import {CRS, LatLng, LatLngBounds, map, tileLayer} from 'leaflet' import {NwahIcons} from "./NwahIcons"; import {NwahPlayer} from "./NwahPlayer"; import {Component} from "preact"; import PlayerList from "./components/PlayerList"; export class NwahMap { constructor({mapUrl, settings, icons, websocketUrl, playerList} = {}) { this.players = {}; this.mapUrl = mapUrl; this.playerList = playerList; this.settings = settings || { cellSize: 2048, cellOffsetY: -20, cellOffsetX: 8, }; = null; this.follow = false; this.icons = icons || NwahIcons; this.websocketUrl = websocketUrl; } setFollow(follow) { this.follow = follow; } init(element, component) { = map(element, { zoom: 3, center: this.gameCoordsToLatLng(0, 0), crs: CRS.Simple }); window.nwahMap = this; LatLngBounds(new LatLng(-255, 255), new LatLng(0, 0)));; this.tileLayer = tileLayer('/tileset/mwmap/zoom{z}/vvardenfell-{x}-{y}-{z}.jpg', { attribution: '', minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 7, zoomOffset: 10, }); this.tileLayer.addTo(; if (this.websocketUrl) { this.websocket = new WebSocket(this.websocketUrl); this.websocket.onmessage = (message) => { let event = JSON.parse(; if (event.type === "playerPosition") { this.updatePositions(event.positions); } if (event.type === "fullPlayer") { this.updatePlayers(event.players); component.setState({players: event.players}); window.players = event.players; } if (this.follow) { this.zoomOnPlayers(); } } } } zoomOnPlayers() { let locations = Object.values(this.players) .filter(x => x.isOutside) .map(x => this.gameCoordsToLatLng(x.x, x.y)); if (locations.length === 0) { return; } let bounds = new LatLngBounds(locations);; } updatePositions(positions) { let knownPlayers = new Set(Object.keys(this.players)); for (let pos of positions) { const name =; knownPlayers.delete(name); if (!(name in this.players)) { this.players[name] = new NwahPlayer(name); this.players[name].addTo(this); } let [x, y] = pos.position; this.players[name].update(x, y, pos.rotation, false, pos.isOutside, pos.cell); } for (let name of knownPlayers) { this.players[name].remove(); delete this.players[name]; } } updatePlayers(players) { let knownPlayers = new Set(Object.keys(this.players)); for (let player of players) { const name =; knownPlayers.delete(name); if (!(name in this.players)) { this.players[name] = new NwahPlayer(name); this.players[name].addTo(this); } let {x, y} = player.position; this.players[name].update(x, y, player.rotation.z, true, player.isOutside, player.cell); } for (let name of knownPlayers) { this.players[name].remove(); delete this.players[name]; } } gameCoordsToLatLng(x, y) { return new LatLng( (y / this.settings.cellSize) - 128 + this.settings.cellOffsetY, 128 + ((x / this.settings.cellSize) + this.settings.cellOffsetX), ); } show({x, y}) {, y)); } }