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#include "lib/util/quickstep.glsl"
float viewDepth(float depth, float near, float far)
#if @reverseZ
depth = 1.0 - depth;
return (near * far) / ((far - near) * depth - far);
float calcSoftParticleFade(
in vec3 viewDir,
in vec3 viewPos,
in vec3 viewNormal,
float near,
float far,
float depth,
float size,
bool fade
float euclidianDepth = length(viewPos);
const float falloffMultiplier = 0.33;
const float contrast = 1.30;
float sceneDepth = viewDepth(depth, near, far);
float particleDepth = viewPos.z;
float falloff = size * falloffMultiplier;
float delta = particleDepth - sceneDepth;
const float nearMult = 300.0;
float viewBias = 1.0;
if (fade)
float VdotN = dot(viewDir, viewNormal);
viewBias = abs(VdotN) * quickstep(euclidianDepth / nearMult) * (1.0 - pow(1.0 + VdotN, 1.3));
const float shift = 0.845;
return shift * pow(clamp(delta/falloff, 0.0, 1.0), contrast) * viewBias;