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-- `openmw.types` defines functions for specific types of game objects.
-- @module types
-- @usage local types = require('openmw.types')
--- Common @{#Actor} functions for Creature, NPC, and Player.
-- @field [parent=#types] #Actor Actor
--- Common functions for Creature, NPC, and Player.
-- @type Actor
-- Agent bounds to be used for pathfinding functions.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] getPathfindingAgentBounds
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #table with `shapeType` and `halfExtents`
-- Whether the object is an actor.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Actor inventory.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] inventory
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return openmw.core#Inventory
-- @field #number Helmet
-- @field #number Cuirass
-- @field #number Greaves
-- @field #number LeftPauldron
-- @field #number RightPauldron
-- @field #number LeftGauntlet
-- @field #number RightGauntlet
-- @field #number Boots
-- @field #number Shirt
-- @field #number Pants
-- @field #number Skirt
-- @field #number Robe
-- @field #number LeftRing
-- @field #number RightRing
-- @field #number Amulet
-- @field #number Belt
-- @field #number CarriedRight
-- @field #number CarriedLeft
-- @field #number Ammunition
-- Available @{#EQUIPMENT_SLOT} values. Used in `` and `Actor.setEquipment(obj, eqp)`.
-- @field [parent=#Actor] #EQUIPMENT_SLOT EQUIPMENT_SLOT
-- @type STANCE
-- @field #number Nothing Default stance
-- @field #number Weapon Weapon stance
-- @field #number Spell Magic stance
--- @{#STANCE}
-- @field [parent=#Actor] #STANCE STANCE
-- Returns true if the object is an actor and is able to move. For dead, paralyzed,
-- or knocked down actors it returns false.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] canMove
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Speed of running. For dead actors it still returns a positive value.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] runSpeed
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #number
-- Speed of walking. For dead actors it still returns a positive value.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] walkSpeed
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #number
-- Current speed.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] currentSpeed
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #number
-- Is the actor standing on ground. Can be called only from a local script.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] isOnGround
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #boolean
-- Is the actor in water. Can be called only from a local script.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] isSwimming
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the current stance (whether a weapon/spell is readied), see the list of @{#STANCE} values.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] stance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #number
-- Sets the current stance (whether a weapon/spell is readied), see the list of @{#STANCE} values.
-- Can be used only in local scripts on self.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] setStance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @param #number stance
-- Returns `true` if the item is equipped on the actor.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] isEquipped
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject item
-- @return #boolean
-- Map from values of @{#EQUIPMENT_SLOT} to items @{openmw.core#GameObject}s
-- @type EquipmentTable
-- @map <#number, openmw.core#GameObject>
-- Get equipment.
-- Has two overloads:
-- 1) With a single argument: returns a table `slot` -> @{openmw.core#GameObject} of currently equipped items.
-- See @{#EQUIPMENT_SLOT}. Returns empty table if the actor doesn't have
-- equipment slots.
-- 2) With two arguments: returns an item equipped to the given slot.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] equipment
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @param #number slot Optional number of the equipment slot
-- @return #EquipmentTable, openmw.core#GameObject
-- Set equipment.
-- Keys in the table are equipment slots (see @{#EQUIPMENT_SLOT}). Each
-- value can be either a `GameObject` or recordId. Raises an error if
-- the actor doesn't have equipment slots and table is not empty. Can be
-- used only in local scripts and only on self.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] setEquipment
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @param #EquipmentTable equipment
-- @usage local self = require('openmw.self')
-- local Actor = require('openmw.types').Actor
-- Actor.setEquipment(self, {}) -- unequip all
-- Return the spells (@{ActorSpells}) of the given actor.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] spells
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #ActorSpells
--- List of spells with additional functions add/remove/clear (modification are allowed only in global scripts or on self).
-- @type ActorSpells
-- @usage -- print available spells
-- local mySpells = types.Actor.spells(self)
-- for _, spell in pairs(mySpells) do print( end
-- @usage -- print available spells (equivalent)
-- local mySpells = types.Actor.spells(self)
-- for i = 1, #mySpells do print(mySpells[i].id) end
-- @usage -- add ALL spells that exist in the world
-- local mySpells = types.Actor.spells(self)
-- for _, spell in pairs(core.magic.spells) do
-- if spell.type == core.magic.SPELL_TYPE.Spell then
-- mySpells:add(spell)
-- end
-- end
-- @usage -- add specific spell
-- types.Actor.spells(self):add('thunder fist')
-- @usage -- check specific spell
-- local mySpells = types.Actor.spells(self)
-- if mySpells['thunder fist'] then print('I have thunder fist') end
-- Add spell (only in global scripts or on self).
-- @function [parent=#ActorSpells] add
-- @param self
-- @param #any spellOrId @{openmw.core#Spell} or string spell id
-- Remove spell (only in global scripts or on self).
-- @function [parent=#ActorSpells] remove
-- @param self
-- @param #any spellOrId @{openmw.core#Spell} or string spell id
-- Remove all spells (only in global scripts or on self).
-- @function [parent=#ActorSpells] clear
-- @param self
-- @type LevelStat
-- @field #number current The actor's current level.
-- @field #number progress The NPC's level progress (read-only.)
-- @type DynamicStat
-- @field #number base
-- @field #number current
-- @field #number modifier
-- @type AttributeStat
-- @field #number base The actor's base attribute value.
-- @field #number damage The amount the attribute has been damaged.
-- @field #number modified The actor's current attribute value (read-only.)
-- @field #number modifier The attribute's modifier.
-- @type SkillStat
-- @field #number base The NPC's base skill value.
-- @field #number damage The amount the skill has been damaged.
-- @field #number modified The NPC's current skill value (read-only.)
-- @field #number modifier The skill's modifier.
-- @field #number progress [0-1] The NPC's skill progress.
-- @type DynamicStats
-- Health (returns @{#DynamicStat})
-- @function [parent=#DynamicStats] health
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #DynamicStat
-- Magicka (returns @{#DynamicStat})
-- @function [parent=#DynamicStats] magicka
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #DynamicStat
-- Fatigue (returns @{#DynamicStat})
-- @function [parent=#DynamicStats] fatigue
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #DynamicStat
-- @type AttributeStats
-- Strength (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] strength
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Intelligence (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] intelligence
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Willpower (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] willpower
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Agility (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] agility
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Speed (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] speed
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Endurance (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] endurance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Personality (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] personality
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- Luck (returns @{#AttributeStat})
-- @function [parent=#AttributeStats] luck
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #AttributeStat
-- @type SkillStats
-- Block (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] block
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Armorer (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] armorer
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Medium Armor (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] mediumarmor
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Heavy Armor (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] heavyarmor
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Blunt Weapon (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] bluntweapon
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Long Blade (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] longblade
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Axe (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] axe
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Spear (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] spear
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Athletics (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] athletics
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Enchant (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] enchant
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Destruction (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] destruction
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Alteration (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] alteration
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Illusion (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] illusion
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Conjuration (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] conjuration
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Mysticism (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] mysticism
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Restoration (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] restoration
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Alchemy (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] alchemy
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Unarmored (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] unarmored
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Security (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] security
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Sneak (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] sneak
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Acrobatics (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] acrobatics
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Light Armor (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] lightarmor
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Short Blade (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] shortblade
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Marksman (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] marksman
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Mercantile (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] mercantile
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Speechcraft (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] speechcraft
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- Hand To Hand (returns @{#SkillStat})
-- @function [parent=#SkillStats] handtohand
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #SkillStat
-- @type ActorStats
-- @field #DynamicStats dynamic
-- @field #AttributeStats attributes
-- Level (returns @{#LevelStat})
-- @function [parent=#ActorStats] level
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #LevelStat
--- The actor's stats.
-- @field [parent=#Actor] #ActorStats stats
-- @type NpcStats
-- @extends ActorStats
-- @field #SkillStats skills
--- @{#Item} functions (all pickable items that can be placed to an inventory or container)
-- @field [parent=#types] #Item Item
--- Functions for pickable items that can be placed to an inventory or container
-- @type Item
-- Whether the object is an item.
-- @function [parent=#Item] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- @{#Creature} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Creature Creature
-- @type Creature
-- @extends #Actor
-- @field #Actor baseType @{#Actor}
-- @field #list<#CreatureRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#CreatureRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a creature.
-- @function [parent=#Creature] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#CreatureRecord} of a creature
-- @function [parent=#Creature] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #CreatureRecord
-- @type CreatureRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the creature
-- @field #string name
-- @field #string baseCreature Record id of a base creature, which was modified to create this one
-- @field #string model VFS path to the creature's model
-- @field #string mwscript
-- @field #number soulValue The soul value of the creature record
--- @{#NPC} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #NPC NPC
-- @type NPC
-- @extends #Actor
-- @field #Actor baseType @{#Actor}
-- @field [parent=#NPC] #NpcStats stats
-- @field #list<#NpcRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#NpcRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is an NPC or a Player.
-- @function [parent=#NPC] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Whether the NPC or player is in the werewolf form at the moment.
-- @function [parent=#NPC] isWerewolf
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject actor
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#NpcRecord} of an NPC
-- @function [parent=#NPC] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #NpcRecord
-- @type NpcRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the NPC
-- @field #string name
-- @field #string race
-- @field #string class Name of the NPC's class (e. g. Acrobat)
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript that is attached to this NPC
-- @field #string hair Path to the hair body part model
-- @field #string head Path to the head body part model
--- @{#Player} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Player Player
-- @type Player
-- @extends #NPC
-- @field #NPC baseType @{#NPC}
-- Whether the object is a player.
-- @function [parent=#Player] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- @{#Armor} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Armor Armor
-- @type Armor
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#ArmorRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#ArmorRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is an Armor.
-- @function [parent=#Armor] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- Armor.TYPE
-- @type ArmorTYPE
-- @field #number Helmet
-- @field #number Cuirass
-- @field #number LPauldron
-- @field #number RPauldron
-- @field #number Greaves
-- @field #number Boots
-- @field #number LGauntlet
-- @field #number RGauntlet
-- @field #number Shield
-- @field #number LBracer
-- @field #number RBracer
--- @{#ArmorTYPE}
-- @field [parent=#Armor] #ArmorTYPE TYPE
-- Returns the read-only @{#ArmorRecord} of an Armor
-- @function [parent=#Armor] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ArmorRecord
-- @type ArmorRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this armor (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #string enchant The enchantment ID of this armor (can be empty)
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number type See @{#Armor.TYPE}
-- @field #number health
-- @field #number baseArmor The base armor rating of this armor
-- @field #number enchantCapacity
--- @{#Book} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Book Book
-- @type Book
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#BookRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#BookRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Book.
-- @function [parent=#Book] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- Book.SKILL
-- @type BookSKILL
-- @field #string acrobatics "acrobatics"
-- @field #string alchemy "alchemy"
-- @field #string alteration "alteration"
-- @field #string armorer "armorer"
-- @field #string athletics "athletics"
-- @field #string axe "axe"
-- @field #string block "block"
-- @field #string bluntWeapon "bluntweapon"
-- @field #string conjuration "conjuration"
-- @field #string destruction "destruction"
-- @field #string enchant "enchant"
-- @field #string handToHand "handtohand"
-- @field #string heavyArmor "heavyarmor"
-- @field #string illusion "illusion"
-- @field #string lightArmor "lightarmor"
-- @field #string longBlade "longblade"
-- @field #string marksman "marksman"
-- @field #string mediumArmor "mediumarmor"
-- @field #string mercantile "mercantile"
-- @field #string mysticism "mysticism"
-- @field #string restoration "restoration"
-- @field #string security "security"
-- @field #string shortBlade "shortblade"
-- @field #string sneak "sneak"
-- @field #string spear "spear"
-- @field #string speechcraft "speechcraft"
-- @field #string unarmored "unarmored"
--- DEPRECATED, use @{openmw.core#SKILL}
-- @field [parent=#Book] #BookSKILL SKILL
-- Returns the read-only @{#BookRecord} of a book
-- @function [parent=#Book] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #BookRecord
-- @type BookRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the book
-- @field #string name Name of the book
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this book (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #string enchant The enchantment ID of this book (can be empty)
-- @field #string text The text content of the book
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #string skill The skill that this book teaches. See @{openmw.core#SKILL}
-- @field #boolean isScroll
-- @field #number enchantCapacity
--- @{#Clothing} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Clothing Clothing
-- @type Clothing
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#ClothingRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#ClothingRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Clothing.
-- @function [parent=#Clothing] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- Clothing.TYPE
-- @type ClothingTYPE
-- @field #number Amulet
-- @field #number Belt
-- @field #number LGlove
-- @field #number Pants
-- @field #number RGlove
-- @field #number Ring
-- @field #number Robe
-- @field #number Shirt
-- @field #number Shoes
-- @field #number Skirt
--- @{#ClothingTYPE}
-- @field [parent=#Clothing] #ClothingTYPE TYPE
-- Returns the read-only @{#ClothingRecord} of a Clothing
-- @function [parent=#Clothing] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ClothingRecord
-- @type ClothingRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Name of the clothing
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this clothing (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #string enchant The enchantment ID of this clothing (can be empty)
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number type See @{#Clothing.TYPE}
-- @field #number enchantCapacity
--- @{#Ingredient} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Ingredient Ingredient
-- @type Ingredient
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#IngredientRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#IngredientRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is an Ingredient.
-- @function [parent=#Ingredient] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#IngredientRecord} of a Ingredient
-- @function [parent=#Ingredient] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #IngredientRecord
-- @type IngredientRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this potion (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
--- @{#Light} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Light Light
-- @type Light
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#LightRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#LightRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Light.
-- @function [parent=#Light] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#LightRecord} of a Light
-- @function [parent=#Light] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #LightRecord
-- @type LightRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this light (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #string sound VFS path to the sound
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number duration
-- @field #number radius
-- @field #number color
-- @field #boolean isCarriable
--- Functions for @{#Miscellaneous} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
-- @type Miscellaneous
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#MiscellaneousRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#MiscellaneousRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Miscellaneous.
-- @function [parent=#Miscellaneous] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#MiscellaneousRecord} of a miscellaneous item
-- @function [parent=#Miscellaneous] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #MiscellaneousRecord
-- Returns the read-only soul of a miscellaneous item
-- @function [parent=#Miscellaneous] soul
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #string
-- Sets the soul of a miscellaneous item, intended for soul gem objects; Must be used in a global script.
-- @function [parent=#Miscellaneous] setSoul
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @param #string soulId Record ID for the soul of the creature to use
-- @type MiscellaneousRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the miscellaneous item
-- @field #string name The name of the miscellaneous item
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this miscellaneous item (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #boolean isKey
--- @{#Potion} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Potion Potion
-- @type Potion
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#PotionRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#PotionRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Potion.
-- @function [parent=#Potion] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#PotionRecord} of a potion
-- @function [parent=#Potion] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #PotionRecord
-- Creates a @{#PotionRecord} without adding it to the world database.
-- Use @{openmw_world#(world).createRecord} to add the record to the world.
-- @function [parent=#Potion] createRecordDraft
-- @param #PotionRecord potion A Lua table with the fields of a PotionRecord.
-- @return #PotionRecord A strongly typed Potion record.
-- @type PotionRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this potion (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
--- @{#Weapon} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Weapon Weapon
-- @type Weapon
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#WeaponRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#WeaponRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Weapon.
-- @function [parent=#Weapon] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- Weapon.TYPE
-- @type WeaponTYPE
-- @field #number ShortBladeOneHand
-- @field #number LongBladeOneHand
-- @field #number LongBladeTwoHand
-- @field #number BluntOneHand
-- @field #number BluntTwoClose
-- @field #number BluntTwoWide
-- @field #number SpearTwoWide
-- @field #number AxeOneHand
-- @field #number AxeTwoHand
-- @field #number MarksmanBow
-- @field #number MarksmanCrossbow
-- @field #number MarksmanThrown
-- @field #number Arrow
-- @field #number Bolt
--- @{#WeaponTYPE}
-- @field [parent=#Weapon] #WeaponTYPE TYPE
-- Returns the read-only @{#WeaponRecord} of a weapon
-- @function [parent=#Weapon] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #WeaponRecord
-- @type WeaponRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this weapon (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #string enchant
-- @field #boolean isMagical
-- @field #boolean isSilver
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number type See @{#Weapon.TYPE}
-- @field #number health
-- @field #number speed
-- @field #number reach
-- @field #number enchantCapacity
-- @field #number chopMinDamage
-- @field #number chopMaxDamage
-- @field #number slashMinDamage
-- @field #number slashMaxDamage
-- @field #number thrustMinDamage
-- @field #number thrustMaxDamage
--- @{#Apparatus} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Apparatus Apparatus
-- @type Apparatus
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#ApparatusRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#ApparatusRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is an Apparatus.
-- @function [parent=#Apparatus] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
--- Apparatus.TYPE
-- @type ApparatusTYPE
-- @field #number MortarPestle
-- @field #number Alembic
-- @field #number Calcinator
-- @field #number Retort
--- @{#ApparatusTYPE}
-- @field [parent=#Apparatus] #ApparatusTYPE TYPE
-- Returns the read-only @{#ApparatusRecord} of an apparatus
-- @function [parent=#Apparatus] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ApparatusRecord
-- @type ApparatusRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the apparatus
-- @field #string name The name of the apparatus
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this apparatus (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number type The type of apparatus. See @{#Apparatus.TYPE}
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number quality The quality of the apparatus
--- @{#Lockpick} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Lockpick Lockpick
-- @type Lockpick
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#LockpickRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#LockpickRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Lockpick.
-- @function [parent=#Lockpick] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#LockpickRecord} of a lockpick
-- @function [parent=#Lockpick] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #LockpickRecord
-- @type LockpickRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the lockpick
-- @field #string name The name of the lockpick
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this lockpick (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number maxCondition The maximum number of uses of this lockpick
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number quality The quality of the lockpick
--- @{#Probe} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Probe Probe
-- @type Probe
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#ProbeRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#ProbeRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Probe.
-- @function [parent=#Probe] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#ProbeRecord} of a probe
-- @function [parent=#Probe] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ProbeRecord
-- @type ProbeRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the probe
-- @field #string name The name of the probe
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this probe (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number maxCondition The maximum number of uses of this probe
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number quality The quality of the probe
--- @{#Repair} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Repair Repair
-- @type Repair
-- @extends #Item
-- @field #Item baseType @{#Item}
-- @field #list<#RepairRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#RepairRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Repair.
-- @function [parent=#Repair] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#RepairRecord} of a repair tool
-- @function [parent=#Repair] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #RepairRecord
-- @type RepairRecord
-- @field #string id The record ID of the repair tool
-- @field #string name The name of the repair tool
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this repair tool (can be empty)
-- @field #string icon VFS path to the icon
-- @field #number maxCondition The maximum number of uses of this repair tool
-- @field #number weight
-- @field #number value
-- @field #number quality The quality of the repair tool
--- @{#Activator} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Activator Activator
-- @type Activator
-- @field #list<#ActivatorRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#ActivatorRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is an Activator.
-- @function [parent=#Activator] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#ActivatorRecord} of an activator
-- @function [parent=#Activator] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ActivatorRecord
-- @type ActivatorRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this activator (can be empty)
--- @{#Container} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Container Container
-- @type Container
-- @field #list<#ContainerRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#ContainerRecord}s in the world database.
-- Container content.
-- @function [parent=#Container] content
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.core#Inventory
-- Whether the object is a Container.
-- @function [parent=#Container] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the total weight of everything in a container
-- @function [parent=#Container] encumbrance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #number
-- Returns the capacity of a container
-- @function [parent=#Container] capacity
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #number
-- Returns the read-only @{#ContainerRecord} of a container
-- @function [parent=#Container] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ContainerRecord
-- @type ContainerRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this container (can be empty)
-- @field #number weight capacity of this container
--- @{#Door} functions
-- @field [parent=#types] #Door Door
-- @type Door
-- @field #list<#DoorRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#DoorRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Door.
-- @function [parent=#Door] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Whether the door is a teleport.
-- @function [parent=#Door] isTeleport
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Destination (only if a teleport door).
-- @function [parent=#Door] destPosition
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.util#Vector3
-- Destination rotation (only if a teleport door).
-- @function [parent=#Door] destRotation
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.util#Vector3
-- Destination cell (only if a teleport door).
-- @function [parent=#Door] destCell
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.core#Cell
-- Returns the read-only @{#DoorRecord} of a door
-- @function [parent=#Door] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #DoorRecord
-- @type DoorRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
-- @field #string mwscript MWScript on this door (can be empty)
-- @field #string openSound VFS path to the sound of opening
-- @field #string closeSound VFS path to the sound of closing
--- Functions for @{#Static} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #Static Static
-- @type Static
-- @field #list<#StaticRecord> records A read-only list of all @{#StaticRecord}s in the world database.
-- Whether the object is a Static.
-- @function [parent=#Static] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Returns the read-only @{#StaticRecord} of a Static
-- @function [parent=#Static] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #StaticRecord
-- @type StaticRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Activator} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Activator ESM4Activator
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Ammunition} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Ammunition ESM4Ammunition
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Armor} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Armor ESM4Armor
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Book} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Book ESM4Book
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Clothing} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Clothing ESM4Clothing
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Door} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Door ESM4Door
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Ingredient} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Ingredient ESM4Ingredient
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Light} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Light ESM4Light
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Miscellaneous} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Miscellaneous ESM4Miscellaneous
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Potion} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Potion ESM4Potion
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Static} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Static ESM4Static
--- Functions for @{#ESM4Weapon} objects
-- @field [parent=#types] #ESM4Weapon ESM4Weapon
-- @type ESM4Door
-- Whether the object is a ESM4Door.
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] objectIsInstance
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Whether the door is a teleport.
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] isTeleport
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- Destination (only if a teleport door).
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] destPosition
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.util#Vector3
-- Destination rotation (only if a teleport door).
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] destRotation
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.util#Vector3
-- Destination cell (only if a teleport door).
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] destCell
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @return openmw.core#Cell
-- Returns the read-only @{#ESM4DoorRecord} of a door
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] record
-- @param #any objectOrRecordId
-- @return #ESM4DoorRecord
-- Returns a read-only list of all @{#ESM4DoorRecord}s in the world database.
-- @function [parent=#ESM4Door] records
-- @return #list<#ESM4DoorRecord>
-- @type ESM4DoorRecord
-- @field #string id Record id
-- @field #string name Human-readable name
-- @field #string model VFS path to the model
return nil