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-- `openmw_aux.calendar` defines utility functions for formatting game time.
-- Implementation can be found in `resources/vfs/openmw_aux/calendar.lua`.
-- @module calendar
-- @usage local calendar = require('openmw_aux.calendar')
local core = require('openmw.core')
local time = require('openmw_aux.time')
local conf = require('openmw_aux.calendarconfig')
local l10n = core.l10n('Calendar')
local monthsDuration = conf.monthsDuration
local daysInYear = 0
for _, d in ipairs(monthsDuration) do daysInYear = daysInYear + d end
local function gameTime(t)
if not t then
return core.getGameTime()
local days = (t.year or 0) * daysInYear + (t.day or 0)
for i = 1, (t.month or 1)-1 do
days = days + monthsDuration[i]
return days * time.day + (t.hour or 0) * time.hour +
(t.min or 0) * time.minute + (t.sec or 0) * time.second
local function defaultDateFormat(t)
return l10n('dateFormat', {
day = t.day,
month = l10n('month' .. t.month),
monthInGenitive = l10n('monthInGenitive' .. t.month),
year = t.year,
local function formatGameTime(formatStr, timestamp)
timestamp = timestamp or core.getGameTime()
local t = {}
local day = math.floor(timestamp / time.day) + conf.startingYearDay - 1
t.year = math.floor(day / daysInYear) + conf.startingYear
t.yday = day % daysInYear + 1
t.wday = (day + conf.startingWeekDay - conf.startingYearDay) % conf.daysInWeek + 1
timestamp = timestamp % time.day
t.hour = math.floor(timestamp / time.hour)
timestamp = timestamp % time.hour
t.min = math.floor(timestamp / time.minute)
t.sec = math.floor(timestamp) % time.minute
t.day = t.yday
t.month = 1
while t.day > monthsDuration[t.month] do
t.day = t.day - monthsDuration[t.month]
t.month = t.month + 1
if formatStr == '*t' then return t end
local replFn = function(tag)
if tag == '%a' or tag == '%A' then return l10n('weekday' .. t.wday) end
if tag == '%b' or tag == '%B' then return l10n('monthInGenitive' .. t.month) end
if tag == '%c' then
return string.format('%02d:%02d %s', t.hour, t.min, defaultDateFormat(t))
if tag == '%d' then return string.format('%02d', t.day) end
if tag == '%e' then return string.format('%2d', t.day) end
if tag == '%H' then return string.format('%02d', t.hour) end
if tag == '%I' then return string.format('%02d', (t.hour - 1) % 12 + 1) end
if tag == '%M' then return string.format('%02d', t.min) end
if tag == '%m' then return string.format('%02d', t.month) end
if tag == '%p' then
if t.hour >= 0 and t.hour < 12 then
return l10n('am')
return l10n('pm')
if tag == '%S' then return string.format('%02d', t.sec) end
if tag == '%w' then return t.wday - 1 end
if tag == '%x' then return defaultDateFormat(t) end
if tag == '%X' then return string.format('%02d:%02d', t.hour, t.min) end
if tag == '%Y' then return t.year end
if tag == '%y' then return string.format('%02d', t.year % 100) end
if tag == '%%' then return '%' end
error('Unknown tag "'..tag..'"')
local res, _ = string.gsub(formatStr or '%c', '%%.', replFn)
return res
return {
--- An equivalent of `os.time` for game time.
-- See [https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html](https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html)
-- @function [parent=#calendar] gameTime
-- @param #table table a table which describes a date (optional).
-- @return #number a timestamp.
gameTime = gameTime,
--- An equivalent of `os.date` for game time.
-- See [https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html](https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html).
-- It is a slow function. Please try not to use it in every frame.
-- @function [parent=#calendar] formatGameTime
-- @param #string format format of date (optional)
-- @param #number time time to format (default value is current time)
-- @return #string a formatted string representation of `time`.
formatGameTime = formatGameTime,
--- The number of months in a year
-- @field [parent=#calendar] #number monthCount
monthCount = #monthsDuration,
--- The number of days in a year
-- @field [parent=#calendar] #number daysInYear
daysInYear = daysInYear,
--- The number of days in a week
-- @field [parent=#calendar] #number daysInWeek
daysInWeek = conf.daysInWeek,
--- The number of days in a month
-- @function [parent=#calendar] daysInMonth
-- @param monthIndex
-- @return #number
daysInMonth = function(m)
return monthsDuration[(m-1) % #monthsDuration + 1]
--- The name of a month
-- @function [parent=#calendar] monthName
-- @param monthIndex
-- @return #string
monthName = function(m)
return l10n('month' .. ((m-1) % #monthsDuration + 1))
--- The name of a month in genitive (for English is the same as `monthName`, but in some languages the form can differ).
-- @function [parent=#calendar] monthNameInGenitive
-- @param monthIndex
-- @return #string
monthNameInGenitive = function(m)
return l10n('monthInGenitive' .. ((m-1) % #monthsDuration + 1))
--- The name of a weekday
-- @function [parent=#calendar] weekdayName
-- @param dayIndex
-- @return #string
weekdayName = function(d)
return l10n('weekday' .. ((d-1) % conf.daysInWeek + 1))