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475 lines
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#include "luastate.hpp"
#ifndef NO_LUAJIT
#include <luajit.h>
#endif // NO_LUAJIT
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/files/conversion.hpp>
#include <components/vfs/manager.hpp>
#include "scriptscontainer.hpp"
#include "utf8.hpp"
namespace LuaUtil
static VFS::Path::Normalized packageNameToVfsPath(std::string_view packageName, const VFS::Manager& vfs)
std::string pathValue(packageName);
std::replace(pathValue.begin(), pathValue.end(), '.', '/');
VFS::Path::Normalized pathWithInit(pathValue + "/init.lua");
VFS::Path::Normalized path(pathValue);
if (vfs.exists(path))
return path;
else if (vfs.exists(pathWithInit))
return pathWithInit;
throw std::runtime_error("module not found: " + std::string(packageName));
static std::filesystem::path packageNameToPath(
std::string_view packageName, const std::vector<std::filesystem::path>& searchDirs)
std::string path(packageName);
std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '.', '/');
std::string pathWithInit = path + "/init.lua";
for (const auto& base : searchDirs)
std::filesystem::path p1 = base / path;
if (std::filesystem::exists(p1))
return p1;
std::filesystem::path p2 = base / pathWithInit;
if (std::filesystem::exists(p2))
return p2;
throw std::runtime_error("module not found: " + std::string(packageName));
static const std::string safeFunctions[] = { "assert", "error", "ipairs", "next", "pairs", "pcall", "select",
"tonumber", "tostring", "type", "unpack", "xpcall", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawset", "setmetatable" };
static const std::string safePackages[] = { "coroutine", "math", "string", "table", "utf8" };
static constexpr int64_t countHookStep = 1000;
bool LuaState::sProfilerEnabled = true;
void LuaState::countHook(lua_State* L, lua_Debug* ar)
LuaState* self;
(void)lua_getallocf(L, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&self));
if (self->mActiveScriptIdStack.empty())
const ScriptId& activeScript = self->mActiveScriptIdStack.back();
activeScript.mContainer->addInstructionCount(activeScript.mIndex, countHookStep);
self->mWatchdogInstructionCounter += countHookStep;
if (self->mSettings.mInstructionLimit > 0
&& self->mWatchdogInstructionCounter > self->mSettings.mInstructionLimit)
"Lua instruction count exceeded, probably an infinite loop in a script. "
"To change the limit set \"[Lua] instruction limit per call\" in settings.cfg");
void* LuaState::trackingAllocator(void* ud, void* ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
LuaState* self = static_cast<LuaState*>(ud);
const uint64_t smallAllocSize = self->mSettings.mSmallAllocMaxSize;
const uint64_t memoryLimit = self->mSettings.mMemoryLimit;
if (!ptr)
osize = 0;
int64_t smallAllocDelta = 0, bigAllocDelta = 0;
if (osize <= smallAllocSize)
smallAllocDelta -= osize;
bigAllocDelta -= osize;
if (nsize <= smallAllocSize)
smallAllocDelta += nsize;
bigAllocDelta += nsize;
if (bigAllocDelta > 0 && memoryLimit > 0 && self->mTotalMemoryUsage + nsize - osize > memoryLimit)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Lua realloc " << osize << "->" << nsize
<< " is blocked because Lua memory limit (configurable in settings.cfg) is exceeded";
return nullptr;
void* newPtr = nullptr;
if (nsize == 0)
newPtr = realloc(ptr, nsize);
if (!newPtr)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Lua realloc " << osize << "->" << nsize << " failed";
return nullptr;
self->mTotalMemoryUsage += smallAllocDelta + bigAllocDelta;
self->mSmallAllocMemoryUsage += smallAllocDelta;
if (bigAllocDelta != 0)
auto it = osize > smallAllocSize ? self->mBigAllocOwners.find(ptr) : self->mBigAllocOwners.end();
ScriptId id;
if (it != self->mBigAllocOwners.end())
if (it->second.mContainer)
id = ScriptId{ *it->second.mContainer, it->second.mScriptIndex };
if (ptr != newPtr || nsize <= smallAllocSize)
else if (bigAllocDelta > 0)
if (!self->mActiveScriptIdStack.empty())
id = self->mActiveScriptIdStack.back();
bigAllocDelta = nsize;
if (id.mIndex >= 0)
if (static_cast<size_t>(id.mIndex) >= self->mMemoryUsage.size())
self->mMemoryUsage.resize(id.mIndex + 1);
self->mMemoryUsage[id.mIndex] += bigAllocDelta;
if (id.mContainer)
id.mContainer->addMemoryUsage(id.mIndex, bigAllocDelta);
if (newPtr && nsize > smallAllocSize)
self->mBigAllocOwners.emplace(newPtr, AllocOwner{ id.mContainer->mThis, id.mIndex });
return newPtr;
lua_State* LuaState::createLuaRuntime(LuaState* luaState)
if (sProfilerEnabled)
Log(Debug::Info) << "Initializing LuaUtil::LuaState with profiler";
lua_State* L = lua_newstate(&trackingAllocator, luaState);
if (L)
return L;
sProfilerEnabled = false;
<< "Failed to initialize LuaUtil::LuaState with custom allocator; disabling Lua profiler";
Log(Debug::Info) << "Initializing LuaUtil::LuaState without profiler";
lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
if (!L)
throw std::runtime_error("Can't create Lua runtime");
return L;
LuaState::LuaState(const VFS::Manager* vfs, const ScriptsConfiguration* conf, const LuaStateSettings& settings)
: mSettings(settings)
, mLuaHolder(createLuaRuntime(this))
, mSol(mLuaHolder.get())
, mConf(conf)
, mVFS(vfs)
if (sProfilerEnabled)
lua_sethook(mLuaHolder.get(), &countHook, LUA_MASKCOUNT, countHookStep);
protectedCall([&](LuaView& view) {
auto& sol = view.sol();
sol.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::coroutine, sol::lib::math, sol::lib::bit32, sol::lib::string,
sol::lib::table, sol::lib::os, sol::lib::debug);
#ifndef NO_LUAJIT
#endif // NO_LUAJIT
sol["math"]["randomseed"] = [] {};
sol["utf8"] = LuaUtf8::initUtf8Package(sol);
sol["writeToLog"] = [](std::string_view s) { Log(Debug::Level::Info) << s; };
= [](const sol::environment& env, const sol::function& fn) { sol::set_environment(env, fn); };
sol["loadFromVFS"] = [this](std::string_view packageName) {
return loadScriptAndCache(packageNameToVfsPath(packageName, *mVFS));
sol["loadInternalLib"] = [this](std::string_view packageName) { return loadInternalLib(packageName); };
// Some fixes for compatibility between different Lua versions
if (sol["unpack"] == sol::nil)
sol["unpack"] = sol["table"]["unpack"];
else if (sol["table"]["unpack"] == sol::nil)
sol["table"]["unpack"] = sol["unpack"];
if (LUA_VERSION_NUM <= 501)
local _pairs = pairs
local _ipairs = ipairs
pairs = function(v) return (rawget(getmetatable(v) or {}, '__pairs') or _pairs)(v) end
ipairs = function(v) return (rawget(getmetatable(v) or {}, '__ipairs') or _ipairs)(v) end
local printToLog = function(...)
local strs = {}
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
strs[i] = tostring(select(i, ...))
return writeToLog(table.concat(strs, '\t'))
printGen = function(name) return function(...) return printToLog(name, ...) end end
function requireGen(env, loaded, loadFn)
return function(packageName)
local p = loaded[packageName]
if p == nil then
local loader = loadFn(packageName)
setEnvironment(env, loader)
p = loader(packageName)
loaded[packageName] = p
return p
function createStrictIndexFn(tbl)
return function(_, key)
local res = tbl[key]
if res ~= nil then
return res
error('Key not found: '..tostring(key), 2)
function pairsForReadOnly(v)
local nextFn, t, firstKey = pairs(getmetatable(v).t)
return function(_, k) return nextFn(t, k) end, v, firstKey
function ipairsForReadOnly(v)
local nextFn, t, firstKey = ipairs(getmetatable(v).t)
return function(_, k) return nextFn(t, k) end, v, firstKey
function lenForReadOnly(v)
return #getmetatable(v).t
local function nextForArray(array, index)
index = (index or 0) + 1
if index <= #array then
return index, array[index]
function ipairsForArray(array)
return nextForArray, array, 0
getmetatable('').__metatable = false
getSafeMetatable = function(v)
if type(v) ~= 'table' then error('getmetatable is allowed only for tables', 2) end
return getmetatable(v)
mSandboxEnv = sol::table(sol, sol::create);
mSandboxEnv["_VERSION"] = sol["_VERSION"];
for (const std::string& s : safeFunctions)
if (sol[s] == sol::nil)
throw std::logic_error("Lua function not found: " + s);
mSandboxEnv[s] = sol[s];
for (const std::string& s : safePackages)
if (sol[s] == sol::nil)
throw std::logic_error("Lua package not found: " + s);
mCommonPackages[s] = mSandboxEnv[s] = makeReadOnly(sol[s]);
mSandboxEnv["getmetatable"] = sol["getSafeMetatable"];
mCommonPackages["os"] = mSandboxEnv["os"]
= makeReadOnly(tableFromPairs<std::string_view, sol::function>(sol,
{ { "date", sol["os"]["date"] }, { "difftime", sol["os"]["difftime"] },
{ "time", sol["os"]["time"] } }));
sol::table makeReadOnly(const sol::table& table, bool strictIndex)
if (table == sol::nil)
return table;
if (table.is<sol::userdata>())
return table; // it is already userdata, no sense to wrap it again
lua_State* luaState = table.lua_state();
sol::state_view lua(luaState);
sol::table meta(lua, sol::create);
meta["t"] = table;
if (strictIndex)
meta[sol::meta_method::index] = lua["createStrictIndexFn"](table);
meta[sol::meta_method::index] = table;
meta[sol::meta_method::pairs] = lua["pairsForReadOnly"];
meta[sol::meta_method::ipairs] = lua["ipairsForReadOnly"];
meta[sol::meta_method::length] = lua["lenForReadOnly"];
meta[sol::meta_method::type] = "ReadOnlyTable";
lua_newuserdata(luaState, 0);
sol::stack::push(luaState, meta);
lua_setmetatable(luaState, -2);
return sol::stack::pop<sol::table>(luaState);
sol::table getMutableFromReadOnly(const sol::userdata& ro)
return ro[sol::metatable_key].get<sol::table>()["t"];
void LuaState::addCommonPackage(std::string packageName, sol::object package)
if (!package.is<sol::function>())
package = makeReadOnly(std::move(package));
mCommonPackages.insert_or_assign(std::move(packageName), std::move(package));
sol::protected_function_result LuaState::runInNewSandbox(const VFS::Path::Normalized& path,
const std::string& envName, const std::map<std::string, sol::object>& packages, const sol::object& hiddenData)
sol::protected_function script = loadScriptAndCache(path);
sol::environment env(mSol, sol::create, mSandboxEnv);
env["print"] = mSol["printGen"](envName + ":");
env["_G"] = env;
env[sol::metatable_key]["__metatable"] = false;
ScriptId scriptId;
if (hiddenData.is<sol::table>())
scriptId = hiddenData.as<sol::table>()
auto maybeRunLoader = [&hiddenData, scriptId](const sol::object& package) -> sol::object {
if (package.is<sol::function>())
return call(scriptId, package.as<sol::function>(), hiddenData);
return package;
sol::table loaded(mSol, sol::create);
for (const auto& [key, value] : mCommonPackages)
loaded[key] = maybeRunLoader(value);
for (const auto& [key, value] : packages)
loaded[key] = maybeRunLoader(value);
env["require"] = mSol["requireGen"](env, loaded, mSol["loadFromVFS"]);
sol::set_environment(env, script);
return call(scriptId, script);
sol::environment LuaState::newInternalLibEnvironment()
sol::environment env(mSol, sol::create, mSandboxEnv);
sol::table loaded(mSol, sol::create);
for (const std::string& s : safePackages)
loaded[s] = static_cast<sol::object>(mSandboxEnv[s]);
env["require"] = mSol["requireGen"](env, loaded, mSol["loadInternalLib"]);
return env;
sol::protected_function_result LuaState::throwIfError(sol::protected_function_result&& res)
if (!res.valid())
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Lua error: ") += res.get<sol::error>().what());
return std::move(res);
sol::function LuaState::loadScriptAndCache(const VFS::Path::Normalized& path)
auto iter = mCompiledScripts.find(path);
if (iter != mCompiledScripts.end())
sol::load_result res = mSol.load(iter->second.as_string_view(), path.value(), sol::load_mode::binary);
// Unless we have memory corruption issues, the bytecode is valid at this point, but loading might still
// fail because we've hit our Lua memory cap
if (!res.valid())
throw std::runtime_error("Lua error: " + res.get<std::string>());
return res;
sol::function res = loadFromVFS(path);
mCompiledScripts[path] = res.dump();
return res;
sol::function LuaState::loadFromVFS(const VFS::Path::Normalized& path)
std::string fileContent(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(*mVFS->get(path)), {});
sol::load_result res = mSol.load(fileContent, path.value(), sol::load_mode::text);
if (!res.valid())
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Lua error: ") += res.get<sol::error>().what());
return res;
sol::function LuaState::loadInternalLib(std::string_view libName)
const auto path = packageNameToPath(libName, mLibSearchPaths);
std::ifstream stream(path);
std::string fileContent(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream), {});
sol::load_result res = mSol.load(fileContent, Files::pathToUnicodeString(path), sol::load_mode::text);
if (!res.valid())
throw std::runtime_error("Lua error: " + res.get<std::string>());
return res;
std::string getLuaVersion()
#ifdef NO_LUAJIT
std::string toString(const sol::object& obj)
if (obj == sol::nil)
return "nil";
else if (obj.get_type() == sol::type::string)
return "\"" + obj.as<std::string>() + "\"";
return call(sol::state_view(obj.lua_state())["tostring"], obj);
std::string internal::formatCastingError(const sol::object& obj, const std::type_info& t)
const char* typeName = t.name();
if (t == typeid(int))
typeName = "int";
else if (t == typeid(unsigned))
typeName = "uint32";
else if (t == typeid(size_t))
typeName = "size_t";
else if (t == typeid(float))
typeName = "float";
else if (t == typeid(double))
typeName = "double";
else if (t == typeid(sol::table))
typeName = "sol::table";
else if (t == typeid(sol::function) || t == typeid(sol::protected_function))
typeName = "sol::function";
else if (t == typeid(std::string) || t == typeid(std::string_view))
typeName = "string";
return std::string("Value \"") + toString(obj) + std::string("\" can not be casted to ") + typeName;