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glassmancody.info 16856d45c5 Lighting Patch
Fixes build errors with older OSG builds and some issues with 'shared' layout.
Bring back ambient in inventory through lightmodel instead of sun ambient, mirrors scene ambient/sunlight relationship.
Forces shaders when certain lighting methods are enabled and finalize settings.
Correctly override sun for localmap.
2021-04-16 11:55:40 -07:00

288 lines
10 KiB

#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include <array>
#include <osg/Light>
#include <osg/Group>
#include <osg/NodeVisitor>
#include <osg/observer_ptr>
#include <components/shader/shadermanager.hpp>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
namespace osgUtil
class CullVisitor;
namespace SceneUtil
class LightBuffer;
struct StateSetGenerator;
enum class LightingMethod
/// LightSource managed by a LightManager.
/// @par Typically used for point lights. Spot lights are not supported yet. Directional lights affect the whole scene
/// so do not need to be managed by a LightManager - so for directional lights use a plain osg::LightSource instead.
/// @note LightSources must be decorated by a LightManager node in order to have an effect. Typical use would
/// be one LightManager as the root of the scene graph.
/// @note One needs to attach LightListCallback's to the scene to have objects receive lighting from LightSources.
/// See the documentation of LightListCallback for more information.
/// @note The position of the contained osg::Light is automatically updated based on the LightSource's world position.
class LightSource : public osg::Node
// double buffered osg::Light's, since one of them may be in use by the draw thread at any given time
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> mLight[2];
// LightSource will affect objects within this radius
float mRadius;
int mId;
float mActorFade;
META_Node(SceneUtil, LightSource)
LightSource(const LightSource& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop);
float getRadius() const
return mRadius;
/// The LightSource will affect objects within this radius.
void setRadius(float radius)
mRadius = radius;
void setActorFade(float alpha)
mActorFade = alpha;
float getActorFade() const
return mActorFade;
/// Get the osg::Light safe for modification in the given frame.
/// @par May be used externally to animate the light's color/attenuation properties,
/// and is used internally to synchronize the light's position with the position of the LightSource.
osg::Light* getLight(size_t frame)
return mLight[frame % 2];
/// @warning It is recommended not to replace an existing osg::Light, because there might still be
/// references to it in the light StateSet cache that are associated with this LightSource's ID.
/// These references will stay valid due to ref_ptr but will point to the old object.
/// @warning Do not modify the \a light after you've called this function.
void setLight(osg::Light* light)
mLight[0] = light;
mLight[1] = new osg::Light(*light);
/// Get the unique ID for this light source.
int getId() const
return mId;
/// @brief Decorator node implementing the rendering of any number of LightSources that can be anywhere in the subgraph.
class LightManager : public osg::Group
static LightingMethod getLightingMethodFromString(const std::string& value);
/// Returns string as used in settings file, or the empty string if the method is undefined
static std::string getLightingMethodString(LightingMethod method);
struct LightSourceTransform
LightSource* mLightSource;
osg::Matrixf mWorldMatrix;
struct LightSourceViewBound
LightSource* mLightSource;
osg::BoundingSphere mViewBound;
using LightList = std::vector<const LightSourceViewBound*>;
using SupportedMethods = std::array<bool, 3>;
META_Node(SceneUtil, LightManager)
LightManager(bool ffp = true);
LightManager(const LightManager& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop);
/// @param mask This mask is compared with the current Camera's cull mask to determine if lighting is desired.
/// By default, it's ~0u i.e. always on.
/// If you have some views that do not require lighting, then set the Camera's cull mask to not include
/// the lightingMask for a much faster cull and rendering.
void setLightingMask(size_t mask);
size_t getLightingMask() const;
/// Set the first light index that should be used by this manager, typically the number of directional lights in the scene.
void setStartLight(int start);
int getStartLight() const;
/// Internal use only, called automatically by the LightManager's UpdateCallback
void update(size_t frameNum);
/// Internal use only, called automatically by the LightSource's UpdateCallback
void addLight(LightSource* lightSource, const osg::Matrixf& worldMat, size_t frameNum);
const std::vector<LightSourceViewBound>& getLightsInViewSpace(osg::Camera* camera, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix, size_t frameNum);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> getLightListStateSet(const LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix);
void setSunlight(osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> sun);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> getSunlight();
bool usingFFP() const;
LightingMethod getLightingMethod() const;
int getMaxLights() const;
int getMaxLightsInScene() const;
auto& getDummies() { return mDummies; }
auto& getLightIndexMap(size_t frameNum) { return mLightIndexMaps[frameNum%2]; }
auto& getLightBuffer(size_t frameNum) { return mLightBuffers[frameNum%2]; }
osg::Matrixf getSunlightBuffer(size_t frameNum) const { return mSunlightBuffers[frameNum%2]; }
void setSunlightBuffer(const osg::Matrixf& buffer, size_t frameNum) { mSunlightBuffers[frameNum%2] = buffer; }
SupportedMethods getSupportedLightingMethods() { return mSupported; }
std::map<std::string, std::string> getLightDefines() const;
void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& changed);
/// Not thread safe, it is the responsibility of the caller to stop/start threading on the viewer
void updateMaxLights();
void initFFP(int targetLights);
void initPerObjectUniform(int targetLights);
void initSingleUBO(int targetLights);
void updateSettings();
void setLightingMethod(LightingMethod method);
void setMaxLights(int value);
void updateGPUPointLight(int index, LightSource* lightSource, size_t frameNum, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix);
std::vector<LightSourceTransform> mLights;
using LightSourceViewBoundCollection = std::vector<LightSourceViewBound>;
std::map<osg::observer_ptr<osg::Camera>, LightSourceViewBoundCollection> mLightsInViewSpace;
// < Light list hash , StateSet >
using LightStateSetMap = std::map<size_t, osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet>>;
LightStateSetMap mStateSetCache[2];
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateAttribute>> mDummies;
int mStartLight;
size_t mLightingMask;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> mSun;
osg::ref_ptr<LightBuffer> mLightBuffers[2];
osg::Matrixf mSunlightBuffers[2];
// < Light ID , Buffer Index >
using LightIndexMap = std::unordered_map<int, int>;
LightIndexMap mLightIndexMaps[2];
std::unique_ptr<StateSetGenerator> mStateSetGenerator;
LightingMethod mLightingMethod;
float mPointLightRadiusMultiplier;
float mPointLightFadeEnd;
float mPointLightFadeStart;
int mMaxLights;
SupportedMethods mSupported;
static constexpr auto mMaxLightsLowerLimit = 2;
static constexpr auto mMaxLightsUpperLimit = 64;
static constexpr auto mFFPMaxLights = 8;
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, LightingMethod> mLightingMethodSettingMap;
/// To receive lighting, objects must be decorated by a LightListCallback. Light list callbacks must be added via
/// node->addCullCallback(new LightListCallback). Once a light list callback is added to a node, that node and all
/// its child nodes can receive lighting.
/// @par The placement of these LightListCallbacks affects the granularity of light lists. Having too fine grained
/// light lists can result in degraded performance. Too coarse grained light lists can result in lights no longer
/// rendering when the size of a light list exceeds the OpenGL limit on the number of concurrent lights (8). A good
/// starting point is to attach a LightListCallback to each game object's base node.
/// @note Not thread safe for CullThreadPerCamera threading mode.
/// @note Due to lack of OSG support, the callback does not work on Drawables.
class LightListCallback : public osg::NodeCallback
: mLightManager(nullptr)
, mLastFrameNumber(0)
LightListCallback(const LightListCallback& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop)
: osg::Object(copy, copyop), osg::NodeCallback(copy, copyop)
, mLightManager(copy.mLightManager)
, mLastFrameNumber(0)
, mIgnoredLightSources(copy.mIgnoredLightSources)
META_Object(SceneUtil, LightListCallback)
void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) override;
bool pushLightState(osg::Node* node, osgUtil::CullVisitor* nv);
std::set<SceneUtil::LightSource*>& getIgnoredLightSources() { return mIgnoredLightSources; }
LightManager* mLightManager;
size_t mLastFrameNumber;
LightManager::LightList mLightList;
std::set<SceneUtil::LightSource*> mIgnoredLightSources;
void configureStateSetSunOverride(LightManager* lightManager, const osg::Light* light, osg::StateSet* stateset, int mode = osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);