Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-05 03:19:50 +00:00
elsid a75c7c49f0
Disable writes to navmeshdb on database is locked error
Simultaneously writing to sqlite3 database is not possible. Process exclusively
locks the database for this. Another process will fail to perform any request
when database is locked. Alternatively it can wait. Handling this situation
properly requires complexity that is not really needed. Users are not expected
to run multiple openmw processes simultaneously using the same navmeshdb.

Before this change running multiple openmw processes using the same navmeshdb
can lead to a crash when first transaction fails to start because there is
exception thrown and not catched.

Remove use of explicit transactions from DbWorker. Handling all possible
transaction states due to different errors brings unnecessary complexity.
Initially they were introduced to increase time between flushes to disk. This
makes sense for navmeshtool because of massive number of writes but for the
engine this is not an issue.
2022-05-09 22:54:46 +02:00

239 lines
7.2 KiB

#include "navmeshcacheitem.hpp"
#include "offmeshconnectionsmanager.hpp"
#include "tilecachedrecastmeshmanager.hpp"
#include "tileposition.hpp"
#include "navmeshtilescache.hpp"
#include "waitconditiontype.hpp"
#include "navmeshdb.hpp"
#include "changetype.hpp"
#include <osg/Vec3f>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <list>
#include <optional>
class dtNavMesh;
namespace Loading
class Listener;
namespace DetourNavigator
enum class JobState
struct Job
const std::size_t mId;
const osg::Vec3f mAgentHalfExtents;
const std::weak_ptr<GuardedNavMeshCacheItem> mNavMeshCacheItem;
const std::string mWorldspace;
const TilePosition mChangedTile;
const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point mProcessTime;
unsigned mTryNumber = 0;
ChangeType mChangeType;
int mDistanceToPlayer;
const int mDistanceToOrigin;
JobState mState = JobState::Initial;
std::vector<std::byte> mInput;
std::shared_ptr<RecastMesh> mRecastMesh;
std::optional<TileData> mCachedTileData;
std::unique_ptr<PreparedNavMeshData> mGeneratedNavMeshData;
Job(const osg::Vec3f& agentHalfExtents, std::weak_ptr<GuardedNavMeshCacheItem> navMeshCacheItem,
std::string_view worldspace, const TilePosition& changedTile, ChangeType changeType, int distanceToPlayer,
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point processTime);
using JobIt = std::list<Job>::iterator;
enum class JobStatus
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, JobStatus value)
switch (value)
case JobStatus::Done: return stream << "JobStatus::Done";
case JobStatus::Fail: return stream << "JobStatus::Fail";
case JobStatus::MemoryCacheMiss: return stream << "JobStatus::MemoryCacheMiss";
return stream << "JobStatus::" << static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<JobState>>(value);
class DbJobQueue
void push(JobIt job);
std::optional<JobIt> pop();
void update(TilePosition playerTile, int maxTiles);
void stop();
std::size_t size() const;
mutable std::mutex mMutex;
std::condition_variable mHasJob;
std::deque<JobIt> mJobs;
bool mShouldStop = false;
class AsyncNavMeshUpdater;
class DbWorker
struct Stats
std::size_t mJobs = 0;
std::size_t mGetTileCount = 0;
DbWorker(AsyncNavMeshUpdater& updater, std::unique_ptr<NavMeshDb>&& db,
TileVersion version, const RecastSettings& recastSettings, bool writeToDb);
Stats getStats() const;
void enqueueJob(JobIt job);
void updateJobs(TilePosition playerTile, int maxTiles) { mQueue.update(playerTile, maxTiles); }
void stop();
AsyncNavMeshUpdater& mUpdater;
const RecastSettings& mRecastSettings;
const std::unique_ptr<NavMeshDb> mDb;
const TileVersion mVersion;
bool mWriteToDb;
TileId mNextTileId;
ShapeId mNextShapeId;
DbJobQueue mQueue;
std::atomic_bool mShouldStop {false};
std::atomic_size_t mGetTileCount {0};
std::thread mThread;
inline void run() noexcept;
inline void processJob(JobIt job);
inline void processReadingJob(JobIt job);
inline void processWritingJob(JobIt job);
class AsyncNavMeshUpdater
struct Stats
std::size_t mJobs = 0;
std::size_t mWaiting = 0;
std::size_t mPushed = 0;
std::size_t mProcessing = 0;
std::size_t mDbGetTileHits = 0;
std::optional<DbWorker::Stats> mDb;
NavMeshTilesCache::Stats mCache;
AsyncNavMeshUpdater(const Settings& settings, TileCachedRecastMeshManager& recastMeshManager,
OffMeshConnectionsManager& offMeshConnectionsManager, std::unique_ptr<NavMeshDb>&& db);
void post(const osg::Vec3f& agentHalfExtents, const SharedNavMeshCacheItem& navMeshCacheItem,
const TilePosition& playerTile, std::string_view worldspace,
const std::map<TilePosition, ChangeType>& changedTiles);
void wait(Loading::Listener& listener, WaitConditionType waitConditionType);
void stop();
Stats getStats() const;
void enqueueJob(JobIt job);
void removeJob(JobIt job);
std::reference_wrapper<const Settings> mSettings;
std::reference_wrapper<TileCachedRecastMeshManager> mRecastMeshManager;
std::reference_wrapper<OffMeshConnectionsManager> mOffMeshConnectionsManager;
std::atomic_bool mShouldStop;
mutable std::mutex mMutex;
std::condition_variable mHasJob;
std::condition_variable mDone;
std::condition_variable mProcessed;
std::list<Job> mJobs;
std::deque<JobIt> mWaiting;
std::set<std::tuple<osg::Vec3f, TilePosition>> mPushed;
Misc::ScopeGuarded<TilePosition> mPlayerTile;
NavMeshTilesCache mNavMeshTilesCache;
Misc::ScopeGuarded<std::set<std::tuple<osg::Vec3f, TilePosition>>> mProcessingTiles;
std::map<std::tuple<osg::Vec3f, TilePosition>, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point> mLastUpdates;
std::set<std::tuple<osg::Vec3f, TilePosition>> mPresentTiles;
std::vector<std::thread> mThreads;
std::unique_ptr<DbWorker> mDbWorker;
std::atomic_size_t mDbGetTileHits {0};
void process() noexcept;
JobStatus processJob(Job& job);
inline JobStatus processInitialJob(Job& job, GuardedNavMeshCacheItem& navMeshCacheItem);
inline JobStatus processJobWithDbResult(Job& job, GuardedNavMeshCacheItem& navMeshCacheItem);
inline JobStatus handleUpdateNavMeshStatus(UpdateNavMeshStatus status, const Job& job,
const GuardedNavMeshCacheItem& navMeshCacheItem, const RecastMesh& recastMesh);
JobIt getNextJob();
void postThreadJob(JobIt job, std::deque<JobIt>& queue);
void writeDebugFiles(const Job& job, const RecastMesh* recastMesh) const;
void repost(JobIt job);
bool lockTile(const osg::Vec3f& agentHalfExtents, const TilePosition& changedTile);
void unlockTile(const osg::Vec3f& agentHalfExtents, const TilePosition& changedTile);
inline std::size_t getTotalJobs() const;
void cleanupLastUpdates();
int waitUntilJobsDoneForNotPresentTiles(const std::size_t initialJobsLeft, std::size_t& maxJobsLeft, Loading::Listener& listener);
void waitUntilAllJobsDone();
void reportStats(const AsyncNavMeshUpdater::Stats& stats, unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& out);