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synced 2025-02-24 19:09:51 +00:00
Also compare against existing content lists in a more forgiving way. The first improvement makes it possible to use relative paths in openmw.cfg without the launcher canonicalising them. This was really annoying if you used a relative path on purpose. It also stops the launcher converting all paths to Qt's convention, where forward slashes are used on Windows even though they're not native. The engine doesn't care, so you could always put either in the config file, but the launcher wouldn't stand for that, and would make them match. To make this work, we need to store a path's originalRepresentation in the content list, compare paths loaded from openmw.cfg based on their originalRepresentation, and convert paths from originalRepresentation to absolute value when loading them from a content list. The second improvement means that paths that are equivalent, but expressed differently (e.g. mismatched case on Windows, mismatched separators on Windows, or mild differences like unnecessary `./`es and doubled separators) don't trigger the creation of a new effectively-identical content list. To make this work, we had to switch the comparison to lexicaly normalise the path first. It could only be lexical normalisation as originalRepresentation might be absolute, relative, or absolute-but-based-on-a-path-slug, and we didn't want slugs to break things or relative paths to count as equivalent to absolute ones that refer to the same file. The comparison is case-insensitive on Windows, and case-sensitive elsewhere. This isn't strictly right, as you can have case-sensitive things mounted on Windows or tell a Linux directory to be case-insensitive, but we can't tell when that might happen based on a lexical path as it depends on real directory properties (and might differ for different parts of the path, which is too much hassle to support).
620 lines
22 KiB
620 lines
22 KiB
#include "gamesettings.hpp"
#include <QDir>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
#include <components/files/qtconversion.hpp>
#include <components/misc/utf8qtextstream.hpp>
const char Config::GameSettings::sArchiveKey[] = "fallback-archive";
const char Config::GameSettings::sContentKey[] = "content";
const char Config::GameSettings::sDirectoryKey[] = "data";
template <typename T>
QList<T> reverse(QList<T> values)
std::reverse(values.begin(), values.end());
return values;
Config::GameSettings::GameSettings(const Files::ConfigurationManager& cfg)
: mCfgMgr(cfg)
// this needs calling once so Qt can see its stream operators, which it needs when dragging and dropping
// it's automatic with Qt 6
void Config::GameSettings::validatePaths()
QList<SettingValue> paths = mSettings.values(QString("data"));
for (const auto& dataDir : paths)
if (QDir(dataDir.value).exists())
SettingValue copy = dataDir;
copy.value = QDir(dataDir.value).canonicalPath();
// Do the same for data-local
const QString& local = mSettings.value(QString("data-local")).value;
if (!local.isEmpty() && QDir(local).exists())
mDataLocal = QDir(local).canonicalPath();
QString Config::GameSettings::getResourcesVfs() const
QString resources = mSettings.value(QString("resources"), { "./resources", "", "" }).value;
resources += "/vfs";
return QFileInfo(resources).canonicalFilePath();
QList<Config::SettingValue> Config::GameSettings::values(
const QString& key, const QList<SettingValue>& defaultValues) const
if (!mSettings.values(key).isEmpty())
return mSettings.values(key);
return defaultValues;
bool Config::GameSettings::containsValue(const QString& key, const QString& value) const
auto [itr, end] = mSettings.equal_range(key);
while (itr != end)
if (itr->value == value)
return true;
return false;
bool Config::GameSettings::readFile(QTextStream& stream, const QString& context, bool ignoreContent)
if (readFile(stream, mSettings, context, ignoreContent))
return true;
return false;
bool Config::GameSettings::readUserFile(QTextStream& stream, const QString& context, bool ignoreContent)
return readFile(stream, mUserSettings, context, ignoreContent);
bool Config::GameSettings::readFile(
QTextStream& stream, QMultiMap<QString, SettingValue>& settings, const QString& context, bool ignoreContent)
QMultiMap<QString, SettingValue> cache;
QRegularExpression replaceRe("^\\s*replace\\s*=\\s*(.+)$");
QRegularExpression keyRe("^([^=]+)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$");
auto initialPos = stream.pos();
while (!stream.atEnd())
QString line = stream.readLine();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#"))
QRegularExpressionMatch match = replaceRe.match(line);
if (match.hasMatch())
QString key = match.captured(1).trimmed();
// Replace composing entries with a replace= line
if (key == QLatin1String("config") || key == QLatin1String("replace") || key == QLatin1String("data")
|| key == QLatin1String("fallback-archive") || key == QLatin1String("content")
|| key == QLatin1String("groundcover") || key == QLatin1String("script-blacklist")
|| key == QLatin1String("fallback"))
while (!stream.atEnd())
QString line = stream.readLine();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#"))
QRegularExpressionMatch match = keyRe.match(line);
if (match.hasMatch())
QString key = match.captured(1).trimmed();
SettingValue value{ match.captured(2).trimmed(), value.value, context };
// Don't remove composing entries
if (key != QLatin1String("config") && key != QLatin1String("replace") && key != QLatin1String("data")
&& key != QLatin1String("fallback-archive") && key != QLatin1String("content")
&& key != QLatin1String("groundcover") && key != QLatin1String("script-blacklist")
&& key != QLatin1String("fallback"))
if (key == QLatin1String("config") || key == QLatin1String("user-data") || key == QLatin1String("resources")
|| key == QLatin1String("data") || key == QLatin1String("data-local")
|| key == QLatin1String("load-savegame"))
// Path line (e.g. 'data=...'), so needs processing to deal with ampersands and quotes
// The following is based on boost::io::detail::quoted_manip.hpp, but we don't actually use
// boost::filesystem::path anymore, and use a custom class MaybeQuotedPath which uses Boost-like quoting
// rules but internally stores as a std::filesystem::path.
// Caution: This is intentional behaviour to duplicate how Boost and what we replaced it with worked,
// and we rely on that.
QChar delim = '\"';
QChar escape = '&';
if (value.value.at(0) == delim)
QString valueOriginal = value.value;
value.value = "";
for (QString::const_iterator it = valueOriginal.begin() + 1; it != valueOriginal.end(); ++it)
if (*it == escape)
else if (*it == delim)
value.value += *it;
value.originalRepresentation = value.value;
value = procesPathSettingValue(value);
if (ignoreContent && (key == QLatin1String("content") || key == QLatin1String("data")))
QList<SettingValue> values = cache.values(key);
bool exists = false;
for (const auto& existingValue : values)
if (existingValue.value == value.value)
exists = true;
if (!exists)
cache.insert(key, value);
if (settings.isEmpty())
settings = cache; // This is the first time we read a file
return true;
// Merge the changed keys with those which didn't
return true;
bool Config::GameSettings::writeFile(QTextStream& stream)
// Iterate in reverse order to preserve insertion order
auto i = mUserSettings.end();
while (i != mUserSettings.begin())
// path lines (e.g. 'data=...') need quotes and ampersands escaping to match how boost::filesystem::path uses
// boost::io::quoted
// We don't actually use boost::filesystem::path anymore, but use a custom class MaybeQuotedPath which uses
// Boost-like quoting rules but internally stores as a std::filesystem::path.
// Caution: This is intentional behaviour to duplicate how Boost and what we replaced it with worked, and we
// rely on that.
if (i.key() == QLatin1String("config") || i.key() == QLatin1String("user-data")
|| i.key() == QLatin1String("resources") || i.key() == QLatin1String("data")
|| i.key() == QLatin1String("data-local") || i.key() == QLatin1String("load-savegame"))
stream << i.key() << "=";
// Equivalent to stream << std::quoted(i.value(), '"', '&'), which won't work on QStrings.
QChar delim = '\"';
QChar escape = '&';
QString string = i.value().originalRepresentation;
stream << delim;
for (auto& it : string)
if (it == delim || it == escape)
stream << escape;
stream << it;
stream << delim;
stream << '\n';
stream << i.key() << "=" << i.value().originalRepresentation << "\n";
return true;
bool Config::GameSettings::isOrderedLine(const QString& line)
return line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*fallback-archive\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*fallback\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*data\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*data-local\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*resources\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*groundcover\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*content\\s*="));
// Policy:
// - Always ignore a line beginning with '#' or empty lines; added above a config
// entry.
// - If a line in file exists with matching key and first part of value (before ',',
// '\n', etc) also matches, then replace the line with that of mUserSettings.
// - else remove line
// - If there is no corresponding line in file, add at the end
// - Removed content items are saved as comments if the item had any comments.
// Content items prepended with '##' are considered previously removed.
bool Config::GameSettings::writeFileWithComments(QFile& file)
QTextStream stream(&file);
// slurp
std::vector<QString> fileCopy;
QString line = stream.readLine();
while (!line.isNull())
line = stream.readLine();
// empty file, no comments to keep
if (fileCopy.empty())
return writeFile(stream);
// start
// |
// | +----------------------------------------------------------+
// | | |
// v v |
// skip non-"ordered" lines (remove "ordered" lines) |
// | ^ |
// | | |
// | non-"ordered" line, write saved comments |
// | ^ |
// v | |
// blank or comment line, save in temp buffer <--------+ |
// | | | |
// | +------- comment line ------+ |
// v (special processing '##') |
// "ordered" line |
// | |
// v |
// save in a separate map of comments keyed by "ordered" line |
// | |
// +----------------------------------------------------------+
QRegularExpression settingRegex("^([^=]+)\\s*=\\s*([^,]+)(.*)$");
std::vector<QString> comments;
auto commentStart = fileCopy.end();
std::map<QString, std::vector<QString>> commentsMap;
for (auto iter = fileCopy.begin(); iter != fileCopy.end(); ++iter)
if (isOrderedLine(*iter))
// save in a separate map of comments keyed by "ordered" line
if (!comments.empty())
QRegularExpressionMatch match = settingRegex.match(*iter);
if (match.hasMatch())
commentsMap[match.captured(1) + "=" + match.captured(2)] = comments;
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
// else do nothing, malformed line
*iter = QString(); // "ordered" lines to be removed later
else if ((*iter).isEmpty() || (*iter).contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*#")))
// comment line, save in temp buffer
if (comments.empty())
commentStart = iter;
// special removed content processing
if ((*iter).contains(QRegularExpression("^##content\\s*=")))
if (!comments.empty())
commentsMap[*iter] = comments;
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
*iter = QString(); // assume to be deleted later
QRegularExpressionMatch match = settingRegex.match(*iter);
// blank or non-"ordered" line, write saved comments
if (!comments.empty() && match.hasMatch() && settingRegex.captureCount() >= 2
&& mUserSettings.find(match.captured(1)) != mUserSettings.end())
if (commentStart == fileCopy.end())
throw std::runtime_error(
"Config::GameSettings: failed to parse settings - iterator is past of end of settings file");
for (const auto& comment : comments)
*commentStart = comment;
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
// keep blank lines and non-"ordered" lines other than comments
// look for a key in the line
if (!match.hasMatch() || settingRegex.captureCount() < 2)
// no key or first part of value found in line, replace with a null string which
// will be removed later
*iter = QString();
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
// look for a matching key in user settings
*iter = QString(); // assume no match
QString key = match.captured(1);
QString keyVal = match.captured(1) + "=" + match.captured(2);
QMultiMap<QString, SettingValue>::const_iterator i = mUserSettings.find(key);
while (i != mUserSettings.end() && i.key() == key)
// todo: does this need to handle paths?
QString settingLine = i.key() + "=" + i.value().originalRepresentation;
QRegularExpressionMatch keyMatch = settingRegex.match(settingLine);
if (keyMatch.hasMatch())
if ((keyMatch.captured(1) + "=" + keyMatch.captured(2)) == keyVal)
*iter = std::move(settingLine);
// comments at top of file
for (auto& iter : fileCopy)
if (iter.isNull())
// Below is based on readFile() code, if that changes corresponding change may be
// required (for example duplicates may be inserted if the rules don't match)
if (/*(*iter).isEmpty() ||*/ iter.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*#")))
stream << iter << "\n";
// Iterate in reverse order to preserve insertion order
QString settingLine;
auto it = mUserSettings.end();
while (it != mUserSettings.begin())
// path lines (e.g. 'data=...') need quotes and ampersands escaping to match how boost::filesystem::path uses
// boost::io::quoted
// We don't actually use boost::filesystem::path anymore, but use a custom class MaybeQuotedPath which uses
// Boost-like quoting rules but internally stores as a std::filesystem::path.
// Caution: This is intentional behaviour to duplicate how Boost and what we replaced it with worked, and we
// rely on that.
if (it.key() == QLatin1String("config") || it.key() == QLatin1String("user-data")
|| it.key() == QLatin1String("resources") || it.key() == QLatin1String("data")
|| it.key() == QLatin1String("data-local") || it.key() == QLatin1String("load-savegame"))
settingLine = it.key() + "=";
// Equivalent to settingLine += std::quoted(it.value(), '"', '&'), which won't work on QStrings.
QChar delim = '\"';
QChar escape = '&';
QString string = it.value().originalRepresentation;
settingLine += delim;
for (auto& iter : string)
if (iter == delim || iter == escape)
settingLine += escape;
settingLine += iter;
settingLine += delim;
settingLine = it.key() + "=" + it.value().originalRepresentation;
QRegularExpressionMatch match = settingRegex.match(settingLine);
if (match.hasMatch())
auto i = commentsMap.find(match.captured(1) + "=" + match.captured(2));
// check if previous removed content item with comments
if (i == commentsMap.end())
i = commentsMap.find("##" + match.captured(1) + "=" + match.captured(2));
if (i != commentsMap.end())
std::vector<QString> cLines = i->second;
for (const auto& cLine : cLines)
stream << cLine << "\n";
stream << settingLine << "\n";
// flush any removed settings
if (!commentsMap.empty())
auto i = commentsMap.begin();
for (; i != commentsMap.end(); ++i)
if (i->first.contains(QRegularExpression("^\\s*content\\s*=")))
std::vector<QString> cLines = i->second;
for (const auto& cLine : cLines)
stream << cLine << "\n";
// mark the content line entry for future preocessing
stream << "##" << i->first << "\n";
// commentsMap.erase(i);
// flush any end comments
if (!comments.empty())
for (const auto& comment : comments)
stream << comment << "\n";
return true;
bool Config::GameSettings::hasMaster()
bool result = false;
QList<SettingValue> content = mSettings.values(QString(Config::GameSettings::sContentKey));
for (int i = 0; i < content.count(); ++i)
if (content.at(i).value.endsWith(QLatin1String(".omwgame"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| content.at(i).value.endsWith(QLatin1String(".esm"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
result = true;
return result;
void Config::GameSettings::setContentList(
const QList<SettingValue>& dirNames, const QList<SettingValue>& archiveNames, const QStringList& fileNames)
for (auto const& item : dirNames)
setMultiValue(sDirectoryKey, item);
for (auto const& item : archiveNames)
setMultiValue(sArchiveKey, item);
for (auto const& item : fileNames)
setMultiValue(sContentKey, { item });
QList<Config::SettingValue> Config::GameSettings::getDataDirs() const
return reverse(mDataDirs);
QList<Config::SettingValue> Config::GameSettings::getArchiveList() const
// QMap returns multiple rows in LIFO order, so need to reverse
return reverse(values(sArchiveKey));
QList<Config::SettingValue> Config::GameSettings::getContentList() const
// QMap returns multiple rows in LIFO order, so need to reverse
return reverse(values(sContentKey));
bool Config::GameSettings::isUserSetting(const SettingValue& settingValue) const
return settingValue.context.isEmpty() || settingValue.context == getUserContext();
Config::SettingValue Config::GameSettings::procesPathSettingValue(const SettingValue& value)
std::filesystem::path path = Files::pathFromQString(value.value);
std::filesystem::path basePath = Files::pathFromQString(value.context.isEmpty() ? getUserContext() : value.context);
mCfgMgr.processPath(path, basePath);
return SettingValue{ Files::pathToQString(path), value.originalRepresentation, value.context };
void Config::GameSettings::clear()
QDataStream& Config::operator<<(QDataStream& out, const SettingValue& settingValue)
out << settingValue.value;
out << settingValue.originalRepresentation;
out << settingValue.context;
return out;
QDataStream& Config::operator>>(QDataStream& in, SettingValue& settingValue)
in >> settingValue.value;
in >> settingValue.originalRepresentation;
in >> settingValue.context;
return in;