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mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-04 01:09:41 +00:00
fredzio b88d32ff5b Add 3 tabs in the "Data Files" page
1 with the data directories
2 with the BSA archives
3 with the content selector

When user select a directory to be added, first we walk the directory
hierarchy to make a list of all potential data= entries. If we find
none, the selected directory is added.

If more than one data directory is found, user is presented with a
directory list to check which one(s) are to be added.

Directories containing one or more content file are marked with an icon.

data= and fallback-archive= lines are handled like content= lines:
- they are part of the profile in launcher.cfg, prefixed by the profile
- they are updated in openmw.cfg when profile is selected / created

Directories can be moved in the list by drag and drop or by buttons.
Insertion is possible anywhere in the list.
Global data path and data local are shown but are greyed out, as they
are always included.

No attempt is made to ensure that the user choice are valid
(dependencies, overwrite of content).

After a profile is loaded, any added content is highlighted in green.
2022-04-23 09:54:45 +02:00

238 lines
7.2 KiB

#include "launchersettings.hpp"
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QString>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QMultiMap>
#include <QDebug>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
const char Config::LauncherSettings::sCurrentContentListKey[] = "Profiles/currentprofile";
const char Config::LauncherSettings::sLauncherConfigFileName[] = "launcher.cfg";
const char Config::LauncherSettings::sContentListsSectionPrefix[] = "Profiles/";
const char Config::LauncherSettings::sDirectoryListSuffix[] = "/data";
const char Config::LauncherSettings::sArchiveListSuffix[] = "/fallback-archive";
const char Config::LauncherSettings::sContentListSuffix[] = "/content";
QStringList Config::LauncherSettings::subKeys(const QString &key)
QMultiMap<QString, QString> settings = SettingsBase::getSettings();
QStringList keys = settings.uniqueKeys();
QRegExp keyRe("(.+)/");
QStringList result;
for (const QString &currentKey : keys)
if (keyRe.indexIn(currentKey) != -1)
QString prefixedKey = keyRe.cap(1);
QString subKey = prefixedKey.remove(key);
if (!subKey.isEmpty())
return result;
bool Config::LauncherSettings::writeFile(QTextStream &stream)
QString sectionPrefix;
QRegExp sectionRe("([^/]+)/(.+)$");
QMultiMap<QString, QString> settings = SettingsBase::getSettings();
QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(settings);
while (i.hasPrevious()) {
QString prefix;
QString key;
if (sectionRe.exactMatch(i.key())) {
prefix = sectionRe.cap(1);
key = sectionRe.cap(2);
// Get rid of legacy settings
if (key.contains(QChar('\\')))
if (key == QLatin1String("CurrentProfile"))
if (sectionPrefix != prefix) {
sectionPrefix = prefix;
stream << "\n[" << prefix << "]\n";
stream << key << "=" << i.value() << "\n";
return true;
QStringList Config::LauncherSettings::getContentLists()
return subKeys(QString(sContentListsSectionPrefix));
QString Config::LauncherSettings::makeDirectoryListKey(const QString& contentListName)
return QString(sContentListsSectionPrefix) + contentListName + QString(sDirectoryListSuffix);
QString Config::LauncherSettings::makeArchiveListKey(const QString& contentListName)
return QString(sContentListsSectionPrefix) + contentListName + QString(sArchiveListSuffix);
QString Config::LauncherSettings::makeContentListKey(const QString& contentListName)
return QString(sContentListsSectionPrefix) + contentListName + QString(sContentListSuffix);
void Config::LauncherSettings::setContentList(const GameSettings& gameSettings)
// obtain content list from game settings (if present)
QStringList dirs(gameSettings.getDataDirs());
const QStringList archives(gameSettings.getArchiveList());
const QStringList files(gameSettings.getContentList());
// if openmw.cfg has no content, exit so we don't create an empty content list.
if (dirs.isEmpty() || files.isEmpty())
// global and local data directories are not part of any profile
const auto globalDataDir = QString(gameSettings.getGlobalDataDir().c_str());
const auto dataLocal = gameSettings.getDataLocal();
// if any existing profile in launcher matches the content list, make that profile the default
for (const QString &listName : getContentLists())
if (isEqual(files, getContentListFiles(listName)) &&
isEqual(archives, getArchiveList(listName)) &&
isEqual(dirs, getDataDirectoryList(listName)))
// otherwise, add content list
QString newContentListName(makeNewContentListName());
setContentList(newContentListName, dirs, archives, files);
void Config::LauncherSettings::removeContentList(const QString &contentListName)
void Config::LauncherSettings::setCurrentContentListName(const QString &contentListName)
setValue(QString(sCurrentContentListKey), contentListName);
void Config::LauncherSettings::setContentList(const QString& contentListName, const QStringList& dirNames, const QStringList& archiveNames, const QStringList& fileNames)
auto const assign = [this](const QString key, const QStringList& list)
for (auto const& item : list)
setMultiValue(key, item);
assign(makeDirectoryListKey(contentListName), dirNames);
assign(makeArchiveListKey(contentListName), archiveNames);
assign(makeContentListKey(contentListName), fileNames);
QString Config::LauncherSettings::getCurrentContentListName() const
return value(QString(sCurrentContentListKey));
QStringList Config::LauncherSettings::getDataDirectoryList(const QString& contentListName) const
// QMap returns multiple rows in LIFO order, so need to reverse
return reverse(getSettings().values(makeDirectoryListKey(contentListName)));
QStringList Config::LauncherSettings::getArchiveList(const QString& contentListName) const
// QMap returns multiple rows in LIFO order, so need to reverse
return reverse(getSettings().values(makeArchiveListKey(contentListName)));
QStringList Config::LauncherSettings::getContentListFiles(const QString& contentListName) const
// QMap returns multiple rows in LIFO order, so need to reverse
return reverse(getSettings().values(makeContentListKey(contentListName)));
QStringList Config::LauncherSettings::reverse(const QStringList& toReverse)
QStringList result;
std::reverse_copy(toReverse.begin(), toReverse.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
return result;
bool Config::LauncherSettings::isEqual(const QStringList& list1, const QStringList& list2)
if (list1.count() != list2.count())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < list1.count(); ++i)
if (list1.at(i) != list2.at(i))
return false;
// if get here, lists are same
return true;
QString Config::LauncherSettings::makeNewContentListName()
// basically, use date and time as the name e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
time_t rawtime;
struct tm * timeinfo;
timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
int base = 10;
QChar zeroPad('0');
return QString("%1-%2-%3T%4:%5:%6")
.arg(timeinfo->tm_year + 1900, 4).arg(timeinfo->tm_mon + 1, 2, base, zeroPad).arg(timeinfo->tm_mday, 2, base, zeroPad)
.arg(timeinfo->tm_hour, 2, base, zeroPad).arg(timeinfo->tm_min, 2, base, zeroPad).arg(timeinfo->tm_sec, 2, base, zeroPad);