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#version 120
#if @useUBO
#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : require
#if @useGPUShader4
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4: require
#include "lib/core/vertex.h.glsl"
#if @diffuseMap
varying vec2 diffuseMapUV;
#if @darkMap
varying vec2 darkMapUV;
#if @detailMap
varying vec2 detailMapUV;
#if @decalMap
varying vec2 decalMapUV;
#if @emissiveMap
varying vec2 emissiveMapUV;
#if @normalMap
varying vec2 normalMapUV;
#if @envMap
varying vec2 envMapUV;
#if @bumpMap
varying vec2 bumpMapUV;
#if @specularMap
varying vec2 specularMapUV;
#if @glossMap
varying vec2 glossMapUV;
#define PER_PIXEL_LIGHTING (@normalMap || @specularMap || @forcePPL)
centroid varying vec3 passLighting;
centroid varying vec3 passSpecular;
centroid varying vec3 shadowDiffuseLighting;
centroid varying vec3 shadowSpecularLighting;
uniform float emissiveMult;
uniform float specStrength;
varying vec3 passViewPos;
varying vec3 passNormal;
#if @normalMap || @diffuseParallax
varying vec4 passTangent;
#include "vertexcolors.glsl"
#include "shadows_vertex.glsl"
#include "compatibility/normals.glsl"
#include "lib/light/lighting.glsl"
#include "lib/view/depth.glsl"
#if @particleOcclusion
varying vec3 orthoDepthMapCoord;
uniform mat4 depthSpaceMatrix;
uniform mat4 osg_ViewMatrixInverse;
void main(void)
#if @particleOcclusion
mat4 model = osg_ViewMatrixInverse * gl_ModelViewMatrix;
orthoDepthMapCoord = ((depthSpaceMatrix * model) * vec4(, 1.0)).xyz;
gl_Position = modelToClip(gl_Vertex);
vec4 viewPos = modelToView(gl_Vertex);
gl_ClipVertex = viewPos;
passColor = gl_Color;
passViewPos =;
passNormal =;
normalToViewMatrix = gl_NormalMatrix;
#if @normalMap || @diffuseParallax
passTangent = gl_MultiTexCoord7.xyzw;
normalToViewMatrix *= generateTangentSpace(passTangent, passNormal);
#if @envMap || !PER_PIXEL_LIGHTING || @shadows_enabled
vec3 viewNormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * passNormal);
#if @envMap
vec3 viewVec = normalize(;
vec3 r = reflect( viewVec, viewNormal );
float m = 2.0 * sqrt( r.x*r.x + r.y*r.y + (r.z+1.0)*(r.z+1.0) );
envMapUV = vec2(r.x/m + 0.5, r.y/m + 0.5);
#if @diffuseMap
diffuseMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@diffuseMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@diffuseMapUV).xy;
#if @darkMap
darkMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@darkMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@darkMapUV).xy;
#if @detailMap
detailMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@detailMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@detailMapUV).xy;
#if @decalMap
decalMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@decalMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@decalMapUV).xy;
#if @emissiveMap
emissiveMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@emissiveMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@emissiveMapUV).xy;
#if @normalMap
normalMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@normalMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@normalMapUV).xy;
#if @bumpMap
bumpMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@bumpMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@bumpMapUV).xy;
#if @specularMap
specularMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@specularMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@specularMapUV).xy;
#if @glossMap
glossMapUV = (gl_TextureMatrix[@glossMapUV] * gl_MultiTexCoord@glossMapUV).xy;
vec3 diffuseLight, ambientLight, specularLight;
doLighting(, viewNormal, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess, diffuseLight, ambientLight, specularLight, shadowDiffuseLighting, shadowSpecularLighting);
passLighting = getDiffuseColor().xyz * diffuseLight + getAmbientColor().xyz * ambientLight + getEmissionColor().xyz * emissiveMult;
passSpecular = getSpecularColor().xyz * specularLight * specStrength;
shadowDiffuseLighting *= getDiffuseColor().xyz;
shadowSpecularLighting *= getSpecularColor().xyz * specStrength;
#if (@shadows_enabled)
setupShadowCoords(viewPos, viewNormal);