Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-03 15:39:41 +00:00
Alexei Kotov bdc019647a Merge branch 'figure-skaters' into 'master'
Use accumulated movement when possible

Closes #5062

See merge request OpenMW/openmw!3549
2023-11-07 03:01:56 +00:00

81 lines
5.1 KiB

#include <components/detournavigator/collisionshapetype.hpp>
#include <components/settings/sanitizerimpl.hpp>
#include <components/settings/settingvalue.hpp>
#include <osg/Math>
#include <osg/Vec2f>
#include <osg/Vec3f>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
namespace Settings
struct GameCategory : WithIndex
using WithIndex::WithIndex;
SettingValue<int> mShowOwned{ mIndex, "Game", "show owned", makeEnumSanitizerInt({ 0, 1, 2, 3 }) };
SettingValue<bool> mShowProjectileDamage{ mIndex, "Game", "show projectile damage" };
SettingValue<bool> mShowMeleeInfo{ mIndex, "Game", "show melee info" };
SettingValue<bool> mShowEnchantChance{ mIndex, "Game", "show enchant chance" };
SettingValue<bool> mBestAttack{ mIndex, "Game", "best attack" };
SettingValue<int> mDifficulty{ mIndex, "Game", "difficulty", makeClampSanitizerInt(-500, 500) };
// We have to cap it since using high values (larger than 7168) will make some quests harder or impossible to
// complete (bug #1876)
SettingValue<int> mActorsProcessingRange{ mIndex, "Game", "actors processing range",
makeClampSanitizerInt(3584, 7168) };
SettingValue<bool> mClassicReflectedAbsorbSpellsBehavior{ mIndex, "Game",
"classic reflected absorb spells behavior" };
SettingValue<bool> mClassicCalmSpellsBehavior{ mIndex, "Game", "classic calm spells behavior" };
SettingValue<bool> mShowEffectDuration{ mIndex, "Game", "show effect duration" };
SettingValue<bool> mPreventMerchantEquipping{ mIndex, "Game", "prevent merchant equipping" };
SettingValue<bool> mEnchantedWeaponsAreMagical{ mIndex, "Game", "enchanted weapons are magical" };
SettingValue<bool> mFollowersAttackOnSight{ mIndex, "Game", "followers attack on sight" };
SettingValue<bool> mCanLootDuringDeathAnimation{ mIndex, "Game", "can loot during death animation" };
SettingValue<bool> mRebalanceSoulGemValues{ mIndex, "Game", "rebalance soul gem values" };
SettingValue<bool> mUseAdditionalAnimSources{ mIndex, "Game", "use additional anim sources" };
SettingValue<bool> mBarterDispositionChangeIsPermanent{ mIndex, "Game",
"barter disposition change is permanent" };
SettingValue<int> mStrengthInfluencesHandToHand{ mIndex, "Game", "strength influences hand to hand",
makeEnumSanitizerInt({ 0, 1, 2 }) };
SettingValue<bool> mWeaponSheathing{ mIndex, "Game", "weapon sheathing" };
SettingValue<bool> mShieldSheathing{ mIndex, "Game", "shield sheathing" };
SettingValue<bool> mOnlyAppropriateAmmunitionBypassesResistance{ mIndex, "Game",
"only appropriate ammunition bypasses resistance" };
SettingValue<bool> mUseMagicItemAnimations{ mIndex, "Game", "use magic item animations" };
SettingValue<bool> mNormaliseRaceSpeed{ mIndex, "Game", "normalise race speed" };
SettingValue<float> mProjectilesEnchantMultiplier{ mIndex, "Game", "projectiles enchant multiplier",
makeClampSanitizerFloat(0, 1) };
SettingValue<bool> mUncappedDamageFatigue{ mIndex, "Game", "uncapped damage fatigue" };
SettingValue<bool> mTurnToMovementDirection{ mIndex, "Game", "turn to movement direction" };
SettingValue<bool> mSmoothMovement{ mIndex, "Game", "smooth movement" };
SettingValue<float> mSmoothMovementPlayerTurningDelay{ mIndex, "Game", "smooth movement player turning delay",
makeMaxSanitizerFloat(0.01f) };
SettingValue<bool> mNPCsAvoidCollisions{ mIndex, "Game", "NPCs avoid collisions" };
SettingValue<bool> mNPCsGiveWay{ mIndex, "Game", "NPCs give way" };
SettingValue<bool> mSwimUpwardCorrection{ mIndex, "Game", "swim upward correction" };
SettingValue<float> mSwimUpwardCoef{ mIndex, "Game", "swim upward coef", makeClampSanitizerFloat(-1, 1) };
SettingValue<bool> mTrainersTrainingSkillsBasedOnBaseSkill{ mIndex, "Game",
"trainers training skills based on base skill" };
SettingValue<bool> mAlwaysAllowStealingFromKnockedOutActors{ mIndex, "Game",
"always allow stealing from knocked out actors" };
SettingValue<bool> mGraphicHerbalism{ mIndex, "Game", "graphic herbalism" };
SettingValue<bool> mAllowActorsToFollowOverWaterSurface{ mIndex, "Game",
"allow actors to follow over water surface" };
SettingValue<osg::Vec3f> mDefaultActorPathfindHalfExtents{ mIndex, "Game",
"default actor pathfind half extents", makeMaxStrictSanitizerVec3f(osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 0)) };
SettingValue<bool> mDayNightSwitches{ mIndex, "Game", "day night switches" };
SettingValue<bool> mUnarmedCreatureAttacksDamageArmor{ mIndex, "Game",
"unarmed creature attacks damage armor" };
SettingValue<DetourNavigator::CollisionShapeType> mActorCollisionShapeType{ mIndex, "Game",
"actor collision shape type" };
SettingValue<bool> mPlayerMovementIgnoresAnimation{ mIndex, "Game", "player movement ignores animation" };