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synced 2025-02-26 11:39:42 +00:00
- The order of info records with the same topic are maintained in Collection::mRecords - The index lookup data structure are not ordered. The topic string is hashed. The infos for the topic are simply placed in a vector. - The index values for appending or inserting a record takes prev/next values (if exist) - FIXME: prev/next values are not adjusted for adding or removing records - FIXME: undo after reordering does not reset the modified flag
275 lines
7.7 KiB
275 lines
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#include "idtable.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include "collectionbase.hpp"
#include "columnbase.hpp"
CSMWorld::IdTable::IdTable (CollectionBase *idCollection, unsigned int features)
: IdTableBase (features), mIdCollection (idCollection)
int CSMWorld::IdTable::rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return mIdCollection->getSize();
int CSMWorld::IdTable::columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return mIdCollection->getColumns();
QVariant CSMWorld::IdTable::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const
if (index.row() < 0 || index.column() < 0)
return QVariant();
if (role==ColumnBase::Role_Display)
return QVariant(mIdCollection->getColumn(index.column()).mDisplayType);
if (role==ColumnBase::Role_ColumnId)
return QVariant (getColumnId (index.column()));
if ((role!=Qt::DisplayRole && role!=Qt::EditRole))
return QVariant();
if (role==Qt::EditRole && !mIdCollection->getColumn (index.column()).isEditable())
return QVariant();
return mIdCollection->getData (index.row(), index.column());
QVariant CSMWorld::IdTable::headerData (int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (orientation==Qt::Vertical)
return QVariant();
if (orientation != Qt::Horizontal)
throw std::logic_error("Unknown header orientation specified");
if (role==Qt::DisplayRole)
return tr (mIdCollection->getColumn (section).getTitle().c_str());
if (role==ColumnBase::Role_Flags)
return mIdCollection->getColumn (section).mFlags;
if (role==ColumnBase::Role_Display)
return mIdCollection->getColumn (section).mDisplayType;
if (role==ColumnBase::Role_ColumnId)
return getColumnId (section);
return QVariant();
bool CSMWorld::IdTable::setData (const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
if (mIdCollection->getColumn (index.column()).isEditable() && role==Qt::EditRole)
mIdCollection->setData (index.row(), index.column(), value);
emit dataChanged(index, index);
// Modifying a value can also change the Modified status of a record.
int stateColumn = searchColumnIndex(Columns::ColumnId_Modification);
if (stateColumn != -1)
QModelIndex stateIndex = this->index(index.row(), stateColumn);
emit dataChanged(stateIndex, stateIndex);
return true;
return false;
Qt::ItemFlags CSMWorld::IdTable::flags (const QModelIndex & index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return 0;
Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
if (mIdCollection->getColumn (index.column()).isUserEditable())
flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
return flags;
bool CSMWorld::IdTable::removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent)
if (parent.isValid())
return false;
beginRemoveRows (parent, row, row+count-1);
mIdCollection->removeRows (row, count);
return true;
QModelIndex CSMWorld::IdTable::index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return QModelIndex();
if (row<0 || row>=mIdCollection->getSize())
return QModelIndex();
if (column<0 || column>=mIdCollection->getColumns())
return QModelIndex();
return createIndex (row, column);
QModelIndex CSMWorld::IdTable::parent (const QModelIndex& index) const
return QModelIndex();
void CSMWorld::IdTable::addRecord (const std::string& id, UniversalId::Type type)
int index = mIdCollection->getAppendIndex (id, type);
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), index, index);
mIdCollection->appendBlankRecord (id, type);
void CSMWorld::IdTable::cloneRecord(const std::string& origin,
const std::string& destination,
CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type)
int index = mIdCollection->getAppendIndex (destination, type);
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), index, index);
mIdCollection->cloneRecord(origin, destination, type);
///This method can return only indexes to the top level table cells
QModelIndex CSMWorld::IdTable::getModelIndex (const std::string& id, int column) const
int row = mIdCollection->searchId (id);
if (row != -1)
return index(row, column);
return QModelIndex();
void CSMWorld::IdTable::setRecord (const std::string& id,
std::unique_ptr<RecordBase> record, CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type)
int index = mIdCollection->searchId (id);
if (index==-1)
// For info records, appendRecord may use a different index than the one returned by
// getAppendIndex (because of prev/next links). This can result in the display not
// updating correctly after an undo
// Use an alternative method to get the correct index. For non-Info records the
// record pointer is ignored and internally calls getAppendIndex.
int index2 = mIdCollection->getInsertIndex (id, type, record.get());
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex(), index2, index2);
mIdCollection->appendRecord (std::move(record), type);
mIdCollection->replace (index, std::move(record));
emit dataChanged (CSMWorld::IdTable::index (index, 0),
CSMWorld::IdTable::index (index, mIdCollection->getColumns()-1));
const CSMWorld::RecordBase& CSMWorld::IdTable::getRecord (const std::string& id) const
return mIdCollection->getRecord (id);
int CSMWorld::IdTable::searchColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId id) const
return mIdCollection->searchColumnIndex (id);
int CSMWorld::IdTable::findColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId id) const
return mIdCollection->findColumnIndex (id);
void CSMWorld::IdTable::reorderRows (int baseIndex, const std::vector<int>& newOrder)
if (!newOrder.empty())
if (mIdCollection->reorderRows (baseIndex, newOrder))
emit dataChanged (index (baseIndex, 0),
index (baseIndex+newOrder.size()-1, mIdCollection->getColumns()-1));
std::pair<CSMWorld::UniversalId, std::string> CSMWorld::IdTable::view (int row) const
std::string id;
std::string hint;
if (getFeatures() & Feature_ViewCell)
int cellColumn = mIdCollection->searchColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_Cell);
int idColumn = mIdCollection->searchColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_Id);
if (cellColumn!=-1 && idColumn!=-1)
id = mIdCollection->getData (row, cellColumn).toString().toUtf8().constData();
hint = "r:" + std::string (mIdCollection->getData (row, idColumn).toString().toUtf8().constData());
else if (getFeatures() & Feature_ViewId)
int column = mIdCollection->searchColumnIndex (Columns::ColumnId_Id);
if (column!=-1)
id = mIdCollection->getData (row, column).toString().toUtf8().constData();
hint = "c:" + id;
if (id.empty())
return std::make_pair (UniversalId::Type_None, "");
if (id[0]=='#')
id = "sys::default";
return std::make_pair (UniversalId (UniversalId::Type_Scene, id), hint);
///For top level data/columns
bool CSMWorld::IdTable::isDeleted (const std::string& id) const
return getRecord (id).isDeleted();
int CSMWorld::IdTable::getColumnId(int column) const
return mIdCollection->getColumn(column).getId();
CSMWorld::CollectionBase *CSMWorld::IdTable::idCollection() const
return mIdCollection;