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Lua API reference
.. toctree::
:caption: Table of Contents
:maxdepth: 2
Engine handlers reference
Engine handler is a function defined by a script, that can be called by the engine.
| **Can be defined by any script** |
| onUpdate(dt) | | Called every frame if game not paused. `dt` is the time |
| | | from the last update in seconds. |
| onSave() -> data | Called when the game is saving. |
| onLoad(data) | Called on loading with the data previosly returned by onSave|
| **Only for global scripts** |
| onNewGame() | New game is started |
| onPlayerAdded(player) |Player added to game world. The argument is a `Game object`_.|
| onActorActive(actor) | Actor (NPC or Creature) becomes active. |
| **Only for local scripts attached to a player** |
| onKeyPress(symbol, modifiers) | | Key pressed. `Symbol` is an ASCII code, `modifiers` is |
| | | a binary OR of flags of special keys (ctrl, shift, alt). |
.. _Game object:
Game object reference
Game object is a universal reference to an object in the game world. Anything that has a reference number.
**Can be used on any object:**
| Function | Description |
| object:isValid() | | Returns true if the object exists and loaded, |
| | | and false otherwise. If false, then every |
| | | access to the object will raise an error. |
| object:sendEvent(eventName, eventData) | Sends local event to the object. |
| object:isEquipped(item) | Returns true if `item` is equipped on `object`. |
| object:getEquipment() -> table | | Returns a table `slot` -> `object` of currently|
| | | equipped items. See `core.EQUIPMENT_SLOT`. |
| | | Returns empty table if `object` doesn't have |
| | | equipment slots. |
| object:setEquipment(table) | | Sets equipment. Keys in the table are equipment|
| | | slots (see `core.EQUIPMENT_SLOT`). Each value |
| | | can be either an object or `recordId`. Raises |
| | | an error if `object` doesn't have equipment |
| | | slots and `table` is not empty. Can be called |
| | | only on `self` or from a global script. |
| object:addScript(scriptPath) | | Adds new script to the object. |
| | | Can be called only from a global script. |
| object:teleport(cell, pos, [rot]) | | Moves object to given cell and position. |
| | | The effect is not immediate: the position will |
| | | be updated only in the next frame. |
| | | Can be called only from a global script. |
| Field | Type | Description |
| object.position | vector3_ | Position |
| object.rotation | vector3_ | Rotation |
| object.cell | string | Cell |
| object.type | string | :ref:`Type <Object type>` of the object |
| object.count | integer | Count (makes sense if holded in a container) |
| object.recordId | string | Record ID |
| object.inventory | Inventory | Inventory of an actor or content of a container |
**Can be used if object.type == 'Door':**
| Field | Type | Description |
| object.isTeleport | boolean | True if it is a teleport door |
| object.destPosition | vector3_ | Destination (only if a teleport door) |
| object.destRotation | vector3_ | Destination rotation (only if a teleport door) |
| object.destCell | string | Destination cell (only if a teleport door) |
Object type
Type is represented as a string. Can be one of:
- "Activator"
- "Armor"
- "Book"
- "Clothing"
- "Container"
- "Creature"
- "Door"
- "Ingredient"
- "Light"
- "Miscellaneous"
- "NPC"
- "Player"
- "Potion"
- "Static"
- "Weapon"
List of game objects. Can't be created or modified by a script.
.. code-block:: Lua
-- Iteration by index
for i = 1, #someList do
-- Generic for (equivalent to iteration by index)
for i, item in someList:ipairs() do
-- WRONG: for i, item in ipairs(someList) do
-- It doesn't work because Lua 5.1 doesn't allow to overload ipairs for userdata.
| Function | Description |
| list:ipairs() | Returns an iterator |
| list:select(query) -> ObjectList | Returns a filtered list |
Object inventory
| Function | Description |
| inv:countOf(recordId) -> int | The number of items with given recordId |
| inv:getAll(recordId) -> ObjectList_ | All contained items |
| inv:getPotions() -> ObjectList_ | All potions from the inventory |
| inv:getApparatuses() -> ObjectList_ | All apparatuses from the inventory |
| inv:getArmors() -> ObjectList_ | All armors from the inventory |
| inv:getBooks() -> ObjectList_ | All books from the inventory |
| inv:getClothing() -> ObjectList_ | All clothing from the inventory |
| inv:getIngredients() -> ObjectList_ | All ingredients from the inventory |
| inv:getLights() -> ObjectList_ | All lights from the inventory |
| inv:getLockpicks() -> ObjectList_ | All lockpicks from the inventory |
| inv:getMiscellaneous() -> ObjectList_ | All miscellaneous items from the inventory |
| inv:getProbes() -> ObjectList_ | All probes from the inventory |
| inv:getRepairKits() -> ObjectList_ | All repair kits from the inventory |
| inv:getWeapons() -> ObjectList_ | All weapon from the inventory |
| Function | Description |
| vector2(x, y) -> vector2_ | Creates 2D vector |
| vector3(x, y, z) -> vector3_ | Creates 3D vector |
| clamp(value, from, to) -> number | Limits given value to the interval [from, to] |
| normalizeAngle(radians) -> number | Adds 2pi*k and puts the angle in range [-pi, pi] |
Immutable 2D vector.
.. code-block:: Lua
v = vector2(3, 4)
v.x, v.y -- 3.0, 4.0
str(v) -- "(3.0, 4.0)"
v:length() -- 5.0 length
v:length2() -- 25.0 square of the length
v:normalize() -- vector2(3/5, 4/5)
v:rotate(radians) -- rotate clockwise (returns rotated vector)
v1:dot(v2) -- dot product (returns a number)
v1 * v2 -- dot product
v1 + v2 -- vector addition
v1 - v2 -- vector subtraction
v1 * x -- multiplication by a number
v1 / x -- division by a number
.. code-block:: Lua
v = vector3(3, 4, 5)
v.x, v.y, v.z -- 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
str(v) -- "(3.0, 4.0, 4.5)"
v:length() -- length
v:length2() -- square of the length
v:normalize() -- normalized vector
v1:dot(v2) -- dot product (returns a number)
v1 * v2 -- dot product (returns a number)
v1:cross(v2) -- cross product (returns a vector)
v1 ^ v2 -- cross product (returns a vector)
v1 + v2 -- vector addition
v1 - v2 -- vector subtraction
v1 * x -- multiplication by a number
v1 / x -- division by a number
| Field | Type | Description |
| OBJECT_TYPE | Readonly table | Possible :ref:`object type <Object type>` values |
| EQUIPMENT_SLOTS | Readonly table | | Contains keys that can be used in |
| | | | `object:getEquipment` and `object:setEquipment`.|
``EQUIPMENT_SLOTS`` contains fields: "Helmet", "Cuirass", "Greaves", "LeftPauldron", "RightPauldron",
"LeftGauntlet", "RightGauntlet", "Boots", "Shirt", "Pants", "Skirt", "Robe", "LeftRing", "RightRing",
"Amulet", "Belt", "CarriedRight", "CarriedLeft", "Ammunition".
| Function | Description |
| sendGlobalEvent(eventName, eventData) | Sends an event to global scripts |
| getRealTime() | | The number of seconds (with floating point) |
| | | passed from 00:00 UTC 1 Januar 1970 (unix time)|
| getGameTimeInSeconds() | | The number of seconds in the game world, passed|
| | | from starting a new game. |
| getGameTimeInHours() | | Current time of the game world in hours. |
| | | Note that the number of game seconds in a game |
| | | hour is not guaranteed to be fixed. |
Timers and coroutine utils.
All functions require the package itself as a first argument.
I.e. functions should be called with ``:`` rather than with ``.``.
| Function | Description |
| async:registerTimerCallback(name, func) -> Callback | Registers a function as a timer callback |
| async:newTimerInSeconds(delay, Callback, arg) | | Calls `Callback(arg)` in `delay` seconds. |
| | | `Callback` must be registered in advance. |
| async:newTimerInHours(delay, Callback, arg) | | Calls `Callback(arg)` in `delay` game hours. |
| | | `Callback` must be registered in advance. |
| async:newUnsavableTimerInSeconds(delay, func) | | Call `func()` in `delay` seconds. The timer |
| | | will be lost if the game is saved and loaded. |
| async:newUnsavableTimerInHours(delay, func) | | Call `func()` in `delay` game hours. The timer |
| | | will be lost if the game is saved and loaded. |
Interface to the game world. Can be used only by global scripts.
| Field | Type | Description |
| activeActors | ObjectList_ | List of currently active actors |
| Function | Description |
| selectObjects(query) -> ObjectList_ | Evaluates a query |
Can be used only by local scripts.
Read-only access to the nearest area of the game world.
| Field | Type | Description |
| activators | ObjectList_ | List of nearby activators |
| actors | ObjectList_ | List of nearby actors |
| containers | ObjectList_ | List of nearby containers |
| doors | ObjectList_ | List of nearby doors |
| items | ObjectList_ | Everything that can be picked up in the nearby |
| Function | Description |
| selectObjects(query) -> ObjectList_ | Evaluates a query |
Can be used only by local scripts. Full access to the object the script is attached to.
All fields and function of `Game object`_ are also available for `openmw.self`. For example:
.. code-block:: Lua
local self = require('openmw.self')
if self.type == 'Player' then
self:sendEvent("something", self.position)
Note that `self` is not a Game Object. If you need an actual object, use `self.object`:
.. code-block:: Lua
if self == someObject then ... -- Incorrect, this condition is always false
core.sendGlobalEvent('something', self) -- Incorrect, will raise an error
if self.object == someObject then ... -- Correct
core.sendGlobalEvent('something', self.object) -- Correct
| Field | Type | Description |
| self.object | `Game object`_ | The object the script is attached to (readonly) |
| self.controls | `Actor controls`_ | Movement controls (only for actors) |
| Function | Description |
| self:setDirectControl(bool) | Enables or disables direct movement control |
| self:setEquipment(table) | | Sets equipment. Keys in the table are equipment|
| | | slots (see `core.EQUIPMENT_SLOT`). Each value |
| | | can be either an object or `recordId`. Raises |
| | | an error if the object has no equipment |
| | | slots and `table` is not empty. |
| self:getCombatTarget() -> `Game object`_ | Returns current target or nil if not in combat |
| self:stopCombat() | Removes all combat packages from the actor |
| self:startCombat(target) | Attack `target` |
Actor controls
Allows to control movements of an actor. Makes an effect only if `setDirectControl(true)` was called.
All fields are mutable.
| Field | Type | Description |
| movement | float number | +1 - move forward, -1 - move backward |
| sideMovement | float number | +1 - move right, -1 - move left |
| turn | float number | turn right (radians); if negative - turn left |
| run | boolean | true - run, false - walk |
| jump | boolean | if true - initiate a jump |
Can be used only by local scripts, that are attached to a player.
| Function | Description |
| showMessage(string) | Shows given message at the bottom of the screen. |
.. warning::
Not implemented yet.