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synced 2025-03-04 04:09:41 +00:00
Renamed Nif:KeyListT to Nif::CurveT, moved it into its own file and changed its implementation so that on compatible platforms, the entire array of key-frames can be read in a single read call. Added a helper class called Nif::CurveT::interpolator to allow other code to easily evaluate the curve. Reworked part of the skeletonLoader code to use the interpolator to simplify its own logic.
424 lines
12 KiB
424 lines
12 KiB
#ifndef _NIF_KEYLIST_H_
#define _NIF_KEYLIST_H_
#include <cfloat>
namespace Nif
template <typename iterator , typename predicate>
void bubble_sort (iterator begin, iterator end, predicate const & in_order)
if (end > begin)
for (iterator i = begin; i != end - 1; ++i)
if (in_order (*(i+0), *(i+1)))
for (iterator j = i; j >= begin; --j)
std::swap (*(j+0), *(j+1));
if (in_order (*(j+0), *(j+1)))
template <typename value_type>
value_type linear_interpolate (float amount, value_type prev, value_type next)
return prev + (next - prev) * amount;
Ogre::Quaternion linear_interpolate (float amount, Ogre::Quaternion prev, Ogre::Quaternion next)
return Ogre::Quaternion::nlerp (amount, prev, next);
template<typename value_type>
struct KeyT {
static const size_t EncodedLength =
NIFStream::handler <float>::EncodedLength +
NIFStream::handler <value_type>::EncodedLength
float mTime;
value_type mValue;
void extract (NIFStream &nif)
nif.uncheckedRead (mTime);
nif.uncheckedRead (mValue);
static bool in_order (KeyT <value_type> const & l, KeyT <value_type> const & r)
return l.mTime < r.mTime;
template <typename derived_type>
struct NIFStream_handler
static const bool FixedLength = true;
static const size_t EncodedLength = derived_type::EncodedLength;
static const bool FileCompatibleLayout = true;
static void extract (NIFStream& Stream, KeyT <value_type> & Value)
static_cast <derived_type &> (Value).extract (Stream);
template <typename T>
struct LinearKeyT : KeyT <T>
static T interpolate (LinearKeyT <T> * prev, LinearKeyT <T> * next, float amount)
return linear_interpolate (amount, prev->mValue, next->mValue);
template <typename T>
struct QuadraticKeyT : KeyT <T>
static const size_t EncodedLength =
KeyT <T>::EncodedLength +
NIFStream::handler <T>::EncodedLength * 2
T mForwardValue;
T mBackwardValue;
static T interpolate (QuadraticKeyT <T> * prev, QuadraticKeyT <T> * next, float amount)
return linear_interpolate (amount, prev->mValue, next->mValue);
void extract (NIFStream &nif)
KeyT<T>::extract (nif);
nif.uncheckedRead (mForwardValue);
nif.uncheckedRead (mBackwardValue);
template <typename T>
struct TbcKeyT : KeyT <T>
static const size_t EncodedLength =
KeyT <T>::EncodedLength +
NIFStream::handler <float>::EncodedLength * 3
float mTension;
float mBias;
float mContinuity;
static T interpolate (TbcKeyT <T> * prev, TbcKeyT <T> * next, float amount)
return linear_interpolate (amount, prev->mValue, next->mValue);
void extract (NIFStream &nif)
KeyT<T>::extract (nif);
nif.uncheckedRead (mTension);
nif.uncheckedRead (mBias);
nif.uncheckedRead (mContinuity);
// register NIFStream extraction handlers for KeyT derivatives
template <typename T> struct NIFStream::handler < LinearKeyT <T> > : KeyT <T>::template NIFStream_handler < LinearKeyT <T> > {};
template <typename T> struct NIFStream::handler < QuadraticKeyT <T> > : KeyT <T>::template NIFStream_handler < QuadraticKeyT <T> > {};
template <typename T> struct NIFStream::handler < TbcKeyT <T> > : KeyT <T>::template NIFStream_handler < TbcKeyT <T> > {};
struct Curve
static const int sLinearInterpolation = 1;
static const int sQuadraticInterpolation = 2;
static const int sTBCInterpolation = 3;
template<typename value_type>
struct CurveT : Curve {
typedef KeyT <value_type> BaseKey;
typedef TbcKeyT <value_type> TcbKey;
typedef LinearKeyT <value_type> LinearKey;
typedef QuadraticKeyT <value_type> QuadraticKey;
union keys {
LinearKey* Linear;
QuadraticKey* Quadratic;
TcbKey* Tcb;
class interpolator;
int mInterpolationType;
size_t mSize;
keys mKeys;
value_type sample (float time) const;
KeyT <value_type> const * const & keyAtIndex (size_t Index) const
switch (mInterpolationType)
case sLinearInterpolation: return mKeys.Linear + Index;
case sQuadraticInterpolation: return mKeys.Quadratic + Index;
case sTBCInterpolation: return mKeys.Tcb + Index;
void read(NIFStream *nif, bool force=false)
size_t count = nif->getInt();
mSize = 0;
if(count > 0 || force)
mInterpolationType = nif->getInt();
assert (mInterpolationType >= sLinearInterpolation && mInterpolationType <= sTBCInterpolation);
if (count > 0)
if(mInterpolationType == sLinearInterpolation)
read_keys (nif, mKeys.Linear, count);
else if(mInterpolationType == sQuadraticInterpolation)
read_keys (nif, mKeys.Quadratic, count);
else if(mInterpolationType == sTBCInterpolation)
read_keys (nif, mKeys.Tcb, count);
nif->file->warn("Unhandled interpolation type: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(mInterpolationType));
mInterpolationType = sLinearInterpolation;
CurveT () { init (); }
CurveT (CurveT <value_type> const & k) { init (k); }
//CurveT (CurveT <value_type> && k) { init (); swap (std::move (k)); }
~CurveT () { dest (); }
operator bool () const { return mSize > 0; }
//void operator = (CurveT<value_type> && k) { swap(k); }
void operator = (CurveT<value_type> const & k) { dest (); init (k); }
void swap (CurveT<value_type> & k)
std::swap (mSize, k.mSize);
std::swap (mInterpolationType, k.mInterpolationType);
std::swap (mKeys, k.mKeys);
void init ()
mSize = 0;
void init (CurveT<value_type> const & k)
mInterpolationType = k.mInterpolationType;
switch (mInterpolationType)
case sLinearInterpolation:
mKeys.Linear = new LinearKey [k.mSize];
memcpy (mKeys.Linear, k.mKeys.Linear, sizeof (LinearKey) * k.mSize);
mSize = k.mSize;
case sQuadraticInterpolation:
mKeys.Quadratic = new QuadraticKey [k.mSize];
memcpy (mKeys.Quadratic, k.mKeys.Quadratic, sizeof (QuadraticKey) * k.mSize);
mSize = k.mSize;
case sTBCInterpolation:
mKeys.Tcb = new TcbKey [k.mSize];
memcpy (mKeys.Tcb, k.mKeys.Tcb, sizeof (TcbKey) * k.mSize);
mSize = k.mSize;
void dest ()
if (mSize > 0)
switch (mInterpolationType)
case sLinearInterpolation: delete mKeys.Linear; break;
case sQuadraticInterpolation: delete mKeys.Quadratic; break;
case sTBCInterpolation: delete mKeys.Tcb; break;
template <typename T>
void read_keys (NIFStream *nif, T * & store, size_t count)
store = new T [count];
mSize = count;
nif->getArray (store, count);
//NOTE: Is this really necessary? It seems reasonable to assume that
// animation data is already sorted by time...
// verified no out of order frames in GOTY edition
bubble_sort (store, store+count, T::in_order);
template<typename value_type>
class CurveT<value_type>::interpolator
template <typename key_type>
struct impl
key_type *Cur, *End;
void init (key_type * Beg, size_t Len)
if (Len > 0)
Cur = Beg;
End = Beg + Len - 1;
Cur = End = NULL;
bool hasData () const
return Cur && Cur <= End;
value_type valueAt (float time)
while ((Cur < End) && (time >= Cur [1].mTime))
if (Cur < End)
if (time > Cur->mTime)
key_type * Nxt = Cur + 1;
float offset = time - Cur->mTime;
float length = Nxt->mTime - Cur->mTime;
return key_type::interpolate (Cur, Nxt, offset / length);
return Cur->mValue;
return End->mValue;
float curTime () const
return (Cur != NULL) ? Cur->Time : FLT_MIN;
float nextTime () const
return Cur < End ? (Cur + 1)->mTime : FLT_MAX;
int mInterpolationType;
union {
impl <LinearKey> Linear;
impl <QuadraticKey> Quadratic;
impl <TcbKey> Tcb;
interpolator (CurveT <value_type> const & Curve)
mInterpolationType = Curve.mInterpolationType;
switch (mInterpolationType)
case Curve::sLinearInterpolation: Linear .init (Curve.mKeys.Linear, Curve.mSize); break;
case Curve::sQuadraticInterpolation: Quadratic.init (Curve.mKeys.Quadratic, Curve.mSize); break;
case Curve::sTBCInterpolation: Tcb .init (Curve.mKeys.Tcb, Curve.mSize); break;
// return true if there is any value(s) in this curve
float hasData () const
switch (mInterpolationType)
case Curve::sLinearInterpolation: return Linear .hasData ();
case Curve::sQuadraticInterpolation: return Quadratic.hasData ();
case Curve::sTBCInterpolation: return Tcb .hasData ();
// return the timestamp of the next key-frame, or FLT_MAX if
// there are no more key-frames, valid if hasData returns false
float nextTime () const
switch (mInterpolationType)
case Curve::sLinearInterpolation: return Linear .nextTime ();
case Curve::sQuadraticInterpolation: return Quadratic.nextTime ();
case Curve::sTBCInterpolation: return Tcb .nextTime ();
// return the value of the curve at the specified time
// the passed in time should never exceed the result of
// nextTime, not valid if hasData returns false
value_type valueAt (float time)
switch (mInterpolationType)
case Curve::sLinearInterpolation: return Linear .valueAt (time);
case Curve::sQuadraticInterpolation: return Quadratic.valueAt (time);
case Curve::sTBCInterpolation: return Tcb .valueAt (time);
template<typename value_type>
value_type CurveT<value_type>::sample (float time) const
interpolator i (*this);
return i.valueAt (time);
typedef CurveT<float> FloatCurve;
typedef CurveT<Ogre::Vector3> Vector3Curve;
typedef CurveT<Ogre::Vector4> Vector4Curve;
typedef CurveT<Ogre::Quaternion> QuaternionCurve;