Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-04 07:39:40 +00:00
cc9cii 8aee84c46e Disallow entry of strings longer than the lengths allowed by the file format.
It is possible to allow longer strings but that will require an extension in the omwaddon format as well as changes to the reader to handle that extension.  Such changes should be a separate MR.

(applied the patch in https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/-/issues/3066)
2021-08-04 09:39:18 +10:00

352 lines
9.3 KiB

#include "genericcreator.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QUndoStack>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
#include "../../model/world/commands.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/data.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/idtable.hpp"
#include "idvalidator.hpp"
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::update()
mErrors = getErrors();
mCreate->setToolTip (QString::fromUtf8 (mErrors.c_str()));
mId->setToolTip (QString::fromUtf8 (mErrors.c_str()));
mCreate->setEnabled (mErrors.empty() && !mLocked);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::setManualEditing (bool enabled)
mId->setVisible (enabled);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::insertAtBeginning (QWidget *widget, bool stretched)
mLayout->insertWidget (0, widget, stretched ? 1 : 0);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::insertBeforeButtons (QWidget *widget, bool stretched)
mLayout->insertWidget (mLayout->count()-2, widget, stretched ? 1 : 0);
// Reset tab order relative to buttons.
setTabOrder(widget, mCreate);
setTabOrder(mCreate, mCancel);
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getId() const
return mId->text().toUtf8().constData();
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getClonedId() const
return mClonedId;
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getIdValidatorResult() const
std::string errors;
if (!mId->hasAcceptableInput())
errors = mValidator->getError();
return errors;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::configureCreateCommand (CSMWorld::CreateCommand& command) const {}
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::pushCommand (std::unique_ptr<CSMWorld::CreateCommand> command,
const std::string& id)
mUndoStack.push (command.release());
CSMWorld::Data& CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getData() const
return mData;
QUndoStack& CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getUndoStack()
return mUndoStack;
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getCollectionId() const
return mListId;
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getNamespace() const
CSMWorld::Scope scope = CSMWorld::Scope_Content;
if (mScope)
scope = static_cast<CSMWorld::Scope> (mScope->itemData (mScope->currentIndex()).toInt());
if (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Project)
scope = CSMWorld::Scope_Project;
else if (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Session)
scope = CSMWorld::Scope_Session;
switch (scope)
case CSMWorld::Scope_Content: return "";
case CSMWorld::Scope_Project: return "project::";
case CSMWorld::Scope_Session: return "session::";
return "";
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::updateNamespace()
std::string namespace_ = getNamespace();
mValidator->setNamespace (namespace_);
int index = mId->text().indexOf ("::");
if (index==-1)
// no namespace in old text
mId->setText (QString::fromUtf8 (namespace_.c_str()) + mId->text());
std::string oldNamespace =
Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (mId->text().left (index).toUtf8().constData());
if (oldNamespace=="project" || oldNamespace=="session")
mId->setText (QString::fromUtf8 (namespace_.c_str()) + mId->text().mid (index+2));
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::addScope (const QString& name, CSMWorld::Scope scope,
const QString& tooltip)
mScope->addItem (name, static_cast<int> (scope));
mScope->setItemData (mScope->count()-1, tooltip, Qt::ToolTipRole);
CSVWorld::GenericCreator::GenericCreator (CSMWorld::Data& data, QUndoStack& undoStack,
const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, bool relaxedIdRules)
: mData (data), mUndoStack (undoStack), mListId (id), mLocked (false),
mClonedType (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_None), mScopes (CSMWorld::Scope_Content), mScope (nullptr),
mScopeLabel (nullptr), mCloneMode (false)
// If the collection ID has a parent type, use it instead.
// It will change IDs with Record/SubRecord class (used for creators in Dialogue subviews)
// to IDs with general RecordList class (used for creators in Table subviews).
CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type listParentType = CSMWorld::UniversalId::getParentType(mListId.getType());
if (listParentType != CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_None)
mListId = listParentType;
mLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
mLayout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
mId = new QLineEdit;
mId->setValidator (mValidator = new IdValidator (relaxedIdRules, this));
mLayout->addWidget (mId, 1);
mCreate = new QPushButton ("Create");
mLayout->addWidget (mCreate);
mCancel = new QPushButton("Cancel");
setLayout (mLayout);
connect (mCancel, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), this, SIGNAL (done()));
connect (mCreate, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), this, SLOT (create()));
connect (mId, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (textChanged (const QString&)));
connect (mId, SIGNAL (returnPressed()), this, SLOT (inputReturnPressed()));
connect (&mData, SIGNAL (idListChanged()), this, SLOT (dataIdListChanged()));
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::setEditorMaxLength (int length)
mId->setMaxLength (length);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::setEditLock (bool locked)
mLocked = locked;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::reset()
mCloneMode = false;
mId->setText ("");
std::string CSVWorld::GenericCreator::getErrors() const
std::string errors;
if (!mId->hasAcceptableInput())
errors = mValidator->getError();
else if (mData.hasId (getId()))
errors = "ID is already in use";
return errors;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::textChanged (const QString& text)
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::inputReturnPressed()
if (mCreate->isEnabled())
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::create()
if (!mLocked)
std::string id = getId();
std::unique_ptr<CSMWorld::CreateCommand> command;
if (mCloneMode)
command.reset (new CSMWorld::CloneCommand (
dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&> (*mData.getTableModel(mListId)), mClonedId, id, mClonedType));
command.reset (new CSMWorld::CreateCommand (
dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&> (*mData.getTableModel (mListId)), id));
configureCreateCommand (*command);
pushCommand (std::move(command), id);
emit done();
emit requestFocus(id);
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::cloneMode(const std::string& originId,
const CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type type)
mCloneMode = true;
mClonedId = originId;
mClonedType = type;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::touch(const std::vector<CSMWorld::UniversalId>& ids)
// Combine multiple touch commands into one "macro" command
mUndoStack.beginMacro("Touch Records");
CSMWorld::IdTable& table = dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&>(*mData.getTableModel(mListId));
for (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& uid : ids)
CSMWorld::TouchCommand* touchCmd = new CSMWorld::TouchCommand(table, uid.getId());
// Execute
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::toggleWidgets(bool active)
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::focus()
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::setScope (unsigned int scope)
mScopes = scope;
int count = (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Content) + (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Project) +
(mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Session);
// scope selector widget
if (count>1)
mScope = new QComboBox (this);
insertAtBeginning (mScope, false);
if (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Content)
addScope ("Content", CSMWorld::Scope_Content,
"Record will be stored in the currently edited content file.");
if (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Project)
addScope ("Project", CSMWorld::Scope_Project,
"Record will be stored in a local project file.<p>"
"Record will be created in the reserved namespace \"project\".<p>"
"Record is available when running OpenMW via OpenCS.");
if (mScopes & CSMWorld::Scope_Session)
addScope ("Session", CSMWorld::Scope_Session,
"Record exists only for the duration of the current editing session.<p>"
"Record will be created in the reserved namespace \"session\".<p>"
"Record is not available when running OpenMW via OpenCS.");
connect (mScope, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT (scopeChanged (int)));
mScopeLabel = new QLabel ("Scope", this);
insertAtBeginning (mScopeLabel, false);
mScope->setCurrentIndex (0);
delete mScope;
mScope = nullptr;
delete mScopeLabel;
mScopeLabel = nullptr;
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::scopeChanged (int index)
void CSVWorld::GenericCreator::dataIdListChanged()
// If the original ID of cloned record was removed, cancel the creator
if (mCloneMode && !mData.hasId(mClonedId))
emit done();