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#include "settings.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
namespace Settings
CategorySettingValueMap Manager::mDefaultSettings = CategorySettingValueMap();
CategorySettingValueMap Manager::mUserSettings = CategorySettingValueMap();
CategorySettingVector Manager::mChangedSettings = CategorySettingVector();
void Manager::clear()
std::string Manager::load(const Files::ConfigurationManager& cfgMgr)
SettingsFileParser parser;
const std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& paths = cfgMgr.getActiveConfigPaths();
if (paths.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("No config dirs! ConfigurationManager::readConfiguration must be called first.");
// Create the settings manager and load default settings file.
const std::string defaultsBin = (paths.front() / "defaults.bin").string();
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(defaultsBin))
throw std::runtime_error ("No default settings file found! Make sure the file \"defaults.bin\" was properly installed.");
parser.loadSettingsFile(defaultsBin, mDefaultSettings, true, false);
// Load "settings.cfg" from every config dir except the last one as additional default settings.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(paths.size()) - 1; ++i)
const std::string additionalDefaults = (paths[i] / "settings.cfg").string();
if (boost::filesystem::exists(additionalDefaults))
parser.loadSettingsFile(additionalDefaults, mDefaultSettings, false, true);
// Load "settings.cfg" from the last config as user settings if they exist. This path will be used to save modified settings.
std::string settingspath = (paths.back() / "settings.cfg").string();
if (boost::filesystem::exists(settingspath))
parser.loadSettingsFile(settingspath, mUserSettings, false, false);
return settingspath;
void Manager::saveUser(const std::string &file)
SettingsFileParser parser;
parser.saveSettingsFile(file, mUserSettings);
std::string Manager::getString(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category)
CategorySettingValueMap::key_type key (category, setting);
CategorySettingValueMap::iterator it = mUserSettings.find(key);
if (it != mUserSettings.end())
return it->second;
it = mDefaultSettings.find(key);
if (it != mDefaultSettings.end())
return it->second;
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Trying to retrieve a non-existing setting: ") + setting
+ ".\nMake sure the defaults.bin file was properly installed.");
float Manager::getFloat (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& value = getString(setting, category);
std::stringstream stream(value);
float number = 0.f;
stream >> number;
return number;
double Manager::getDouble (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& value = getString(setting, category);
std::stringstream stream(value);
double number = 0.0;
stream >> number;
return number;
int Manager::getInt (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& value = getString(setting, category);
std::stringstream stream(value);
int number = 0;
stream >> number;
return number;
std::int64_t Manager::getInt64 (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& value = getString(setting, category);
std::stringstream stream(value);
std::size_t number = 0;
stream >> number;
return number;
bool Manager::getBool (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& string = getString(setting, category);
return Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(string, "true");
osg::Vec2f Manager::getVector2 (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& value = getString(setting, category);
std::stringstream stream(value);
float x, y;
stream >> x >> y;
if (stream.fail())
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Can't parse 2d vector: " + value));
return {x, y};
osg::Vec3f Manager::getVector3 (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category)
const std::string& value = getString(setting, category);
std::stringstream stream(value);
float x, y, z;
stream >> x >> y >> z;
if (stream.fail())
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Can't parse 3d vector: " + value));
return {x, y, z};
void Manager::setString(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const std::string &value)
CategorySettingValueMap::key_type key (category, setting);
auto found = mUserSettings.find(key);
if (found != mUserSettings.end())
if (found->second == value)
mUserSettings[key] = value;
void Manager::setInt (const std::string& setting, const std::string& category, const int value)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value;
setString(setting, category, stream.str());
void Manager::setFloat (const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const float value)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value;
setString(setting, category, stream.str());
void Manager::setDouble (const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const double value)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value;
setString(setting, category, stream.str());
void Manager::setBool(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const bool value)
setString(setting, category, value ? "true" : "false");
void Manager::setVector2 (const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const osg::Vec2f value)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value.x() << " " << value.y();
setString(setting, category, stream.str());
void Manager::setVector3 (const std::string &setting, const std::string &category, const osg::Vec3f value)
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value.x() << ' ' << value.y() << ' ' << value.z();
setString(setting, category, stream.str());
void Manager::resetPendingChange(const std::string &setting, const std::string &category)
CategorySettingValueMap::key_type key (category, setting);
CategorySettingVector Manager::getPendingChanges()
return mChangedSettings;
CategorySettingVector Manager::getPendingChanges(const CategorySettingVector& filter)
CategorySettingVector intersection;
std::set_intersection(mChangedSettings.begin(), mChangedSettings.end(),
filter.begin(), filter.end(),
std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
return intersection;
void Manager::resetPendingChanges()
void Manager::resetPendingChanges(const CategorySettingVector& filter)
for (const auto& key : filter)