#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat import json def export(path): data = NifFormat.Data() with open(path, 'rb') as f: data.inspect(f) data.read(f) objects = [] for root in data.roots: name = root.name.decode('utf-8').lower() # For this project, only hair and head matters if 'hair' in name or 'head' in name: sys.stderr.write("> " + name + "\n") else: sys.stderr.write(" " + name + "\n") continue if isinstance(root, NifFormat.NiNode): objects.append(export_object(root)) # Some NiTriShape's are a root object if isinstance(root, NifFormat.NiTriShape): objects.append({'name': root.name.decode('utf-8'), 'shapes': [export_shape(root)]}) return objects def export_object(root: NifFormat.NiNode): obj = {'name': root.name.decode("utf-8"), 'shapes': []} for shape in root.get_children(): if not isinstance(shape, NifFormat.NiTriShape): continue obj['shapes'].append(export_shape(shape)) return obj def export_shape(shape: NifFormat.NiTriShape): vertices = [(vertice.x, vertice.y, vertice.z) for vertice in list(shape.data.vertices)] faces = shape.data.get_triangles() uv_sets = [[[coord.u, coord.v] for coord in uv_set] for uv_set in shape.data.uv_sets] normals = [(vertice.x, vertice.y, vertice.z) for vertice in list(shape.data.normals)] texture = None for property in shape.get_properties(): if isinstance(property, NifFormat.NiTexturingProperty): texture = export_texture(property.base_texture) return { 'name': shape.name.decode("utf-8"), 'vertices': vertices, 'faces': faces, 'uvSets': uv_sets, 'normals': normals, 'texture': texture, 'translation': (shape.translation.x, shape.translation.y, shape.translation.z), 'rotation': shape.rotation.as_list(), } def export_texture(texture): wrap_s = texture.clamp_mode in [2, 3] wrap_t = texture.clamp_mode in [1, 3] source = texture.source return { 'wrapS': wrap_s, 'wrapT': wrap_t, 'uvSet': texture.uv_set, 'file': source.file_name.decode("utf-8") } if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]}