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elsid fea4fb6e69
Make AiPursue path destination to be as close as possible to target
Even when target is not reachable actor will try to run there either because
target navmesh polygon is selected within extended area or because partial path
is built to the closest possible polygon.
2021-08-18 23:44:36 +02:00

158 lines
5.7 KiB

#include "findsmoothpath.hpp"
#include <components/misc/convert.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
namespace DetourNavigator
std::vector<dtPolyRef> fixupCorridor(const std::vector<dtPolyRef>& path, const std::vector<dtPolyRef>& visited)
std::vector<dtPolyRef>::const_reverse_iterator furthestVisited;
// Find furthest common polygon.
const auto it = std::find_if(path.rbegin(), path.rend(), [&] (dtPolyRef pathValue)
const auto it = std::find(visited.rbegin(), visited.rend(), pathValue);
if (it == visited.rend())
return false;
furthestVisited = it;
return true;
// If no intersection found just return current path.
if (it == path.rend())
return path;
const auto furthestPath = it.base() - 1;
// Concatenate paths.
// visited: a_1 ... a_n x b_1 ... b_n
// furthestVisited ^
// path: C x D
// ^ furthestPath
// result: x b_n ... b_1 D
std::vector<dtPolyRef> result;
result.reserve(static_cast<std::size_t>(furthestVisited - visited.rbegin())
+ static_cast<std::size_t>(path.end() - furthestPath) - 1);
std::copy(visited.rbegin(), furthestVisited + 1, std::back_inserter(result));
std::copy(furthestPath + 1, path.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
return result;
// This function checks if the path has a small U-turn, that is,
// a polygon further in the path is adjacent to the first polygon
// in the path. If that happens, a shortcut is taken.
// This can happen if the target (T) location is at tile boundary,
// and we're (S) approaching it parallel to the tile edge.
// The choice at the vertex can be arbitrary,
// +---+---+
// |:::|:::|
// +-S-+-T-+
// |:::| | <-- the step can end up in here, resulting U-turn path.
// +---+---+
std::vector<dtPolyRef> fixupShortcuts(const std::vector<dtPolyRef>& path, const dtNavMeshQuery& navQuery)
if (path.size() < 3)
return path;
// Get connected polygons
const dtMeshTile* tile = nullptr;
const dtPoly* poly = nullptr;
if (dtStatusFailed(navQuery.getAttachedNavMesh()->getTileAndPolyByRef(path[0], &tile, &poly)))
return path;
const std::size_t maxNeis = 16;
std::array<dtPolyRef, maxNeis> neis;
std::size_t nneis = 0;
for (unsigned int k = poly->firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = tile->links[k].next)
const dtLink* link = &tile->links[k];
if (link->ref != 0)
if (nneis < maxNeis)
neis[nneis++] = link->ref;
// If any of the neighbour polygons is within the next few polygons
// in the path, short cut to that polygon directly.
const std::size_t maxLookAhead = 6;
std::size_t cut = 0;
for (std::size_t i = std::min(maxLookAhead, path.size()) - 1; i > 1 && cut == 0; i--)
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < nneis; j++)
if (path[i] == neis[j])
cut = i;
if (cut <= 1)
return path;
std::vector<dtPolyRef> result;
const auto offset = cut - 1;
result.reserve(1 + path.size() - offset);
std::copy(path.begin() + std::ptrdiff_t(offset), path.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
return result;
std::optional<SteerTarget> getSteerTarget(const dtNavMeshQuery& navMeshQuery, const osg::Vec3f& startPos,
const osg::Vec3f& endPos, const float minTargetDist, const std::vector<dtPolyRef>& path)
// Find steer target.
SteerTarget result;
constexpr int maxSteerPoints = 3;
std::array<float, maxSteerPoints * 3> steerPath;
std::array<unsigned char, maxSteerPoints> steerPathFlags;
std::array<dtPolyRef, maxSteerPoints> steerPathPolys;
int nsteerPath = 0;
const dtStatus status = navMeshQuery.findStraightPath(startPos.ptr(), endPos.ptr(), path.data(),
static_cast<int>(path.size()), steerPath.data(), steerPathFlags.data(), steerPathPolys.data(),
&nsteerPath, maxSteerPoints);
if (dtStatusFailed(status))
return std::nullopt;
assert(nsteerPath >= 0);
if (!nsteerPath)
return std::nullopt;
// Find vertex far enough to steer to.
std::size_t ns = 0;
while (ns < static_cast<std::size_t>(nsteerPath))
// Stop at Off-Mesh link or when point is further than slop away.
!inRange(Misc::Convert::makeOsgVec3f(&steerPath[ns * 3]), startPos, minTargetDist))
// Failed to find good point to steer to.
if (ns >= static_cast<std::size_t>(nsteerPath))
return std::nullopt;
dtVcopy(result.steerPos.ptr(), &steerPath[ns * 3]);
result.steerPos.y() = startPos[1];
result.steerPosFlag = steerPathFlags[ns];
result.steerPosRef = steerPathPolys[ns];
return result;
dtPolyRef findNearestPoly(const dtNavMeshQuery& query, const dtQueryFilter& filter,
const osg::Vec3f& center, const osg::Vec3f& halfExtents)
dtPolyRef ref = 0;
const dtStatus status = query.findNearestPoly(center.ptr(), halfExtents.ptr(), &filter, &ref, nullptr);
if (!dtStatusSucceed(status))
return 0;
return ref;