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synced 2025-03-03 13:09:40 +00:00
This doesn't change launcher descriptions because the launcher settings are going to be omitted
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197 lines
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# Console
ConsoleWindow: "Console"
# Debug window
DebugWindow: "Debug"
LogViewer: "Log Viewer"
LuaProfiler: "Lua Profiler"
PhysicsProfiler: "Physics Profiler"
# Messages
AskLoadLastSave: "The most recent save is '%s'. Do you want to load it?"
BuildingNavigationMesh: "Building Navigation Mesh"
InitializingData: "Initializing Data..."
LoadingExterior: "Loading Area"
LoadingFailed: "Failed to load saved game"
LoadingInterior: "Loading Area"
LoadingInProgress: "Loading Save Game"
LoadingRequiresNewVersionError: |-
This save file was created using a newer version of OpenMW and is thus not supported.
Please upgrade to the newest OpenMW version to load this file.
LoadingRequiresOldVersionError: |-
This save file was created using an older version of OpenMW in a format that is no longer supported.
Load and save this file using {version} to upgrade it.
NewGameConfirmation: "Do you want to start a new game and lose the current one?"
QuitGameConfirmation: "Quit the game?"
SaveGameDenied: "The game cannot be saved right now."
SavingInProgress: "Saving..."
ScreenshotFailed: "Failed to save screenshot"
ScreenshotMade: "%s has been saved"
# Save game menu
DeleteGame: "Delete Game"
DeleteGameConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this saved game?"
EmptySaveNameError: "Game can not be saved without a name!"
Health: "Health"
Level: "Level"
LoadGameConfirmation: "Do you want to load a saved game and lose the current one?"
MissingContentFilesConfirmation: |-
The currently selected content files do not match the ones used by this save game.
Errors may occur during load or game play.
Do you wish to continue?
MissingContentFilesList: |-
{files, plural,
one{\n\nFound missing file: }
few{\n\nFound {files} missing files:\n}
other{\n\nFound {files} missing files:\n}
MissingContentFilesListCopy: |-
{files, plural,
one{\n\nPress Copy to place its name to the clipboard.}
few{\n\nPress Copy to place their names to the clipboard.}
other{\n\nPress Copy to place their names to the clipboard.}
OverwriteGameConfirmation: "Are you sure you want to overwrite this saved game?"
SelectCharacter: "Select Character..."
TimePlayed: "Time Played"
# Settings menu
ActorsProcessingRange: "Actors Processing Range"
Anisotropy: "Anisotropy"
Audio: "Audio"
AudioEffects: "Effects"
AudioFootsteps: "Footsteps"
AudioMaster: "Master"
AudioMusic: "Music"
AudioVoice: "Voice"
AutoSaveOnResting: "Auto-Save on Resting"
BestAttack: "Always Use Best Attack"
CameraSensitivity: "Camera Sensitivity"
CameraZoomIn: "Zoom Camera In"
CameraZoomOut: "Zoom Camera Out"
ChangeRequiresRestart: "This change requires a restart to take effect."
ConfirmResetBindings: "Reset all controls to the default?"
ConfirmResolution: "New resolution will be applied immediately. Do you want to continue?"
Controller: "Controller"
Controls: "Controls"
Crosshair: "Crosshair"
DelayLow: "Fast"
DelayHigh: "Slow"
DetailLevel: "Detail Level"
Difficulty: "Difficulty"
DifficultyEasy: "Easy"
DifficultyHard: "Hard"
DistanceHigh: "Far"
DistanceLow: "Near"
EnableController: "Enable Controller"
FieldOfView: "Field of View"
FieldOfViewHigh: "High"
FieldOfViewLow: "Low"
ForcePerPixelLighting: "Force Per-Pixel Lighting"
ForcePerPixelLightingTooltip: |-
Force the use of per-pixel lighting. By default, only bump- and normal-mapped objects use per-pixel lighting.
Only affects objects drawn with shaders.
Enabling per-pixel lighting results in visual differences to the original MW engine as certain lights in Morrowind rely on vertex lighting to look as intended.
Note that groundcover shaders and particle effects ignore this setting.
FrameRateHint: "Hint: press F3 to show\nthe current frame rate."
GammaCorrection: "Gamma Correction"
GammaDark: "Dark"
GammaLight: "Light"
GmstOverridesL10n: "Strings From ESM Files Have Priority"
InvertXAxis: "Invert X Axis"
InvertYAxis: "Invert Y Axis"
Language: "Language"
LanguageNote: "Note: these settings do not affect strings from ESM files."
LightingMethod: "Lighting Method"
LightingMethodLegacy: "Legacy"
LightingMethodShaders: "Shaders"
LightingMethodShadersCompatibility: "Shaders (compatibility)"
LightingResetToDefaults: "Resets to default values, would you like to continue? Changes to lighting method will require a restart."
Lights: "Lights"
LightsBoundingSphereMultiplier: "Bounding Sphere Multiplier"
LightsBoundingSphereMultiplierTooltip: "Default: 1.65\nMultiplier for bounding sphere of lights.\nHigher numbers allows for smooth falloff but require an increase in number of max lights.\n\nDoes not effect the illumination or strength of lights."
LightsFadeStartMultiplier: "Fade Start Multiplier"
LightsFadeStartMultiplierTooltip: "Default: 0.85\nFraction of maximum distance at which lights will start to fade.\n\nSet this to a low value for slower transitions or a high value for quicker transitions."
LightsLightingMethodTooltip: "Set the internal handling of light sources.\n\n
\"Legacy\" always uses 8 lights per object. It provides results most similar to Morrowind's lighting.\n\n
\"Shaders (compatibility)\" removes the 8 light limit. This mode also enables lighting on groundcover. It is recommended to use this with older hardware and a light limit closer to 8.\n\n
\"Shaders\" carries all of the benefits that \"Shaders (compatibility)\" does, but uses a modern approach that allows for a higher max lights count with little to no performance penalties on modern hardware."
LightsMaximumDistance: "Maximum Light Distance"
LightsMaximumDistanceTooltip: "Default: 8192\nMaximum distance at which lights will appear (measured in units).\n\nSet this to 0 to use an unlimited distance."
LightsMinimumInteriorBrightness: "Minimum Interior Brightness"
LightsMinimumInteriorBrightnessTooltip: "Default: 0.08\nMinimum ambient interior brightness.\n\nIncrease this if you feel interiors are too dark."
MaxLights: "Max Lights"
MaxLightsTooltip: "Default: 8\nMaximum number of lights per object.\n\nA low number near default will cause light popping similar to what you would see with legacy lighting."
MenuHelpDelay: "Menu Help Delay"
MenuTransparency: "Menu Transparency"
MouseAndKeyboard: "Mouse/Keyboard"
PostProcessing: "Post Processing"
PostProcessingIsNotEnabled: "Postprocessor is not enabled"
PostProcessingTooltip: "Tweaked via Post Processor HUD, see input bindings."
Preferences: "Prefs"
PrimaryLanguage: "Primary Language"
PrimaryLanguageTooltip: "Localization files for this language have the highest priority."
QualityHigh: "High"
QualityLow: "Low"
QualityMedium: "Medium"
RainRippleDetail: "Rain Ripple Detail"
RainRippleDetailDense: "Dense"
RainRippleDetailSimple: "Simple"
RainRippleDetailSparse: "Sparse"
RebindAction: "Press a key or button to rebind this control."
ReflectionShaderDetail: "Reflection Shader Detail"
ReflectionShaderDetailActors: "Actors"
ReflectionShaderDetailGroundcover: "Groundcover"
ReflectionShaderDetailObjects: "Objects"
ReflectionShaderDetailSky: "Sky"
ReflectionShaderDetailTerrain: "Terrain"
ReflectionShaderDetailWorld: "World"
Refraction: "Refraction"
ResetControls: "Reset Controls"
Screenshot: "Screenshot"
Scripts: "Scripts"
ScriptsDisabled: "Load a game to access script settings."
SecondaryLanguage: "Secondary Language"
SecondaryLanguageTooltip: "Localization files for this language may be used if the primary language files lack the necessary lines."
SensitivityHigh: "High"
SensitivityLow: "Low"
SettingsWindow: "Options"
Subtitles: "Subtitles"
SunlightScattering: "Sunlight Scattering"
TestingExteriorCells: "Testing Exterior Cells"
TestingInteriorCells: "Testing Interior Cells"
TextureFiltering: "Texture Filtering"
TextureFilteringBilinear: "Bilinear"
TextureFilteringNearest: "Nearest"
TextureFilteringDisabled: "None"
TextureFilteringOther: "Other"
TextureFilteringTrilinear: "Trilinear"
ToggleHUD: "Toggle HUD"
TogglePostProcessorHUD: "Toggle Post Processor HUD"
TransparencyFull: "Full"
TransparencyNone: "None"
Video: "Video"
ViewDistance: "View Distance"
VSync: "VSync"
VSyncAdaptive: "Adaptive"
Water: "Water"
WaterShader: "Water Shader"
WaterShaderTextureQuality: "Texture Quality"
WindowBorder: "Window Border"
WindowMode: "Window Mode"
WindowModeFullscreen: "Fullscreen"
WindowModeHint: "Hint: Windowed Fullscreen mode\nalways uses the native display resolution."
WindowModeWindowed: "Windowed"
WindowModeWindowedFullscreen: "Windowed Fullscreen"
WobblyShores: "Wobbly Shores"