import { Face3, Geometry, Matrix4, Mesh, MeshPhongMaterial, RepeatWrapping, TextureLoader, Vector2, Vector3, } from 'three' import {uuidv4} from "./util"; import {TGALoader} from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/TGALoader"; import {DDSLoader} from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/DDSLoader"; export class Shape { constructor({ vertices = [], faces = [], texture = null, uvSets = [], normals = [], translation = [0, 0, 0], rotation } = {}, filePrefix = "") { = uuidv4(); this.vertices = vertices; this.translation = translation; this.rotation = rotation; this.faces = faces; this.textureInfo = texture; this.normals = normals; this.uvSets = uvSets; this.filePrefix = filePrefix; this.geometry = null; this.mesh = null; this.texture = null; this.material = null; } getMaterial() { if (this.material) { return this.material; } const params = { color: 0xffffff, transparent: true, alphaTest: 0.2, }; if (this.textureInfo) { let Loader; if (this.textureInfo.file.toLowerCase().endsWith('.tga')) { Loader = TGALoader } else if (this.textureInfo.file.toLowerCase().endsWith('.dds')) { Loader = DDSLoader } else { Loader = TextureLoader } this.texture = new Loader().load(this.filePrefix + this.textureInfo.file, () => { }, null, (err) => { console.log(err) }); if (this.textureInfo.wrapS) { this.texture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping; } if (this.textureInfo.wrapT) { this.texture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping; } this.texture.flipY = false; = this.texture; } return this.material = new MeshPhongMaterial(params); } getGeometry() { if (this.geometry) { return this.geometry; } const geometry = this.geometry = new Geometry(); for (let [x, y, z] of this.vertices) { geometry.vertices.push(new Vector3(x, y, z)) } const uvSets = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.uvSets.length; i++) { uvSets.push([]); } for (let i = 0; i < this.faces.length; i++) { let [a, b, c] = this.faces[i]; // Add faces with normals // Normals are stored per vector geometry.faces.push(new Face3(a, b, c, [ new Vector3(this.normals[a][0], this.normals[a][1], this.normals[a][2]), new Vector3(this.normals[b][0], this.normals[b][1], this.normals[b][2]), new Vector3(this.normals[c][0], this.normals[c][1], this.normals[c][2]) ])); for (let j = 0; j < this.uvSets.length; j++) { uvSets[j].push([ new Vector2(this.uvSets[j][a][0], this.uvSets[j][a][1]), new Vector2(this.uvSets[j][b][0], this.uvSets[j][b][1]), new Vector2(this.uvSets[j][c][0], this.uvSets[j][c][1]), ]) } } geometry.faceVertexUvs = uvSets; // First rotate let m = new Matrix4(); m.makeBasis(new Vector3(...this.rotation[0]), new Vector3(...this.rotation[1]), new Vector3(...this.rotation[2])); geometry.applyMatrix4(m); // Then translate geometry.translate(this.translation[0], this.translation[1], this.translation[2]); // Scale up a bit geometry.scale(2, 2, 2); // Rotate the face so it faces us \o/ geometry.rotateX(290 * (Math.PI / 180)); geometry.computeFaceNormals(); geometry.computeVertexNormals(); return this.geometry; } getMesh() { if (this.mesh) { return this.mesh; } this.mesh = new Mesh(this.getGeometry(), this.getMaterial()); return this.mesh; } }