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local input = require('openmw.input')
return {
interfaceName = 'GamepadControls',
-- Gamepad control interface
-- @module GamepadControls
interface = {
--- Interface version
-- @field [parent=#GamepadControls] #number version
version = 0,
--- Checks if the gamepad cursor is active. If it is active, the left stick can move the cursor, and A will be interpreted as a mouse click.
-- @function [parent=#GamepadControls] isGamepadCursorActive
-- @return #boolean
isGamepadCursorActive = function()
return input._isGamepadCursorActive()
--- Set if the gamepad cursor is active. If it is active, the left stick can move the cursor, and A will be interpreted as a mouse click.
-- @function [parent=#GamepadControls] setGamepadCursorActive
-- @param #boolean value
setGamepadCursorActive = function(state)