#include "makenavmesh.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "exceptions.hpp" #include "flags.hpp" #include "navmeshdata.hpp" #include "navmeshdb.hpp" #include "navmeshtilescache.hpp" #include "offmeshconnection.hpp" #include "preparednavmeshdata.hpp" #include "recastcontext.hpp" #include "recastmesh.hpp" #include "recastmeshbuilder.hpp" #include "recastparams.hpp" #include "settings.hpp" #include "settingsutils.hpp" #include "sharednavmesh.hpp" #include "components/debug/debuglog.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DetourNavigator { namespace { constexpr int walkableRadiusUpperLimit = 255; struct Rectangle { TileBounds mBounds; float mHeight; }; std::vector getOffMeshVerts(const std::vector& connections) { std::vector result; result.reserve(connections.size() * 6); const auto add = [&](const osg::Vec3f& v) { result.push_back(v.x()); result.push_back(v.y()); result.push_back(v.z()); }; for (const auto& v : connections) { add(v.mStart); add(v.mEnd); } return result; } Flag getFlag(AreaType areaType) { switch (areaType) { case AreaType_null: return Flag_none; case AreaType_ground: return Flag_walk; case AreaType_water: return Flag_swim; case AreaType_door: return Flag_openDoor; case AreaType_pathgrid: return Flag_usePathgrid; } return Flag_none; } std::vector getOffMeshConAreas(const std::vector& connections) { std::vector result; result.reserve(connections.size()); std::transform(connections.begin(), connections.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [](const OffMeshConnection& v) { return v.mAreaType; }); return result; } std::vector getOffMeshFlags(const std::vector& connections) { std::vector result; result.reserve(connections.size()); std::transform(connections.begin(), connections.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [](const OffMeshConnection& v) { return getFlag(v.mAreaType); }); return result; } float getHeight(const RecastSettings& settings, const AgentBounds& agentBounds) { return getAgentHeight(agentBounds) * settings.mRecastScaleFactor; } float getMaxClimb(const RecastSettings& settings) { return settings.mMaxClimb * settings.mRecastScaleFactor; } float getRadius(const RecastSettings& settings, const AgentBounds& agentBounds) { return getAgentRadius(agentBounds) * settings.mRecastScaleFactor; } float getSwimLevel(const RecastSettings& settings, const float waterLevel, const float agentHalfExtentsZ) { return waterLevel - settings.mSwimHeightScale * agentHalfExtentsZ - agentHalfExtentsZ; } int getWalkableHeight(const RecastSettings& settings, const AgentBounds& agentBounds) { return static_cast(std::ceil(getHeight(settings, agentBounds) / settings.mCellHeight)); } int getWalkableRadius(const RecastSettings& settings, const AgentBounds& agentBounds) { return static_cast(std::ceil(getRadius(settings, agentBounds) / settings.mCellSize)); } struct RecastParams { float mSampleDist = 0; float mSampleMaxError = 0; int mMaxEdgeLen = 0; int mWalkableClimb = 0; int mWalkableHeight = 0; int mWalkableRadius = 0; }; RecastParams makeRecastParams(const RecastSettings& settings, const AgentBounds& agentBounds) { RecastParams result; result.mWalkableHeight = getWalkableHeight(settings, agentBounds); result.mWalkableClimb = static_cast(std::floor(getMaxClimb(settings) / settings.mCellHeight)); result.mWalkableRadius = getWalkableRadius(settings, agentBounds); result.mMaxEdgeLen = static_cast(std::round(static_cast(settings.mMaxEdgeLen) / settings.mCellSize)); result.mSampleDist = settings.mDetailSampleDist < 0.9f ? 0 : settings.mCellSize * settings.mDetailSampleDist; result.mSampleMaxError = settings.mCellHeight * settings.mDetailSampleMaxError; return result; } [[nodiscard]] bool initHeightfield(RecastContext& context, const TilePosition& tilePosition, float minZ, float maxZ, const RecastSettings& settings, rcHeightfield& solid) { const int size = settings.mTileSize + settings.mBorderSize * 2; const int width = size; const int height = size; const float halfBoundsSize = size * settings.mCellSize * 0.5f; const osg::Vec2f shift = osg::Vec2f(tilePosition.x() + 0.5f, tilePosition.y() + 0.5f) * getTileSize(settings); const osg::Vec3f bmin(shift.x() - halfBoundsSize, minZ, shift.y() - halfBoundsSize); const osg::Vec3f bmax(shift.x() + halfBoundsSize, maxZ, shift.y() + halfBoundsSize); if (width < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid width to init heightfield: " << width; return false; } if (height < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid height to init heightfield: " << height; return false; } if (settings.mCellHeight <= 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid cell height to init heightfield: " << settings.mCellHeight; return false; } if (settings.mCellSize <= 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid cell size to init heightfield: " << settings.mCellSize; return false; } return rcCreateHeightfield( &context, solid, width, height, bmin.ptr(), bmax.ptr(), settings.mCellSize, settings.mCellHeight); } [[nodiscard]] bool rasterizeTriangles(RecastContext& context, const Mesh& mesh, const RecastSettings& settings, const RecastParams& params, rcHeightfield& solid) { std::vector areas(mesh.getAreaTypes().begin(), mesh.getAreaTypes().end()); std::vector vertices = mesh.getVertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i += 3) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) vertices[i + j] = toNavMeshCoordinates(settings, vertices[i + j]); std::swap(vertices[i + 1], vertices[i + 2]); } rcClearUnwalkableTriangles(&context, settings.mMaxSlope, vertices.data(), static_cast(mesh.getVerticesCount()), mesh.getIndices().data(), static_cast(areas.size()), areas.data()); return rcRasterizeTriangles(&context, vertices.data(), static_cast(mesh.getVerticesCount()), mesh.getIndices().data(), areas.data(), static_cast(areas.size()), solid, params.mWalkableClimb); } [[nodiscard]] bool rasterizeTriangles(RecastContext& context, const Rectangle& rectangle, AreaType areaType, const RecastParams& params, rcHeightfield& solid) { const std::array vertices{ rectangle.mBounds.mMin.x(), rectangle.mHeight, rectangle.mBounds.mMin.y(), // vertex 0 rectangle.mBounds.mMin.x(), rectangle.mHeight, rectangle.mBounds.mMax.y(), // vertex 1 rectangle.mBounds.mMax.x(), rectangle.mHeight, rectangle.mBounds.mMax.y(), // vertex 2 rectangle.mBounds.mMax.x(), rectangle.mHeight, rectangle.mBounds.mMin.y(), // vertex 3 }; const std::array indices{ 0, 1, 2, // triangle 0 0, 2, 3, // triangle 1 }; const std::array areas{ areaType, areaType }; return rcRasterizeTriangles(&context, vertices.data(), static_cast(vertices.size() / 3), indices.data(), areas.data(), static_cast(areas.size()), solid, params.mWalkableClimb); } [[nodiscard]] bool rasterizeTriangles(RecastContext& context, float agentHalfExtentsZ, const std::vector& water, const RecastSettings& settings, const RecastParams& params, const TileBounds& realTileBounds, rcHeightfield& solid) { for (const CellWater& cellWater : water) { const TileBounds cellTileBounds = maxCellTileBounds(cellWater.mCellPosition, cellWater.mWater.mCellSize); if (auto intersection = getIntersection(realTileBounds, cellTileBounds)) { const Rectangle rectangle{ toNavMeshCoordinates(settings, *intersection), toNavMeshCoordinates( settings, getSwimLevel(settings, cellWater.mWater.mLevel, agentHalfExtentsZ)) }; if (!rasterizeTriangles(context, rectangle, AreaType_water, params, solid)) return false; } } return true; } [[nodiscard]] bool rasterizeTriangles(RecastContext& context, const TileBounds& realTileBounds, const std::vector& heightfields, const RecastSettings& settings, const RecastParams& params, rcHeightfield& solid) { for (const FlatHeightfield& heightfield : heightfields) { const TileBounds cellTileBounds = maxCellTileBounds(heightfield.mCellPosition, heightfield.mCellSize); if (auto intersection = getIntersection(realTileBounds, cellTileBounds)) { const Rectangle rectangle{ toNavMeshCoordinates(settings, *intersection), toNavMeshCoordinates(settings, heightfield.mHeight) }; if (!rasterizeTriangles(context, rectangle, AreaType_ground, params, solid)) return false; } } return true; } [[nodiscard]] bool rasterizeTriangles(RecastContext& context, const std::vector& heightfields, const RecastSettings& settings, const RecastParams& params, rcHeightfield& solid) { for (const Heightfield& heightfield : heightfields) { const Mesh mesh = makeMesh(heightfield); if (!rasterizeTriangles(context, mesh, settings, params, solid)) return false; } return true; } [[nodiscard]] bool rasterizeTriangles(RecastContext& context, const TilePosition& tilePosition, float agentHalfExtentsZ, const RecastMesh& recastMesh, const RecastSettings& settings, const RecastParams& params, rcHeightfield& solid) { const TileBounds realTileBounds = makeRealTileBoundsWithBorder(settings, tilePosition); return rasterizeTriangles(context, recastMesh.getMesh(), settings, params, solid) && rasterizeTriangles( context, agentHalfExtentsZ, recastMesh.getWater(), settings, params, realTileBounds, solid) && rasterizeTriangles(context, recastMesh.getHeightfields(), settings, params, solid) && rasterizeTriangles( context, realTileBounds, recastMesh.getFlatHeightfields(), settings, params, solid); } bool isValidWalkableHeight(int value) { return value >= 3; } [[nodiscard]] bool buildCompactHeightfield(RecastContext& context, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb, rcHeightfield& solid, rcCompactHeightfield& compact) { if (!isValidWalkableHeight(walkableHeight)) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid walkableHeight to build compact heightfield: " << walkableHeight; return false; } if (walkableClimb < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid walkableClimb to build compact heightfield: " << walkableClimb; return false; } return rcBuildCompactHeightfield(&context, walkableHeight, walkableClimb, solid, compact); } bool isValidWalkableRadius(int value) { return 0 < value && value < walkableRadiusUpperLimit; } [[nodiscard]] bool erodeWalkableArea(RecastContext& context, int walkableRadius, rcCompactHeightfield& compact) { if (!isValidWalkableRadius(walkableRadius)) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid walkableRadius to erode walkable area: " << walkableRadius; return false; } return rcErodeWalkableArea(&context, walkableRadius, compact); } [[nodiscard]] bool buildDistanceField(RecastContext& context, rcCompactHeightfield& compact) { return rcBuildDistanceField(&context, compact); } [[nodiscard]] bool buildRegions(RecastContext& context, rcCompactHeightfield& compact, const int borderSize, const int minRegionArea, const int mergeRegionArea) { if (borderSize < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid borderSize to build regions: " << borderSize; return false; } if (minRegionArea < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid minRegionArea to build regions: " << minRegionArea; return false; } if (mergeRegionArea < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid mergeRegionArea to build regions: " << mergeRegionArea; return false; } return rcBuildRegions(&context, compact, borderSize, minRegionArea, mergeRegionArea); } [[nodiscard]] bool buildContours(RecastContext& context, rcCompactHeightfield& compact, const float maxError, const int maxEdgeLen, rcContourSet& contourSet, const int buildFlags = RC_CONTOUR_TESS_WALL_EDGES) { if (maxError < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid maxError to build contours: " << maxError; return false; } if (maxEdgeLen < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid maxEdgeLen to build contours: " << maxEdgeLen; return false; } return rcBuildContours(&context, compact, maxError, maxEdgeLen, contourSet, buildFlags); } [[nodiscard]] bool buildPolyMesh( RecastContext& context, rcContourSet& contourSet, const int maxVertsPerPoly, rcPolyMesh& polyMesh) { if (maxVertsPerPoly < 3) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid maxVertsPerPoly to build poly mesh: " << maxVertsPerPoly; return false; } return rcBuildPolyMesh(&context, contourSet, maxVertsPerPoly, polyMesh); } [[nodiscard]] bool buildPolyMeshDetail(RecastContext& context, const rcPolyMesh& polyMesh, const rcCompactHeightfield& compact, const float sampleDist, const float sampleMaxError, rcPolyMeshDetail& polyMeshDetail) { if (sampleDist < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid sampleDist to build poly mesh detail: " << sampleDist; return false; } if (sampleMaxError < 0) { Log(Debug::Warning) << context.getPrefix() << "Invalid sampleMaxError to build poly mesh detail: " << sampleMaxError; return false; } return rcBuildPolyMeshDetail(&context, polyMesh, compact, sampleDist, sampleMaxError, polyMeshDetail); } void setPolyMeshFlags(rcPolyMesh& polyMesh) { for (int i = 0; i < polyMesh.npolys; ++i) polyMesh.flags[i] = getFlag(static_cast(polyMesh.areas[i])); } [[nodiscard]] bool fillPolyMesh(RecastContext& context, const RecastSettings& settings, const RecastParams& params, rcHeightfield& solid, rcPolyMesh& polyMesh, rcPolyMeshDetail& polyMeshDetail) { rcCompactHeightfield compact; if (!buildCompactHeightfield(context, params.mWalkableHeight, params.mWalkableClimb, solid, compact)) return false; if (!erodeWalkableArea(context, params.mWalkableRadius, compact)) return false; if (!buildDistanceField(context, compact)) return false; if (!buildRegions( context, compact, settings.mBorderSize, settings.mRegionMinArea, settings.mRegionMergeArea)) return false; rcContourSet contourSet; if (!buildContours(context, compact, settings.mMaxSimplificationError, params.mMaxEdgeLen, contourSet)) return false; if (contourSet.nconts == 0) return false; if (!buildPolyMesh(context, contourSet, settings.mMaxVertsPerPoly, polyMesh)) return false; if (!buildPolyMeshDetail( context, polyMesh, compact, params.mSampleDist, params.mSampleMaxError, polyMeshDetail)) return false; setPolyMeshFlags(polyMesh); return true; } template unsigned long getMinValuableBitsNumber(const T value) { unsigned long power = 0; while (power < sizeof(T) * 8 && (static_cast(1) << power) < value) ++power; return power; } std::pair getBoundsByZ( const RecastMesh& recastMesh, float agentHalfExtentsZ, const RecastSettings& settings) { float minZ = 0; float maxZ = 0; const std::vector& vertices = recastMesh.getMesh().getVertices(); for (std::size_t i = 0, n = vertices.size(); i < n; i += 3) { minZ = std::min(minZ, vertices[i + 2]); maxZ = std::max(maxZ, vertices[i + 2]); } for (const CellWater& water : recastMesh.getWater()) { const float swimLevel = getSwimLevel(settings, water.mWater.mLevel, agentHalfExtentsZ); minZ = std::min(minZ, swimLevel); maxZ = std::max(maxZ, swimLevel); } for (const Heightfield& heightfield : recastMesh.getHeightfields()) { if (heightfield.mHeights.empty()) continue; const auto [minHeight, maxHeight] = std::minmax_element(heightfield.mHeights.begin(), heightfield.mHeights.end()); minZ = std::min(minZ, *minHeight); maxZ = std::max(maxZ, *maxHeight); } for (const FlatHeightfield& heightfield : recastMesh.getFlatHeightfields()) { minZ = std::min(minZ, heightfield.mHeight); maxZ = std::max(maxZ, heightfield.mHeight); } return { minZ, maxZ }; } } } // namespace DetourNavigator namespace DetourNavigator { std::unique_ptr prepareNavMeshTileData(const RecastMesh& recastMesh, const TilePosition& tilePosition, const AgentBounds& agentBounds, const RecastSettings& settings) { RecastContext context(tilePosition, agentBounds); const auto [minZ, maxZ] = getBoundsByZ(recastMesh, agentBounds.mHalfExtents.z(), settings); rcHeightfield solid; if (!initHeightfield(context, tilePosition, toNavMeshCoordinates(settings, minZ), toNavMeshCoordinates(settings, maxZ), settings, solid)) return nullptr; const RecastParams params = makeRecastParams(settings, agentBounds); if (!rasterizeTriangles( context, tilePosition, agentBounds.mHalfExtents.z(), recastMesh, settings, params, solid)) return nullptr; rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(&context, params.mWalkableClimb, solid); rcFilterLedgeSpans(&context, params.mWalkableHeight, params.mWalkableClimb, solid); rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(&context, params.mWalkableHeight, solid); std::unique_ptr result = std::make_unique(); if (!fillPolyMesh(context, settings, params, solid, result->mPolyMesh, result->mPolyMeshDetail)) return nullptr; result->mCellSize = settings.mCellSize; result->mCellHeight = settings.mCellHeight; return result; } NavMeshData makeNavMeshTileData(const PreparedNavMeshData& data, const std::vector& offMeshConnections, const AgentBounds& agentBounds, const TilePosition& tile, const RecastSettings& settings) { const auto offMeshConVerts = getOffMeshVerts(offMeshConnections); const std::vector offMeshConRad(offMeshConnections.size(), getRadius(settings, agentBounds)); const std::vector offMeshConDir(offMeshConnections.size(), 0); const std::vector offMeshConAreas = getOffMeshConAreas(offMeshConnections); const std::vector offMeshConFlags = getOffMeshFlags(offMeshConnections); dtNavMeshCreateParams params; params.verts = data.mPolyMesh.verts; params.vertCount = data.mPolyMesh.nverts; params.polys = data.mPolyMesh.polys; params.polyAreas = data.mPolyMesh.areas; params.polyFlags = data.mPolyMesh.flags; params.polyCount = data.mPolyMesh.npolys; params.nvp = data.mPolyMesh.nvp; params.detailMeshes = data.mPolyMeshDetail.meshes; params.detailVerts = data.mPolyMeshDetail.verts; params.detailVertsCount = data.mPolyMeshDetail.nverts; params.detailTris = data.mPolyMeshDetail.tris; params.detailTriCount = data.mPolyMeshDetail.ntris; params.offMeshConVerts = offMeshConVerts.data(); params.offMeshConRad = offMeshConRad.data(); params.offMeshConDir = offMeshConDir.data(); params.offMeshConAreas = offMeshConAreas.data(); params.offMeshConFlags = offMeshConFlags.data(); params.offMeshConUserID = nullptr; params.offMeshConCount = static_cast(offMeshConnections.size()); params.walkableHeight = getHeight(settings, agentBounds); params.walkableRadius = getRadius(settings, agentBounds); params.walkableClimb = getMaxClimb(settings); rcVcopy(params.bmin, data.mPolyMesh.bmin); rcVcopy(params.bmax, data.mPolyMesh.bmax); params.cs = data.mCellSize; params.ch = data.mCellHeight; params.buildBvTree = true; params.userId = data.mUserId; params.tileX = tile.x(); params.tileY = tile.y(); params.tileLayer = 0; unsigned char* navMeshData; int navMeshDataSize; const auto navMeshDataCreated = dtCreateNavMeshData(¶ms, &navMeshData, &navMeshDataSize); if (!navMeshDataCreated) throw NavigatorException("Failed to create navmesh tile data"); return NavMeshData(navMeshData, navMeshDataSize); } NavMeshPtr makeEmptyNavMesh(const Settings& settings) { // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated. // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon. const int polysAndTilesBits = 22; const auto polysBits = getMinValuableBitsNumber(settings.mDetour.mMaxPolys); if (polysBits >= polysAndTilesBits) throw InvalidArgument("Too many polygons per tile"); const auto tilesBits = polysAndTilesBits - polysBits; dtNavMeshParams params; std::fill_n(params.orig, 3, 0.0f); params.tileWidth = settings.mRecast.mTileSize * settings.mRecast.mCellSize; params.tileHeight = settings.mRecast.mTileSize * settings.mRecast.mCellSize; params.maxTiles = 1 << tilesBits; params.maxPolys = 1 << polysBits; NavMeshPtr navMesh(dtAllocNavMesh(), &dtFreeNavMesh); if (navMesh == nullptr) throw NavigatorException("Failed to allocate navmesh"); const auto status = navMesh->init(¶ms); if (!dtStatusSucceed(status)) throw NavigatorException("Failed to init navmesh"); return navMesh; } bool isSupportedAgentBounds(const RecastSettings& settings, const AgentBounds& agentBounds) { return isValidWalkableHeight(getWalkableHeight(settings, agentBounds)) && isValidWalkableRadius(getWalkableRadius(settings, agentBounds)); } }