrbitSpeedMult = value; } void OrbitCameraController::setPickingMask(unsigned int value) { mPickingMask = value; } bool OrbitCameraController::handleMouseMoveEvent(std::string mode, int x, int y) { if (!isActive()) return false; if (!mInitialized) initialize(); if (mNaviPrimary) { double scalar = getCameraSensitivity() * (getInverted() ? -1.0 : 1.0); rotateHorizontal(x * scalar); rotateVertical(-y * scalar); } else if (mNaviSecondary) { osg::Vec3d movement; movement += LocalLeft * x * getSecondaryMovementMultiplier(); movement += LocalUp * -y * getSecondaryMovementMultiplier(); translate(movement); } else if (mode == "t-navi") { zoom(-x * (mFast ? getWheelMovementMultiplier() : 1)); } else { return false; } return true; } void OrbitCameraController::update(double dt) { if (!isActive()) return; if (!mInitialized) initialize(); double rotDist = mOrbitSpeed * dt; if (mFast) rotDist *= mOrbitSpeedMult; if (mLeft) rotateHorizontal(-rotDist); if (mRight) rotateHorizontal(rotDist); if (mUp) rotateVertical(rotDist); if (mDown) rotateVertical(-rotDist); if (mRollLeft) roll(-rotDist); if (mRollRight) roll(rotDist); // Normalize the matrix to counter drift getCamera()->getViewMatrix().orthoNormal(getCamera()->getViewMatrix()); } void OrbitCameraController::resetInput() { mFast = false; mLeft = false; mRight =false; mUp = false; mDown = false; mRollLeft = false; mRollRight = false; } void OrbitCameraController::onActivate() { mInitialized = false; } void OrbitCameraController::initialize() { static const int DefaultStartDistance = 10000.f; // Try to intelligently pick focus object osg::ref_ptr intersector (new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector( osgUtil::Intersector::PROJECTION, osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 0), LocalForward)); intersector->setIntersectionLimit(osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::LIMIT_NEAREST); osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor visitor(intersector); visitor.setTraversalMask(mPickingMask); getCamera()->accept(visitor); osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up, DefaultStartDistance); if (intersector->getIntersections().begin() != intersector->getIntersections().end()) { mCenter = intersector->getIntersections().begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint(); mDistance = (eye - mCenter).length(); } else { mCenter = center; mDistance = DefaultStartDistance; } mInitialized = true; } void OrbitCameraController::rotateHorizontal(double value) { osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); osg::Quat rotation = osg::Quat(value, up); osg::Vec3d oldOffset = eye - mCenter; osg::Vec3d newOffset = rotation * oldOffset; getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(mCenter + newOffset, mCenter, up); } void OrbitCameraController::rotateVertical(double value) { osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); osg::Vec3d forward = center - eye; osg::Quat rotation = osg::Quat(value, up ^ forward); osg::Vec3d oldOffset = eye - mCenter; osg::Vec3d newOffset = rotation * oldOffset; getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(mCenter + newOffset, mCenter, up); } void OrbitCameraController::roll(double value) { getCamera()->getViewMatrix() *= osg::Matrixd::rotate(value, LocalForward); } void OrbitCameraController::translate(const osg::Vec3d& offset) { osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); osg::Vec3d newOffset = getCamera()->getViewMatrix().getRotate().inverse() * offset; mCenter += newOffset; eye += newOffset; getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, mCenter, up); } void OrbitCameraController::zoom(double value) { mDistance = std::max(10., mDistance + value); osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up, 1.f); osg::Vec3d offset = (eye - center) * mDistance; getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(mCenter + offset, mCenter, up); } void OrbitCameraController::naviPrimary(bool active) { mNaviPrimary = active; } void OrbitCameraController::naviSecondary(bool active) { mNaviSecondary = active; } void OrbitCameraController::up(bool active) { mUp = active; } void OrbitCameraController::left(bool active) { mLeft = active; } void OrbitCameraController::down(bool active) { mDown = active; } void OrbitCameraController::right(bool active) { mRight = active; } void OrbitCameraController::rollLeft(bool active) { if (isActive()) mRollLeft = active; } void OrbitCameraController::rollRight(bool active) { mRollRight = active; } void OrbitCameraController::swapSpeedMode() { mFast = !mFast; } }