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fteppe 20da0892ef openMW_test_suite compiles and runs
Slowly moving through the open-cs errors

Good progress in openCS

Very good progress on openCS

Getting closer with openCS

OpenCS compiles and runs! Didn't have time to test it all though

ix openMW

everything compiles on windows??

Fix gcc

Fix Clang
2022-12-27 19:15:55 +01:00

179 lines
6.6 KiB

#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QObject>
#include <components/esm3/loadarmo.hpp>
#include <components/esm3/loadbody.hpp>
#include <components/misc/weakcache.hpp>
#include "idcollection.hpp"
namespace ESM
struct Race;
namespace CSMWorld
class Data;
class RefIdCollection;
/// Adapts multiple collections to provide the data needed to render
/// an npc or creature.
class ActorAdapter : public QObject
/// A list indexed by ESM::PartReferenceType
using ActorPartList = std::map<ESM::PartReferenceType, std::pair<std::string, int>>;
/// A list indexed by ESM::BodyPart::MeshPart
using RacePartList = std::array<ESM::RefId, ESM::BodyPart::MP_Count>;
/// Tracks unique strings
using RefIdSet = std::unordered_set<ESM::RefId>;
/// Contains base race data shared between actors
class RaceData
/// Retrieves the id of the race represented
const ESM::RefId& getId() const;
/// Checks if it's a beast race
bool isBeast() const;
/// Checks if a part could exist for the given type
bool handlesPart(ESM::PartReferenceType type) const;
/// Retrieves the associated body part
const ESM::RefId& getFemalePart(ESM::PartReferenceType index) const;
/// Retrieves the associated body part
const ESM::RefId& getMalePart(ESM::PartReferenceType index) const;
/// Checks if the race has a data dependency
bool hasDependency(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
/// Sets the associated part if it's empty and marks a dependency
void setFemalePart(ESM::BodyPart::MeshPart partIndex, const ESM::RefId& partId);
/// Sets the associated part if it's empty and marks a dependency
void setMalePart(ESM::BodyPart::MeshPart partIndex, const ESM::RefId& partId);
/// Marks an additional dependency
void addOtherDependency(const ESM::RefId& id);
/// Clears parts and dependencies
void reset_data(const ESM::RefId& raceId, bool isBeast = false);
bool handles(ESM::PartReferenceType type) const;
ESM::RefId mId;
bool mIsBeast;
RacePartList mFemaleParts;
RacePartList mMaleParts;
RefIdSet mDependencies;
using RaceDataPtr = std::shared_ptr<RaceData>;
/// Contains all the data needed to render an actor. Tracks dependencies
/// so that pertinent data changes can be checked.
class ActorData
/// Retrieves the id of the actor represented
const ESM::RefId& getId() const;
/// Checks if the actor is a creature
bool isCreature() const;
/// Checks if the actor is female
bool isFemale() const;
/// Returns the skeleton the actor should use for attaching parts to
std::string getSkeleton() const;
/// Retrieves the associated actor part
std::string_view getPart(ESM::PartReferenceType index) const;
/// Checks if the actor has a data dependency
bool hasDependency(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
/// Sets the actor part used and marks a dependency
void setPart(ESM::PartReferenceType partIndex, const ESM::RefId& partId, int priority);
/// Marks an additional dependency for the actor
void addOtherDependency(const ESM::RefId& id);
/// Clears race, parts, and dependencies
void reset_data(const ESM::RefId& actorId, const std::string& skeleton = "", bool isCreature = false,
bool female = true, RaceDataPtr raceData = nullptr);
ESM::RefId mId;
bool mCreature;
bool mFemale;
std::string mSkeletonOverride;
RaceDataPtr mRaceData;
ActorPartList mParts;
RefIdSet mDependencies;
using ActorDataPtr = std::shared_ptr<ActorData>;
ActorAdapter(Data& data);
/// Obtains the shared data for a given actor
ActorDataPtr getActorData(const ESM::RefId& refId);
void actorChanged(const ESM::RefId& refId);
public slots:
void handleReferenceablesInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleReferenceableChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&);
void handleReferenceablesAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleReferenceablesRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleRacesInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleRaceChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&);
void handleRacesAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleRacesRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleBodyPartsInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleBodyPartChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&);
void handleBodyPartsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
void handleBodyPartsRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int);
ActorAdapter(const ActorAdapter&) = delete;
ActorAdapter& operator=(const ActorAdapter&) = delete;
QModelIndex getHighestIndex(QModelIndex) const;
bool is1stPersonPart(const std::string& id) const;
RaceDataPtr getRaceData(const ESM::RefId& raceId);
void setupActor(const ESM::RefId& id, ActorDataPtr data);
void setupRace(const ESM::RefId& id, RaceDataPtr data);
void setupNpc(const ESM::RefId& id, ActorDataPtr data);
void addNpcItem(const ESM::RefId& itemId, ActorDataPtr data);
void setupCreature(const ESM::RefId& id, ActorDataPtr data);
void markDirtyDependency(const ESM::RefId& dependency);
void updateDirty();
RefIdCollection& mReferenceables;
IdCollection<ESM::Race>& mRaces;
IdCollection<ESM::BodyPart>& mBodyParts;
Misc::WeakCache<ESM::RefId, ActorData> mCachedActors; // Key: referenceable id
Misc::WeakCache<ESM::RefId, RaceData> mCachedRaces; // Key: race id
RefIdSet mDirtyActors; // Actors that need updating
RefIdSet mDirtyRaces; // Races that need updating