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#include "navmeshtileview.hpp"
#include "ref.hpp"
#include <DetourCommon.h>
#include <DetourNavMesh.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
inline bool operator==(const dtMeshHeader& lhs, const dtMeshHeader& rhs) noexcept
const auto makeTuple = [](const dtMeshHeader& v) {
using DetourNavigator::ArrayRef;
return std::tuple(v.x, v.y, v.layer, v.userId, v.polyCount, v.vertCount, v.maxLinkCount, v.detailMeshCount,
v.detailVertCount, v.detailTriCount, v.bvNodeCount, v.offMeshConCount, v.offMeshBase, v.walkableHeight,
v.walkableRadius, v.walkableClimb, v.detailVertCount, ArrayRef(v.bmin), ArrayRef(v.bmax), v.bvQuantFactor);
return makeTuple(lhs) == makeTuple(rhs);
inline bool operator==(const dtPoly& lhs, const dtPoly& rhs) noexcept
const auto makeTuple = [](const dtPoly& v) {
using DetourNavigator::ArrayRef;
return std::tuple(ArrayRef(v.verts), ArrayRef(v.neis), v.flags, v.vertCount, v.areaAndtype);
return makeTuple(lhs) == makeTuple(rhs);
inline bool operator==(const dtPolyDetail& lhs, const dtPolyDetail& rhs) noexcept
const auto makeTuple
= [](const dtPolyDetail& v) { return std::tuple(v.vertBase, v.triBase, v.vertCount, v.triCount); };
return makeTuple(lhs) == makeTuple(rhs);
inline bool operator==(const dtBVNode& lhs, const dtBVNode& rhs) noexcept
const auto makeTuple = [](const dtBVNode& v) {
using DetourNavigator::ArrayRef;
return std::tuple(ArrayRef(v.bmin), ArrayRef(v.bmax), v.i);
return makeTuple(lhs) == makeTuple(rhs);
inline bool operator==(const dtOffMeshConnection& lhs, const dtOffMeshConnection& rhs) noexcept
const auto makeTuple = [](const dtOffMeshConnection& v) {
using DetourNavigator::ArrayRef;
return std::tuple(ArrayRef(v.pos), v.rad, v.poly, v.flags, v.side, v.userId);
return makeTuple(lhs) == makeTuple(rhs);
namespace DetourNavigator
NavMeshTileConstView asNavMeshTileConstView(const unsigned char* data)
const dtMeshHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<const dtMeshHeader*>(data);
if (header->magic != DT_NAVMESH_MAGIC)
throw std::logic_error("Invalid navmesh magic");
if (header->version != DT_NAVMESH_VERSION)
throw std::logic_error("Invalid navmesh version");
// Similar code to
const int headerSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtMeshHeader));
const int vertsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(float) * 3 * header->vertCount);
const int polysSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtPoly) * header->polyCount);
const int linksSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtLink) * (header->maxLinkCount));
const int detailMeshesSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtPolyDetail) * header->detailMeshCount);
const int detailVertsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(float) * 3 * header->detailVertCount);
const int detailTrisSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(unsigned char) * 4 * header->detailTriCount);
const int bvtreeSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtBVNode) * header->bvNodeCount);
const int offMeshLinksSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtOffMeshConnection) * header->offMeshConCount);
const unsigned char* ptr = data + headerSize;
NavMeshTileConstView view;
view.mHeader = header;
view.mVerts = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const float>(ptr, vertsSize);
view.mPolys = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const dtPoly>(ptr, polysSize);
ptr += linksSize;
view.mDetailMeshes = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const dtPolyDetail>(ptr, detailMeshesSize);
view.mDetailVerts = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const float>(ptr, detailVertsSize);
view.mDetailTris = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const unsigned char>(ptr, detailTrisSize);
view.mBvTree = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const dtBVNode>(ptr, bvtreeSize);
view.mOffMeshCons = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<const dtOffMeshConnection>(ptr, offMeshLinksSize);
return view;
NavMeshTileConstView asNavMeshTileConstView(const dtMeshTile& tile)
NavMeshTileConstView view;
view.mHeader = tile.header;
view.mPolys = tile.polys;
view.mVerts = tile.verts;
view.mDetailMeshes = tile.detailMeshes;
view.mDetailVerts = tile.detailVerts;
view.mDetailTris = tile.detailTris;
view.mBvTree = tile.bvTree;
view.mOffMeshCons = tile.offMeshCons;
return view;
bool operator==(const NavMeshTileConstView& lhs, const NavMeshTileConstView& rhs) noexcept
using DetourNavigator::Ref;
using DetourNavigator::Span;
const auto makeTuple = [](const DetourNavigator::NavMeshTileConstView& v) {
return std::tuple(Ref(*v.mHeader), Span(v.mPolys, v.mHeader->polyCount),
Span(v.mVerts, v.mHeader->vertCount), Span(v.mDetailMeshes, v.mHeader->detailMeshCount),
Span(v.mDetailVerts, v.mHeader->detailVertCount), Span(v.mDetailTris, v.mHeader->detailTriCount),
Span(v.mBvTree, v.mHeader->bvNodeCount), Span(v.mOffMeshCons, v.mHeader->offMeshConCount));
return makeTuple(lhs) == makeTuple(rhs);