mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 01:19:42 +00:00
Font fixes See merge request OpenMW/openmw!2297 (cherry picked from commit7bb1856b74
Allow to change font settings in the launcher2cd2b42e
Improve handling of larger font size2cae8bea
Improve layout of Interface tab3117a993
Fix documentation
578 lines
25 KiB
578 lines
25 KiB
#include "fontloader.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
#include <osg/Image>
#include <osgDB/WriteFile>
#include <MyGUI_ResourceManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_ResourceManualFont.h>
#include <MyGUI_XmlDocument.h>
#include <MyGUI_FactoryManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_RenderManager.h>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/fallback/fallback.hpp>
#include <components/vfs/manager.hpp>
#include <components/misc/pathhelpers.hpp>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
#include <components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.hpp>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
unsigned long utf8ToUnicode(std::string_view utf8)
if (utf8.empty())
return 0;
size_t i = 0;
unsigned long unicode;
size_t numbytes;
unsigned char ch = utf8[i++];
if (ch <= 0x7F)
unicode = ch;
numbytes = 0;
else if (ch <= 0xBF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
else if (ch <= 0xDF)
unicode = ch&0x1F;
numbytes = 1;
else if (ch <= 0xEF)
unicode = ch&0x0F;
numbytes = 2;
else if (ch <= 0xF7)
unicode = ch&0x07;
numbytes = 3;
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
for (size_t j = 0; j < numbytes; ++j)
ch = utf8[i++];
if (ch < 0x80 || ch > 0xBF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
unicode <<= 6;
unicode += ch & 0x3F;
if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDFFF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
if (unicode > 0x10FFFF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
return unicode;
/// This is a hack for Polish font
unsigned char mapUtf8Char(unsigned char c) {
case 0x80: return 0xc6;
case 0x81: return 0x9c;
case 0x82: return 0xe6;
case 0x83: return 0xb3;
case 0x84: return 0xf1;
case 0x85: return 0xb9;
case 0x86: return 0xbf;
case 0x87: return 0x9f;
case 0x88: return 0xea;
case 0x89: return 0xea;
case 0x8a: return 0x00; // not contained in win1250
case 0x8b: return 0x00; // not contained in win1250
case 0x8c: return 0x8f;
case 0x8d: return 0xaf;
case 0x8e: return 0xa5;
case 0x8f: return 0x8c;
case 0x90: return 0xca;
case 0x93: return 0xa3;
case 0x94: return 0xf6;
case 0x95: return 0xf3;
case 0x96: return 0xaf;
case 0x97: return 0x8f;
case 0x99: return 0xd3;
case 0x9a: return 0xd1;
case 0x9c: return 0x00; // not contained in win1250
case 0xa0: return 0xb9;
case 0xa1: return 0xaf;
case 0xa2: return 0xf3;
case 0xa3: return 0xbf;
case 0xa4: return 0x00; // not contained in win1250
case 0xe1: return 0x8c;
case 0xe3: return 0x00; // not contained in win1250
case 0xf5: return 0x00; // not contained in win1250
default: return c;
// getUnicode includes various hacks for dealing with Morrowind's .fnt files that are *mostly*
// in the expected win12XX encoding, but also have randomly swapped characters sometimes.
// Looks like the Morrowind developers found standard encodings too boring and threw in some twists for fun.
unsigned long getUnicode(unsigned char c, ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder& encoder, ToUTF8::FromType encoding)
if (encoding == ToUTF8::WINDOWS_1250) // Hack for polish font
const std::array<char, 2> str {static_cast<char>(mapUtf8Char(c)), '\0'};
return utf8ToUnicode(encoder.getUtf8(std::string_view(str.data(), 1)));
const std::array<char, 2> str {static_cast<char>(c), '\0'};
return utf8ToUnicode(encoder.getUtf8(std::string_view(str.data(), 1)));
[[noreturn]] void fail(std::istream& stream, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& message)
std::stringstream error;
error << "Font loading error: " << message;
error << "\n File: " << fileName;
error << "\n Offset: 0x" << std::hex << stream.tellg();
throw std::runtime_error(error.str());
namespace Gui
FontLoader::FontLoader(ToUTF8::FromType encoding, const VFS::Manager* vfs, float scalingFactor)
: mVFS(vfs)
, mFontHeight(std::clamp(Settings::Manager::getInt("font size", "GUI"), 12, 20))
, mScalingFactor(scalingFactor)
if (encoding == ToUTF8::WINDOWS_1252)
mEncoding = ToUTF8::CP437;
mEncoding = encoding;
MyGUI::ResourceManager::getInstance().registerLoadXmlDelegate("Resource") = MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &FontLoader::loadFontFromXml);
void FontLoader::loadBitmapFonts()
for (const auto& path : mVFS->getRecursiveDirectoryIterator("Fonts/"))
if (Misc::getFileExtension(path) == "fnt")
void FontLoader::loadTrueTypeFonts()
osgMyGUI::DataManager* dataManager = dynamic_cast<osgMyGUI::DataManager*>(&osgMyGUI::DataManager::getInstance());
if (!dataManager)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Can not load TrueType fonts: osgMyGUI::DataManager is not available.";
std::string oldDataPath = dataManager->getDataPath("");
for (const auto& path : mVFS->getRecursiveDirectoryIterator("Fonts/"))
if (Misc::getFileExtension(path) == "omwfont")
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
} Point;
typedef struct
float u1; // appears unused, always 0
Point top_left;
Point top_right;
Point bottom_left;
Point bottom_right;
float width;
float height;
float u2; // appears unused, always 0
float kerning;
float ascent;
} GlyphInfo;
void FontLoader::loadBitmapFont(const std::string &fileName)
Files::IStreamPtr file = mVFS->get(fileName);
float fontSize;
file->read((char*)&fontSize, sizeof(fontSize));
if (!file->good())
fail(*file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
int one;
file->read((char*)&one, sizeof(one));
if (!file->good())
fail(*file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
if (one != 1)
fail(*file, fileName, "Unexpected value");
file->read((char*)&one, sizeof(one));
if (!file->good())
fail(*file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
if (one != 1)
fail(*file, fileName, "Unexpected value");
char name_[284];
file->read(name_, sizeof(name_));
if (!file->good())
fail(*file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
std::string name(name_);
GlyphInfo data[256];
file->read((char*)data, sizeof(data));
if (!file->good())
fail(*file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
// Create the font texture
std::string bitmapFilename = "Fonts/" + std::string(name) + ".tex";
Files::IStreamPtr bitmapFile = mVFS->get(bitmapFilename);
int width, height;
bitmapFile->read((char*)&width, sizeof(int));
bitmapFile->read((char*)&height, sizeof(int));
if (!bitmapFile->good())
fail(*bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "File too small to be a valid bitmap");
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
fail(*bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "Width and height must be positive");
std::vector<char> textureData;
bitmapFile->read(&textureData[0], width*height*4);
if (!bitmapFile->good())
fail(*bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "File too small to be a valid bitmap");
MyGUI::ITexture* tex = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().createTexture(bitmapFilename);
tex->createManual(width, height, MyGUI::TextureUsage::Write, MyGUI::PixelFormat::R8G8B8A8);
unsigned char* texData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(tex->lock(MyGUI::TextureUsage::Write));
memcpy(texData, &textureData[0], textureData.size());
// We need to emulate loading from XML because the data members are private as of mygui 3.2.0
MyGUI::xml::Document xmlDocument;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr root = xmlDocument.createRoot("ResourceManualFont");
std::string baseName(Misc::stemFile(fileName));
root->addAttribute("name", getInternalFontName(baseName));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr defaultHeight = root->createChild("Property");
defaultHeight->addAttribute("key", "DefaultHeight");
defaultHeight->addAttribute("value", fontSize);
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr source = root->createChild("Property");
source->addAttribute("key", "Source");
source->addAttribute("value", std::string(bitmapFilename));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr codes = root->createChild("Codes");
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
float x1 = data[i].top_left.x*width;
float y1 = data[i].top_left.y*height;
float w = data[i].top_right.x*width - x1;
float h = data[i].bottom_left.y*height - y1;
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder encoder(mEncoding);
unsigned long unicodeVal = getUnicode(i, encoder, mEncoding);
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", unicodeVal);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// Fall back from unavailable Windows-1252 encoding symbols to similar characters available in the game fonts
std::multimap<int, int> additional; // fallback glyph index, unicode
additional.insert(std::make_pair(156, 0x00A2)); // cent sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(89, 0x00A5)); // yen sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(221, 0x00A6)); // broken bar
additional.insert(std::make_pair(99, 0x00A9)); // copyright sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(97, 0x00AA)); // prima ordinal indicator
additional.insert(std::make_pair(60, 0x00AB)); // double left-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x00AD)); // soft hyphen
additional.insert(std::make_pair(114, 0x00AE)); // registered trademark symbol
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x00AF)); // macron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(241, 0x00B1)); // plus-minus sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(50, 0x00B2)); // superscript two
additional.insert(std::make_pair(51, 0x00B3)); // superscript three
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x00B8)); // cedilla
additional.insert(std::make_pair(49, 0x00B9)); // superscript one
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x00BA)); // primo ordinal indicator
additional.insert(std::make_pair(62, 0x00BB)); // double right-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(63, 0x00BF)); // inverted question mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(65, 0x00C6)); // latin capital ae ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(79, 0x00D8)); // latin capital o with stroke
additional.insert(std::make_pair(97, 0x00E6)); // latin small ae ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x00F8)); // latin small o with stroke
additional.insert(std::make_pair(79, 0x0152)); // latin capital oe ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x0153)); // latin small oe ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(83, 0x015A)); // latin capital s with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(115, 0x015B)); // latin small s with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(89, 0x0178)); // latin capital y with diaresis
additional.insert(std::make_pair(90, 0x017D)); // latin capital z with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(122, 0x017E)); // latin small z with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(102, 0x0192)); // latin small f with hook
additional.insert(std::make_pair(94, 0x02C6)); // circumflex modifier
additional.insert(std::make_pair(126, 0x02DC)); // small tilde
additional.insert(std::make_pair(69, 0x0401)); // cyrillic capital io (no diaeresis latin e is available)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(137, 0x0451)); // cyrillic small io
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2012)); // figure dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2013)); // en dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2014)); // em dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2018)); // left single quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2019)); // right single quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201A)); // single low quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x201B)); // single high quotation mark (reversed)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201C)); // left double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201D)); // right double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201E)); // double low quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201F)); // double high quotation mark (reversed)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(43, 0x2020)); // dagger
additional.insert(std::make_pair(216, 0x2021)); // double dagger (note: this glyph is not available)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(46, 0x2026)); // ellipsis
additional.insert(std::make_pair(37, 0x2030)); // per mille sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(60, 0x2039)); // single left-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(62, 0x203A)); // single right-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(101, 0x20AC)); // euro sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(84, 0x2122)); // trademark sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2212)); // minus sign
for (std::multimap<int, int>::iterator it = additional.begin(); it != additional.end(); ++it)
if (it->first != i)
code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", it->second);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// ASCII vertical bar, use this as text input cursor
if (i == 124)
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", MyGUI::FontCodeType::Cursor);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
cursorCode->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// Question mark, use for NotDefined marker (used for glyphs not existing in the font)
if (i == 63)
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", MyGUI::FontCodeType::NotDefined);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
cursorCode->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// These are required as well, but the fonts don't provide them
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
MyGUI::FontCodeType::Enum type;
if(i == 0)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::Selected;
else // if (i == 1)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::SelectedBack;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", type);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", "0 0 0 0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", "0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", "0 0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("size", "0 0");
// Register the font with MyGUI
MyGUI::ResourceManualFont* font = static_cast<MyGUI::ResourceManualFont*>(
MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().createObject("Resource", "ResourceManualFont"));
font->deserialization(root, MyGUI::Version(3,2,0));
MyGUI::ResourceManualFont* bookFont = static_cast<MyGUI::ResourceManualFont*>(
MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().createObject("Resource", "ResourceManualFont"));
bookFont->deserialization(root, MyGUI::Version(3,2,0));
bookFont->setResourceName("Journalbook " + getInternalFontName(baseName));
void FontLoader::loadFontFromXml(MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr _node, const std::string& _file, MyGUI::Version _version)
MyGUI::xml::ElementEnumerator resourceNode = _node->getElementEnumerator();
bool createCopy = false;
while (resourceNode.next("Resource"))
std::string type, name;
resourceNode->findAttribute("type", type);
resourceNode->findAttribute("name", name);
if (name.empty())
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(type, "ResourceTrueTypeFont"))
createCopy = true;
// For TrueType fonts we should override Size and Resolution properties
// to allow to configure font size via config file, without need to edit XML files.
// Also we should take UI scaling factor in account.
int resolution = Settings::Manager::getInt("ttf resolution", "GUI");
resolution = std::clamp(resolution, 50, 125) * mScalingFactor;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr resolutionNode = resourceNode->createChild("Property");
resolutionNode->addAttribute("key", "Resolution");
resolutionNode->addAttribute("value", std::to_string(resolution));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr sizeNode = resourceNode->createChild("Property");
sizeNode->addAttribute("key", "Size");
sizeNode->addAttribute("value", std::to_string(mFontHeight));
resourceNode->setAttribute("name", getInternalFontName(name));
else if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(type, "ResourceSkin") ||
Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(type, "AutoSizedResourceSkin"))
// We should adjust line height for MyGUI widgets depending on font size
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr heightNode = resourceNode->createChild("Property");
heightNode->addAttribute("key", "HeightLine");
heightNode->addAttribute("value", std::to_string(mFontHeight+2));
MyGUI::ResourceManager::getInstance().loadFromXmlNode(_node, _file, _version);
if (createCopy)
std::unique_ptr<MyGUI::xml::Element> copy{_node->createCopy()};
MyGUI::xml::ElementEnumerator copyFont = copy->getElementEnumerator();
while (copyFont.next("Resource"))
std::string type, name;
copyFont->findAttribute("type", type);
copyFont->findAttribute("name", name);
if (name.empty())
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(type, "ResourceTrueTypeFont"))
// Since the journal and books use the custom scaling factor depending on resolution,
// setup separate fonts with different Resolution to fit these windows.
// These fonts have an internal prefix.
int resolution = Settings::Manager::getInt("ttf resolution", "GUI");
resolution = std::clamp(resolution, 50, 125);
float currentX = Settings::Manager::getInt("resolution x", "Video");
float currentY = Settings::Manager::getInt("resolution y", "Video");
// TODO: read size from openmw_layout.xml somehow
float heightScale = (currentY / 520);
float widthScale = (currentX / 600);
float uiScale = std::min(widthScale, heightScale);
resolution *= uiScale;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr resolutionNode = copyFont->createChild("Property");
resolutionNode->addAttribute("key", "Resolution");
resolutionNode->addAttribute("value", std::to_string(resolution));
copyFont->setAttribute("name", "Journalbook " + getInternalFontName(name));
MyGUI::ResourceManager::getInstance().loadFromXmlNode(copy.get(), _file, _version);
int FontLoader::getFontHeight()
return mFontHeight;
std::string FontLoader::getInternalFontName(const std::string& name)
const std::string lowerName = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(name);
if (lowerName == Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(Fallback::Map::getString("Fonts_Font_0")))
return "DefaultFont";
if (lowerName == Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(Fallback::Map::getString("Fonts_Font_2")))
return "ScrollFont";
if (lowerName == "dejavusansmono")
return "MonoFont"; // We need to use a TrueType monospace font to display debug texts properly.
// Use our TrueType fonts as a fallback.
if (!MyGUI::ResourceManager::getInstance().isExist("DefaultFont") && name == "pelagiad")
return "DefaultFont";
if (!MyGUI::ResourceManager::getInstance().isExist("ScrollFont") && name == "ayembedt")
return "ScrollFont";
return name;
std::string FontLoader::getFontForFace(const std::string& face)
const std::string lowerFace = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(face);
if (lowerFace == "magic cards")
return "DefaultFont";
if (lowerFace == "daedric")
return "ScrollFont";
return face;